The representative of Rabbit Country nodded without hesitation:

"That's right——we've confirmed that, including the complete corpse of the monster, the undamaged and operable spaceship, and all the seven captives of the alien invaders are under our complete control at this moment—the Ultra fighters are guarding them personally."

The screen switched, and seven grotesques flashed one by one.

The meeting hall suddenly became noisy, and it took about 5 minutes for the chaos to gradually return to silence under the lowered hands of the representative of the rabbit country.

"We are fully prepared--

With the cooperation of the Ultra fighters, we can take the representatives to confirm the authenticity of the above statements with their own eyes, and then come back to continue our next topic. "

Representatives of various countries & the leader of the Bald Eagle: ? ? ?

The commander of the bald eagle suddenly realized, feelings~, this is what the surprise in the mouth of the chief assistant of the two rabbits refers to?

"This voyage, reaching the moon, is expected to complete the round trip within one hour.

At the same time, following the principle of complete voluntariness~, the Ultra fighters guarantee the safety of all participants present.

But those with physical problems are prohibited from participating..."


The red ball of light pulled out a striking streamer and fell towards the blue planet without hesitation.


Bangkok, United Nations Asian Headquarters.

"What do you mean?" The representative of the Bald Eagle asked with a look of disbelief, as if confirming:


"That's right!"

Finally, as if giving an ultimatum, the representative of Rabbit Country said slowly:

"Those who are willing to undertake this voyage, please change the space suit under the guidance and help of the staff, and inform your own security personnel to remain calm."

"Repeat, willing to do this..."

This is talking nonsense~, no one here is willing to miss this amazing journey of the universe, even if they are really sick.

In the rear, a group of high-level officials from various countries who did not attend the scene in person, including the remaining three from the five parties and five elders, all had varying degrees of regret on their faces.

When the countries were notified of the meeting, high-level officials from many countries did not come in person due to various concerns.

after all……

Today's Rabbit Country is not the Rabbit Country 14 hours ago - it already has the power to overwhelm the whole world, if the Ultra warrior who has reached a cooperation with the Rabbit Country is willing.

When everyone present changed into thick spacesuits and regrouped in this wide conference hall.

In the next second, the intense red light penetrated the solid dome, swept over every corner of the hall in an instant, and then disappeared into the clear sky again...

58 staff ready!

From the beginning to the end, Lei Xu didn't really show up.

He directly brought a group of high-level officials and representatives into the shelter, just as he was caught off guard when he appeared on the stage, no one could see how Lei Xu left.

In fact, Lei Xu submerged into the saucer-shaped spacecraft after leaving the shelter, and mixed with the soldiers guarding the aliens~.

The shelter is still rough and hot.

The work underneath was not yet complete, and the previous attack had made much of the work done, and the astronauts had to hurry up and start all over again.

"This is... the moon?"


Some are still paying attention to their suddenly lighter bodies, and some are already observing the layout and display in the shelter.

And the astronauts who are working intensively inside, without any other protection except for simple radiation dustproof suits.

For a while, exclamations in various languages ​​rang out endlessly.

The representatives who first came to the moon felt their bodies suddenly became light and light, and even forgot to capture the real identity of the Ultra fighters for a while.

Representatives from various countries who can participate in this level of meeting are all absolutely high-level.

However, even among them, almost no one imagined that they could actually come to the moon one day.

Three days back in time, counting the entire history of human civilization, only 12 people have actually landed on the moon.


After a long while, when the representatives calmed down a little, Qiao Ya coughed lightly and linked to the public channel opened by default. His voice rang directly in everyone's ears:

"Everyone, everyone, time is tight, please keep quiet."

"First of all, everyone, don't panic. Since you have not received any space suit operation training, special personnel will control the opening and closing of some systems."

"It's still daytime outside and the temperature is over 127 degrees Celsius.

So I'm going to lower the light filtering percentage of your helmet in advance indoors, and at the same time activate the internal temperature constant, the built-in battery is enough..."

It was not a temporary idea to take the representatives to inspect the lunar shelter. Joya has a complete handling process here.

However, these people are not professional astronauts after all.

In order to prevent some of them from committing suicide, such as standing on the moon and looking directly at the sun, advance warning and precautionary measures are necessary.

