This is the hidden setting of Unikin, which is a verbal supplement from the script writer of the story.

Thanks to the rabbit country seed elites who have worked hard for this.

Lei Xu never expected that he would get such a big surprise during his trip.

Not because Eugene can grant wishes, but...

The real existence of Unikin itself is of great significance to both Lei Xu and the future of mankind.

Yes, it is what you think it is!

A known:

Unikin is a monster that exists in Ultraman Max, and Ultraman Max has appeared many times in the plots of the Kingdom of Light series.

At the same time, add a hidden known condition: Younijin is now in front of Lei Xu.


1-The Kingdom of Light really exists.

2-With the help of Unikin, Lei Xu can completely deliver the news to the Kingdom of Light.

Or——, go to the Kingdom of Light to ask for help in person!

With this skin that is very similar to the figure of the L77 star royal family, Lei Xu felt that he could at least invite the help of Brother Leo.

what does this mean?

Fast-forward to the final scene where all the Sero Guards are present, King Ao is watching from a distance, the new generation shows off their skins one by one, and the "black and evil" forces of the Kingdom of Light rush to help across the universe.

At that time, all empires will be scum!

In the end, God Noah stared at the earth through the holy shield of Palaji of the Rabbit Saioltian.

Then, he suddenly discovered that the universe he had saved had been messed up by the Lao Shizi Empire.

Oh wow-

The Fall of the Empire Trilogy.jpg

Tsuburaya: Don't rush, don't rush, it's filming, it's filming!

Cough cough, the fantasy is over, back to reality——

Lei Xu stared at the three imperial fireships attacking this fantastic holy creature.

However, every time when the attack is about to hit the body surface, the surface of Unikin's body will burst into dazzling holy light.

The bursting radiance spread in a ring shape, clearing everything around in an instant.

From Lei Xu's perspective, every time Unikin bursts into light, all the surrounding colors will disappear out of thin air as if erased by something.

Moreover, Lei Xu noticed that this holy and beautiful phantom beast is indeed as kind as the script writer set or described.

Eugene never fought back—

Even if it has this ability, even if it can destroy the enemy's spaceship as long as it gets close, even if the three fireships are already so aggressive.

In the plot about Eugene, there is a description of being bound by a wax rod and captured by a crystal.

To be able to leave a record means... that Eugene was successfully captured.

Lei Xu clenched his fists unconsciously.

Could it be that a kind existence should be violated?

Kind people are like this, and so are kind monsters!

Never allow it!

Randomly finding a reason for himself, Lei Xu turned into a streamer and rushed into the battlefield in an instant.

Hands folded on the timer, accompanied by eye-catching flashes, a thin pure white light wheel suddenly flashed in the center of the raised right hand.

Not far in front of the holy phantom, a red figure with a striking white awn came across three triangular-shaped imperial fireships unexpectedly.

The moment they crossed each other, an imperial fireship split open from the middle, and the two halves were cut cleanly. The hull went its separate ways under the action of inertia, and then turned into two eye-catching plasma fireballs in the dark deep sky.

Lei Xu didn't leave a gap for the remaining two imperial fireships to recover. The thin sharp light that was held in the palm of his hand suddenly appeared in the void. .

A few seconds later, two eye-catching yellow plasma fireworks bloomed one after another.

There is no need for the fireship to stay, it will only make the enemy on the imperial logistics ship think that there is still capital to resist, and then create the illusion of "can be rescued".

Behind him, the holy light followed like a shadow.

Lei Xu turned his head and found that Yunijin was not far away from him. The mouth of the shining phantom beast opened and closed slightly, and the clear and clear cry that crossed the vacuum resounded in his mind.

Unikin seemed to be thanking him.

[Can I trouble you not to leave, just wait for me while moving around this planet, I have something to ask for your help. 】

According to common sense, it is time to make a wish.

But Lei Xu had no intention of making a wish casually.

