Or a more detached... pope?

"Who is the current sage?"

Lei Xu slowed down and asked several questions in succession:

"What is the composition of those rebels? What did they do? Are you—Daisi still watching the darkness?"

"Of course!"

When Lei Xu mentioned 'watching the darkness', Crowe's face showed pride and pride, "Daisi has always adhered to the teachings of the first generation of sages, and has never wavered."

"As a compatriot who came from afar, I will report to the sages, and the sages must be willing to meet you."

Lei Xu's brows twitched when he heard it, "reception" is okay.

Did Da Yisi's social system go back to the feudal theocracy era?

"Damn traitors, there is no need to mention it!"

Crowe once again stared at the planet that was already a piece of molten scorched earth, gritted his teeth, and said in hatred:

"Assassination of sages, division of Daisy, and promotion of cults, each and every one is a capital crime!"


Lei Xu didn't give his name, so he simply used the collective name Kigal, and Crowe's eyes were full of murderous intent:

"You've already wasted too much of our time, if you're not going to help, please don't get in the way!"

Lei Xu narrowed his eyes slightly:

"As an apology, how about I do it for you?"

"What!?" Crowe looked over in astonishment.

"Hearing what you said, I also feel that those traitors who want to give up watching the darkness deserve to die.

What's more, I don't want my compatriots to suffer any more losses, and—"

There was regret in Lei Xu's voice, "It's a pity to destroy that planet just like that."

Crowe:? ? ?

The planet is about half the size of Earth, about the size of Mars.

"Why don't you feed it to my Belmonstein, he's very hungry now."

Crowe:  …

He took a deep look at Lei Xu, then nodded reservedly:

"Yes, it is a good thing to be able to solve the traitor's base star once and for all!"


Lei Xu called out to the big Beibei under him, "You know what to do!"

Then——, the starry sky behemoth uttered a clear and high-pitched Qingyue bird song, and turned slightly sideways.

Because of the loss of gravitational traction, the tornado dust storm extending from the distant nebula to the wide five-pointed star stagnated in the void and dissipated slowly.

In the next moment, the terrifying whirling force violently cut through the void, easily 'capturing' the planet below.

The terrifying starry space behemoth uttered a series of joyful birdsong, and rushed across the battlefield, causing all the starships along the way to start their engines in a panic to avoid it.

The pirate mothership stayed where it was, and Lei Xu could see the various anti-aircraft fires on the surface roaring again.

Because of Big Beibei's approach, the molten ground is cracking, and the fire-colored magma flies into the air under the action of gravity.

However, the magma stagnated strangely in the void shortly after lift-off, causing Klaue in the communication video to be surprised.

"Wouldn't the quality of Bemenstein tear the planet apart?" He was half questioning and half puzzled.

"how could I know?"

The more he explained, the bigger the flaw, Lei Xu simply didn't get angry, "It always eats like this."

Anyway, no one has ever seen such a big Bemonstein. If you want to say what it is, isn't it up to him?

When Big Beibei completely 'eat' the planet under him, Lei Xu looked at the excited Crowe, "Is it all right now?"

"Take me to meet your sages—3000 million years ago, did Daisy exist..."

The words were not finished, but the meaning was expressed clearly:

I can't believe you Daisy are still watching the darkness!

A religious-theocracy-like system, questioning whether it obeys the teachings of the gods...sages is the best stimulus.

"Of course!"

Crowe was really fooled, but because of Big Beibei's power, he didn't dare to use a domineering attitude.

However, Crowe still used some small actions, such as turning off the communication video, to express his dissatisfaction, and finally left a sentence:

"Since you want to know, just follow - Daisi's position is not close!"

Lei Xu nodded noncommittally, and waited until Crowe's fleet was ready to set off again, and the two talked again, before he signaled Big Beibei to stay far behind.

The rainbow light penetrated the deck of the pirate mothership, and the surface of the towering and lonely peak-like bright golden horns rippled with blackness and darkness.

The next moment when he was submerged in the darkness, Lei Xu found himself standing in a huge dark space.

And the planet that has been 'eaten' by the big beibei is quietly suspended under the gentle grip of the invisible gravity.

No matter what, it is impossible for Lei Xu to attack the so-called 'rebels' based on the one-sided words of his family.

Under Otto's vision, the surface gradually blurred.

Half a minute later—— Lei Xu successfully captured the abnormal cavity where the crowd gathered in the magma flow at a depth of nearly [-] kilometers.

In the suspected command center, everyone was in a mess.

The rainbow light pierced through the ground, and Lei Xu took a light step forward, raising his hand to hold down the woman who looked old but remained calm in the current situation... an old grandmother.

"Tell me."

Lei Xu looked at the old lady who turned her head in surprise, "Crow said you are traitors who don't respect saints, what do you have to say?"

"Disrespecting the sages!?"


Unexpectedly, the grandmother did not pursue Lei Xu's origin, and spat bitterly:

"That bastard Imnar deserves to be compared with the sages of the past!??"

Lei Xu: ......!!!

270 ??? ?_? ??? Two in one


The sage of Daisi's generation is Imnar?

Lei Xu was stunned for more than half a minute before returning to his senses.

He just finds it funny now, he thought it was the plot of a detective movie, and he has to fight wits and courage... Turning around, the answer is confusing.

Pope Death has become a contemporary sage of Daisy. Is there a funnier joke than this?

Lei Xu looked at a group of Dayis who surrounded him with vigilant faces, and coughed:

"Tell me about the Pope Death."

"The Pope of Death?"

Someone in the crowd looked suspicious, "What is that?"

Lei Xu:? ? ?

"How much do you know about Imnar?"

"Compared to this."

A hoarse female voice came with a hint of sonority, "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"


Lei Xu thought for a while and chose to throw out the trumpet, "What's the name?"


Lei Xu: ...

The Cub of Light tilted his head in doubt.

"Let go, Your Majesty the Princess!" Seizing Lei Xu's confusion, one person stepped forward to open his hand, and quickly escorted the old lady back to the crowd.

Lei Xu looked at her through the human wall in a daze.


He wasn't surprised by the age of the princess, after all, it was just a status title—the modern British lion still has a 70-year-old prince.

However, the princess made him feel...

"The Daisy royal family will inherit this name from generation to generation, ensuring that we will not forget our true hometown and mission."

Daisi raised his hand to break through the crowd, "You are not from Imnar, why are you here?"

"The Death Pope you are talking about is Imnar?"

"...I am from Kijal."

Lei Xu smiled brightly, folded his palms and bowed slightly with his thumbs flexed and stretched: "Hello, Your Highness Princess Daisi."


Da Yisi bowed his head slightly to show respect, and when he raised it again, there was a little surprise in his eyes:

"Kigal...is that what I thought it was?"

Lei Xu nodded with a smile, and naturally returned to his normal demeanor, straight to the point:

"It seems that a lot of things have happened to Daisy recently."

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