Wait a moment--

Does this weak low-level civilization really have the strength to raise a knife?

Greg carefully scanned the man-made objects floating in the outer orbit of the planet, and found no type that could produce the powerful energy strike before.

Rather, these artificial celestial bodies can only be described as crude.

Not to mention putting it in the empire, even if it is taken separately from the Keluo civilization that has not yet been incorporated into the empire, it is still a 'cultural relic' that can be included in the ancient museum.

Do not!

It must be a disguise!

Thinking of the powerful energy attack that instantly destroyed three warships, Greg stabilized his thoughts.

What a cunning civilization~ to pretend to be so weak.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a trap - at first, Greg was so convinced.


When he used the mainframe of the spacecraft to crack the crude network system of the civilization that claimed to be human on the surface of the planet, and easily collected a lot of valuable information, Greg couldn't help but began to doubt his previous judgment.

Is this really a civilization pretending to be weak?


The most powerful weapon on the surface~ the nuclear bomb.

Outdated thermonuclear weapons are indeed powerful in terms of power alone, and the high temperature in the core explosion range is enough to destroy most unprotected warships.

If it hits directly, soldiers and beasts can't stop it.

However, what is the use of the power of light?

The empire went on an expedition, and the number of one-time war soldiers and beasts started to be thousands.

Could it be that the civilization on this planet dare to use thousands of thermonuclear weapons directly in the atmosphere?

Secondly, it is not too simple to intercept thermonuclear weapons propelled by mere chemical fuels and without a space jump system.

Even if we don't talk about interception, the high-level soldiers and beasts of the empire can resist thermonuclear weapons without injury at close range.


This is--?

The civilization on this planet really discovered their arrival early.

Greg stared at the records of past conversations in the strategic alliance network, lost in thought.

He hadn't hacked into a working comms system, that would be easy to spot.

Rabbit Country~, and...

"Shanhe Shejitu" laser torrent system, operating conditions... 10W trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity?

Greg quickly converted this data into an electrical energy unit he could understand, and was stunned for a moment when he saw the specific figures clearly.

Such a huge amount of energy consumption is enough to activate the full power of the main gun of the empire's cutting-edge Titan flagship, right?

No matter how low the energy conversion rate is...

In any case, with the protective performance of the soldiers and beasts, it is absolutely irresistible.

That silly beep persuaded him several times to stay in the same boat with him, but he refused to listen.

In the end, he died aggrieved in the hands of a 0-level civilization in another universe. Is this the only thing for the imperial people?



Having said that, this so-called 'Shanhe Sheji Map' is indeed a dangerous weapon!

Greg glanced apprehensively at the Hengduan Mountains on the phantom surface of the azure planet, and even temporarily designated the entire Rabbit Country as a restricted area.


Only one?

Do you believe?

God knows how many pictures of mountains, rivers and communities are stuffed in such a large country.

Also, on the other pole of the planet, the bald eagle, which is known as the largest country, has also been temporarily classified by Greg as an object that cannot be provoked.

The strength on the surface is stronger than that of the Rabbit Country. God knows if there is a hidden weapon stronger than the Rabbit Country.

Along with that, the other three members of the five-party and five-old family were also cautiously pulled out of the range of provocation by Greg.

In a short period of time, it was difficult for Greg to understand the relationship between the various countries on this planet.

But Greg believes that the so-called five parties and five elders are definitely not just a condition for possessing backward thermonuclear weapons.

There are more than five thermonuclear weapons on this planet. Why don't other countries have five parties and five elders?

From his point of view, those two countries, whose land area is much smaller than the Rabbit Country and the Bald Eagle, might be more terrifying than the other three.

Otherwise, how could the two of them become five elders?

Although, in Greg's eyes, the five parties and five elders on this planet are not enough for the empire, even in front of the Koro civilization.

But with his current combat power...

The activation of the soldiers and beast eggs was temporarily suppressed, but that wouldn't last long.

Without the modulation equipment on the soldiers and beasts, it is impossible for soldiers and beasts to adapt to the environment of this living planet.

It must be released in the universe, so there is no need to consider the environmental adaptation of soldiers and beasts.


Greg looked down at the exquisite Rubik's Cube full of cracks in his hand, full of distress and reluctance, is this the only one that can be used?

He is naturally confident in the ultimate means of the ultra-ancient equipment in his hand-in the face of this super technological crystallization from ancient civilization, the high-level soldiers and beasts of the empire are just mediocre.