For one thing, he didn't know the limit of Eugene's ability to realize his wish.

Secondly, it takes 12 years for Eugene to realize the wishes of others.

The empire, the terrifying existence that ruled across six universes, is like a fishbone stuck in the neck of human beings.

Who can guarantee that after the dimensional beacon on the logistics ship is released, the empire will definitely not be able to find it here?

What's more, the space-time wound in the distance doesn't look like it will close or heal naturally in a short time.

There is this gap in time and space, plus a super civilization that can invade across the universe and never stop, the empire.

Lei Xu feels that as long as they are willing, the exposure of this universe will happen sooner or later.

Originally, human beings and high-level governments in various countries were already on the verge of despair.

Younijin can be called the life-saving straw that appeared in front of Lei Xu.

The most important function of a life-saving straw is that it will not break easily.

It's all about stability!

If Unikin can realize Lei Xu's wish as set, then the content of the wish must be carefully considered.

If Yunijin can't realize his wish, then Lei Xu thinks that he has other choices.

Lei Xu stared nervously at Yunijin's holy figure. There was no white wax rod here, and he never expected this to happen. He didn't have any ability to keep this time-space mythical beast.

Without Yunikin's consent, he couldn't deal with the imperial logistics ship with peace of mind.

What if Eugene runs away?

What if Eugene leaves this time and space?

What if Eugene returns to Maxverse?

With a holy figure, the figure of the red giant is reflected in the golden pupils of the mythical phantom beast.

In the void, the slowly moving holy Eudemon bowed its head gracefully.

Then, a clear, indistinguishable and gentle words echoed in Lei Xu's mind:

【Well, go quickly, I also hope to get your help, people of light. 】

70 突入舰桥!

Man of Light?

To be able to say this...

In other words, the Mythical Eudemons in front of them did recognize Lei Xu's posture - it is very likely that it has seen other Ultraman, possibly Max.

In other words, this Unikin may be the one in the plot.

The thought in his mind was fleeting, and after receiving a positive reply from Unikin, Lei Xu turned back without hesitation and rushed towards the imperial logistics ship that was still stagnant near the time-space wound.

Superman's vision instantly sees through the gray-black mirror armor on the surface of the logistics ship. Dozens of Koro engineers who are running or bowing their heads in the ship are ignored, and Lei Xu's eyes are directly focused on the center.

According to Greg's account, that's where the core melting pot of the Imperial logistics ship is located.

And the bridge... Lei Xu quickly wandered his eyes——

Inside the ship, thousands of chubby unmanned self-disciplined maintenance machines shuttle through the narrow maintenance passage non-stop.

They stopped sometimes, emitting a weak scanning light, as if they were looking for damage inside the ship, and sometimes they cracked the smooth metal surface, stretched out the detection rods to rest on the exposed lines, and galloped all the way.

I see!

In the next second, Lei Xu's eyes lit up.

Captured the special self-discipline maintenance machine that seems to be on standby curled up in the exclusive ganache.

If it hadn't been known in advance, even if Lei Xu could see through, he probably wouldn't think that the real identity of this thing turned out to be the real bridge of this imperial logistics ship.

In fact, every exclusive gantry of the self-discipline maintenance machine can become a docking socket of the bridge.

And even the Ke Luo engineer who served on the ship, almost no one knew that the real posture of the bridge was actually these inconspicuous self-discipline maintenance machines.

As for the one near the central core furnace, most of the physical control lines are integrated, which is very similar to the bridge control room.


That's just an illusion!

Imperial logistics ship, bridge—

"Fireship No. 1-3, confirmed sinking."

The Koro crew in front of the control center reported in a panic:

"What to do, sir?"

"That guy is coming at us!"

"What are you panicking about!"

On the captain's seat, the haughty Koro man calmly ordered:

"Send a message to His Highness and my brother. The safety of the logistics ship is related to the future of the Imperial Army. They dare not continue to play hide-and-seek with us."

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