Soon, a group of representatives walked out of the lunar shelter under the guidance of Joya.

Rao is that the high-level executives have made psychological expectations in advance, and try their best to make it less embarrassing.


When they really walked out of the shelter, stood on the vast land of the moon, looked up at the star-studded deep space, and the blue planet floating not far from the horizon, everyone still couldn't help staring round their eyes, showing a A look of great shock.

"That is……"

A representative standing on the edge of the shelter's high platform just poked his head out and froze in place while looking down.

A huge and ferocious monster covered in pitch-black scales was quietly lying in the shadow of the huge pit outside the shelter.

On the edge of the pit, a row of strong searchlights aimed obliquely at the bottom, and the clearly visible pillars of white light fell into the shadows, illuminating the terrifying giant beast in every detail.

Under the light, several people in spacesuits were standing beside the monster's ferocious head, sweeping towards the monster's body with an instrument of unknown purpose.

Some representatives also noticed that they were on the low slope of a huge crater, above the triangular door of the shelter, three hideous cracks seemed to be telling something.

On the gray-white ground not far from the shelter, there are still many fragments of photovoltaic panels half-submerged in the gray-white moon dust.

Rabbit country statement that before the attack on Shibuya, the statement that the moon shelter has been attacked is obviously not a lie to coax and win sympathy.

Thinking about it, the sudden attack, the sacrifice and loss of the Rabbit Country is not small...

Under self-criticism, the representative of the island and the commander of the bald eagle have a lot of psychological balance.

And more sharp-eyed people saw a gray-black flying saucer with a diameter of more than 70 meters not far from the artificial lunar module below the shelter, which was half submerged in the lunar soil.

A group of high-level representatives suddenly felt excited, the future of mankind...

"Because the relevant equipment is not yet complete, it is impossible to determine whether the energy core of the mechanical monster will have any adverse effects on the human body, so our trip will end within half an hour..."

Qiao Ya's words obviously did not attract the approval of the representatives, and they did not want to return.

"Can we go and see that ship?" a representative asked.

"When can we participate in the research together?"

This is an aerospace expert who saw the eyes of the spacecraft shine.

Many of the representatives have temporarily replaced their adjutants. Space experts are obviously more suitable for a trip to the moon than secretaries and recorders who focus on administrative work.


Combined with the news of the establishment of GDI, the above meaning is very clear-to remove all obstacles and gather the strength of all human beings to build a lunar scientific research base in the shortest possible time.

Although he really doesn't want to admit it, as the person in charge of scientific research, Qiao Ya knows in his heart that the scientific research strength of the rabbit country alone is not enough to satisfy the three major objects on the moon.

That is, the monster, the energy core of the mechanical behemoth, and the scientific research needs of that alien spaceship.

As far as the harsh environment of the moon is concerned, many scientific research instruments cannot be brought, and need to be specially customized for the environment of the moon.

There are some things that money can't buy.

Qiao Ya was slightly happy in her heart, but her face remained calm:

"If you are willing, of course you are always waiting..."

Suddenly, the noise in the channel interrupted Joya's statement, and the meanings of the chaotically mixed words tended to be consistent:

"Look there!"

Qiao Ya followed the prestige and saw that the red light sphere leaked from the surface of the flying saucer, pulling out a beautiful rainbow light in the dark deep space background, jumping towards the blue in the distance...


Qiao Ya is dealing with the representatives, and here Lei Xu also received news from the L7 base again:

[The expert group is complete. 】

Lei Xu cheered up immediately, after such a long time, everyone finally arrived.


What experts are you asking?

An aerospace engineer who studies spaceships, a top bilingual expert specializing in human and biological sciences, a linguistics professor who is proficient in twelve languages, and——

An elite from Bureau G, an intelligence front specializing in torture.

59 I ask, you answer!

In less than 5 minutes, Lei Xu, who had gone back and forth, returned to the moon again.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of all the representatives, the red giant exuding iridescent brilliance descended from the sky holding a huge circular cabin, and slowly fell into the gray-white lunar land.

No way, there are not many people this time, but a series of equipment and tools are indispensable.

A group of more than a dozen people walked out of the open circular cabin, and several spacecraft experts walked towards the flying saucer with excited expressions.

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