There is a high probability that the incoming enemies are monsters, and the number of them is at least three, at most... It is not clear.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

Lei Xu was in a heavy mood, lying on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep - he was a little sleepy.

As a genuine Ultraman, Lei Xu is not afraid of any alien spacecraft.

It's not that the vehicle carrier in the form of spaceship and battleship is not powerful, but...

In the Austrian special photo, except for a few boss-level enemies, such as the space-time city of the time-space demon Atalga, the giga-endola of Dración, and the giant claw-shaped planetary fortress in the Belial Galactic Empire , the Iron Planet Fortress that appeared in the Iron Universe is rumored to be outside the Bit Star.

How many alien starships can withstand Ultraman's ray of light?

Of course, there are many reasons that can be said if you insist on breaking up.

For example, the main body of the special shot is Ultraman and monsters, and the alien warships cannot be overwhelming, and most of the alien warships appear as escapes near the end.

Then he was attacked by various Ultramans who didn't talk about martial arts, and got into his soul.

After all, a special shot is a special shot, and it cannot be generalized. The lack of expressiveness in the plot does not mean that the alien warship is really weak, and we must pay attention to it.

It's not that Lei Xu doesn't understand the above reasons.

However, with the successive incidents that happened in the past few days, including using light skills to rescue the Tiancheng, and in several operations, he continued to dig out his own abilities in the Ultra form. Lei Xu is now at a stage of rising self-confidence.

It's not enough to be proud and complacent, but there is a little bit of self-satisfaction in my heart.

The previous initiative to fight is also... Isn't it just a few alien spaceships?

Considering that long-range attacks may be evaded, there can be no more solutions with a ray of light close to the face.

Now you tell me the enemy is a monster?

In the plot, compared to the collapsed spaceship, monsters, as normal enemies, are rarely so weak that they cannot be seen.

Except for the butt mongoose and the original monster bird!

Moreover, it is very likely that it is a mass-produced biological weapon specially made by the enemy, not a wild monster, such as an ordinary monster like the ancient two-tailed monster.

Mass production, this word is a bit synonymous with cannon fodder, but in fact...

Going down to the Golden Ancient Bridge, going up to the Dark Lopes Sero, and the unparalleled iron god Ying Plaza in the middle, which one is not a mass-produced miscellaneous soldier?

Which one is easy to get along with?

All right, just admit that these are robots, not biological weapons.

The cosmic dinosaur Jayton, the super beasts of the Yabo people, and those who can't do better, such as Gob who appeared in the first episode of Gaia.

Lei Xu was a little flustered to let his current self fight the aforementioned biological weapons.

Even if it is broken like Gob, it also has the terrifying combat power to fight against Gaia not long after breaking out of its shell.


Thinking of Gayari and the episode of Planet Destroyer Vasette, Lei Xu was in a bad mood.


This wave of incoming enemies can't really be a biological weapon factory full of monster eggs like Vasette, right?

... Probably not, how could it be such a coincidence, go to sleep, get enough energy, and prepare to fend off the enemy.

Having said that, being urged by such terrible thoughts, how can I sleep.

Lei Xu sat upright on the bed, quickly dialed Zhang Wei's communication code, and told him all these terrible guesses.

The answer I got was...

The possibility of such a development cannot be completely ruled out.

However, if this is the case, it will not match Lei Xu's dream at all!

The one in the dream stands on the canal through the city. The WA Bridge with decades of use has not yet been completed, and it is expected to be completed in two years.

In other words, it is not yet time for the enemy to fully invade.

Assume that Lei Xu's dream is the future under the premise that 'he, the Ultraman, does not appear'.

That is to say, human beings can completely resist the enemy's initial invasion by themselves.

In other words, because of Lei Xu's prophetic dream, the future has been disturbed and changed, so it's useless to worry about it now, you can only see tricks.

Taking a step back, if the enemy really has crushing combat power against human beings, there is no need to immediately dispatch starships aggressively and organize armed suppression after being "seen" by the core observation module.

The actions of the enemy have disproved their own guilty conscience.

Therefore, Lei Xu need not worry.

After the current situation is resolved, the senior officials of Rabbit Country will order him to go to the vicinity of Jupiter's orbit to investigate to see if there are really painful feet of the enemy nearby, and take action according to the situation.