Even if it is the "Mountain River Sheji Map" in the data, whose energy consumption is comparable to that of the new flagship main gun of the Empire's Titan class, it may not be able to do anything to get it.

Energy expenditure is one thing, how much energy is actually converted is another.

Greg naturally didn't have the confidence to touch the main gun of the flagship of the empire, but he didn't believe that the energy weapon that this weak 0-level civilization might be lucky enough to produce could be comparable to the power of the main gun of the flagship of the empire.

Facts have proved that the artificial celestial bodies in the outer orbit must not be provoked, otherwise they will attract the sniping of the ground's "Mountain River Sheji Map" every minute.

On the surface, the land of the five parties and five elders is not the object that can be tested and provoked at the first time, so Greg naturally lowered his gaze.

No, no, no, you still have to be more cautious, more cautious.

The only ones that can be used are soldiers and beasts that cannot enter the atmosphere, and...

For the exploration of this planet's native land, it's best to wait... no, it's completely possible to make a fuss.

Playing the trump card at the beginning is of course a strategic problem, but with limited strength at hand right now, it is necessary to test out the foundation of this civilization all at once.

Losing the opportunity will only increase the difficulty of conquering this planet.

In addition, do the civilizations on this planet have any other facilities outside the planet itself?

Even if it’s just a scientific research facility, if it’s just for testing—

Greg suddenly remembered, remembering that there was an active electromagnetic wave signal scanned on the satellite of this planet just now...

43 牺牲!

The bright yellow streamer fireball flew over the top of the head at a very high speed, and exploded silently on the crater wall behind.

In an instant, the ground under his feet shook, and the photovoltaic panels that had just been installed beside him were also staggered by this wave of terrible shocks.

There is no wind on the moon, and these photovoltaic panels are not and do not need to be fixed somewhere in order to facilitate recycling, as they are on Earth.

Wang Lei couldn't stand and sat down on the ground, a fine gray moon dust rose in front of his helmet.

"Everyone get down-!!!"

An urgent call came from an unknown companion from the space suit communicator, but Wang Lei hadn't reacted yet, only to see a few eye-catching bright yellow streamers flashing across the gray vision in front of him again.


The low and dull roar was conducted along the contact surface between the ground and the spacesuit into the eardrums, and the huge vibration was accompanied by fragments of photovoltaic panels flying all over the sky, stirring up gray moon dust that covered the sky.

what happened?

All this really happened too fast, before Wang Lei could regain his senses, he felt a majestic force about to blow him off the surface of the moon.

Fortunately, there is no air or other conducting medium on the moon, the scorching shock wave did not spread very far, and Wang Lei's body was only pressed down on the ground for a short time.

The surrounding photovoltaic panels block the large pieces of debris, and the fine moon dust is not enough to penetrate the tough and heavy lunar spacesuit in a short time, so Wang Lei will be safe for a while.

At this time, Wang Lei, who was lying on his back in the photovoltaic panel, had a blank mind.

He stared blankly at the stars in the brilliant starry sky, and suddenly, a huge black shadow entered his line of sight.

The next moment, a tremor struck close at hand, and terrifying claws covered with pitch-black scales descended from the sky, stepping down several fallen photovoltaic panels not far from Wang Lei's side deeply into the ground.

Wang Lei unconsciously looked up, then his Adam's apple wriggled deeply, swallowed hard, and a noun unconsciously appeared in his mind:


What a hideous monster this is.

Although the quadrupeds standing on the lunar surface are sunken deep below the ground surface and cannot be seen clearly, there is a whole row of slender and hideous bone spurs extending from the exposed joint intersections. Wang Lei has no doubt whether the bone spurs shining with cold metallic luster are Have enough lethality.

From Wang Lei's perspective, he couldn't see the whole picture of this terrifying monster clearly. He could only see the dense, dark and tough scales covering the whole body of this monster.

Terrifying, exploding muscles propped up the black and thick scales high up the eye-catching muscle lines. Wang Lei felt that even the devilish muscle cow he had seen in magazines before could not compete with the monster in front of him. comparable in line.

In the middle of the obsidian-like scale muscle lines, several scarlet lava-like lines glowing with crimson fire criss-cross, and the light undulates and flows regularly like life.


Such a monster of Khorne was standing on top of his head at this time, Wang Lei's aura couldn't help but began to rush, but the monster's aura was even longer.

What it breathes is definitely not oxygen. Wang Lei can see the endless milky white scorching breath passing not far from the top of the head, ablating the grayish white earth into a crystal reflection.

Wang Lei held his breath and lay motionless on his back. At this moment, only such movements could bring him a little sense of security.

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