Zhang Wei seriously analyzed Lei Xu's situation over and over again, and finally dispelled Lei Xu's many worries for the time being.

Once the heavy mood is gone, it is natural to fall asleep.

Lei Xu was also really tired, and transformed more than a dozen times, acting as a transporter and an Otto shield machine.

Eating and drinking can supplement the consumption of the body, but the consumption of the mind can only be restored by real rest and sleep.

As a result, Lei Xu quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Emmm, that's not true—he wasn't dreaming this time.

Lei Xu was awakened by a series of hasty knocks on the door. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and glanced at his mobile phone. He found that it was only about 4 hours before he fell asleep.

His spirit was instantly lifted—Lei Xu knew that Zhang Wei and the two Chief Assistants would never disturb his rest at this time if it was not really necessary.

Is it possible...

Lei Xu had a terrible guess.

open the door quickly—

Unsurprisingly, it was Zhang Wei who knocked on the door, followed by two strange staff officers.

Lei Xu immediately said in awe:


"The enemy's speed has increased? Where are they now? When should I go?"

Four questions burst out in a row, good guy, Zhang Wei was stunned by the question.

Zhang Wei, who took two or three seconds to recall, quickly waved his hand and pressed Lei Xu's question, "It's not what you imagined."

"There are still 26 hours before the scheduled time of contact with the enemy. I woke you up because of other circumstances."

"What?" Hearing this, Lei Xu relaxed, and replied angrily:

"Your old man almost scared me out of my wits."

"Tell me, what's the situation, Director Qiao Ya needs my help?"

After thinking about it, Lei Xu only thought of this possibility.


"Okay, I'll start right away, let's wait over there... What did you say?"

Lei Xu turned his head, puzzled:

"Besides this, what else must I do?"

Zhang Wei smiled helplessly and said:

"Bald Eagle and Occidental agree to pay for our electricity bill - once."


Lei Xu didn't turn the corner for a while.

"The bald eagle spent 1 million eagle dollars to buy our ground-based laser torrent system with a full power output to stop the enemy in advance."

"What ground-based laser torrent, what does that have to do with me..."


not good -

It's a big game!

Lei Xu finally realized that there is no ground-based laser torrent system in Rabbit Country, let alone blocking the enemy in advance.

The so-called ground-based laser torrent system is just an excuse to cover up the beam skill that Lei Xu used to rescue the Tiancheng...


30 Representative of Rabbit Country: I wanted to refuse at first~

PS: Reminder before watching - this world is not reality, please do not take it for granted, this article is completely empty and has nothing to do with reality ~ thanks ~.

On the Snapdragon fighter plane, on the way back to the L7 base in the Hengduan Mountains, Zhang Wei explained the details to Lei Xu on the call channel.

In the past 17 hours, the formation of strategic alliances among various countries has progressed gratifyingly.

The docking of the shared combat link has been completed, the combat mechanism has initially taken shape, and the global support network has been fully established.

At the same time, a brand-new organization was born - Joint Strategic Coordination Department.

In terms of the main body, apart from the five parties and five elders who do their part, countries with slightly modern combat capabilities and armed forces have participated.

According to the enemy's current direction and speed, it will be about five o'clock in the morning when it arrives on the earth, and the coordinates are likely to be the North Pacific Ocean.

This really relieved the two or three cats in the southern hemisphere, but it made the countries in the northern hemisphere nervous.

The current status quo does not allow countries to continue to retain it. Under the efficient operation of the Joint Strategic Coordination Department, the statistics of the global available combat power are rapidly completed.

More than a dozen Bald Eagles in active service, as well as several retired ships, and several aircraft carriers named as amphibious assault ships have all completed their preparations and re-launched.

Most of them remain on standby in the coastal waters of the mainland, and a few ships are also deployed to the central Pacific Ocean with a battleship group, ready to support at any time.

The Rabbit Country is not to be outdone. Although the number is small, less than ten, it has obvious advantages-each of which is a standard modern aircraft carrier.

The rooster and the British lion are relatively close geographically, and at this time they temporarily let go of the gap in the past.

These two add up to almost seven aircraft carriers, as well as supporting battleships, forming a joint battle formation to fill the gap in coastal defense in Europe and the West.

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