...Emotion, it is through energy, or it can see through the true posture of Lei Xu's body.

Well, Lei Xu thought about it, and it didn't seem strange.

Not to mention the mythical Eudemons Unikin, in the Austrian special film, even an alien can see through the identity of the human body, but the average vision of the earth is 0.1.

Yes, it's the one that can't be caught.

An average of more than two self-exposures in one episode, no one doubted it except for a captain who had known about it for a long time.

Examining the plot of Otto's special film with an adult's thinking, it is inevitable to be puzzled by the slowness of the people around Otto's human body.

However, it can also be quite sharp at times.

The sense of existence of the human protagonist is like Schrödinger's cat, elusive.

In the past, it can also be inferred that even if Lei Xu is the real Ultraman, the Kingdom of Light may not exist.

All the plots are actually not believable. The script writers deliberately left blank and created bugs in order to force the plot to be rounded up.

However, they learned the legend of Noah in the universe in their hometown from the bee tribe named Yifu.

And then to the mythical Eudemons Eugene in Max's plot, which really appeared in front of him.

It can be said that Lei Xu can no longer deny the existence of Ultraman and the Kingdom of Light.

【Man of Light, can you help me? 】

Seeing that Lei Xu remained silent for a long time, Unikin seemed unable to restrain himself and asked Lei Xu for help.

【Ah—oh?Thinking about something... how can I help you? 】

No matter what it is, agree to it first, and make it hard to refuse when you make a wish later--the adult's small thoughts are inevitably infused with Lei Xu.

【I want you to help me drive away the guy who is blocking my way home. 】

[The guy who stopped you from going home? 】

Hearing this, Lei Xu frowned in his heart, but he soon discovered the point of the words, and said pleasantly:

[Can you go home? 】

【Return to your own hometown universe? 】

【sure. 】

Yunijin's reply immediately made Lei Xu think about it—Max, the Kingdom of Light.

Immediately now, fast forward to M78 'Black and Evil' forces counterattack the Empire!

[If I don’t give up searching, I will definitely be able to return to my hometown, but then I may have to go further afield and find a new place to cruise...]

Lei Xu:? ? ?

What does this mean?

Lei Xu's thinking was stuck for half a second.

The amount of information in this reply and the possibility of it being generated are terrifying.

Immediately, unbelievable words were printed in the mind of the mythical phantom beast in front of him:

[You said that you have to find it slowly... Do you have other people of the same race? 】

【Of course~. 】

There was sympathy in Eugene's reading:

[Don't you have any siblings? 】

【No, wait for me slowly, wait for me slowly. 】

Lei Xu quickly calmed down and organized his thoughts...


As if a light bulb was lit on his forehead, Lei Xu couldn't wait to point to the gas giant planet below him one after another, and the position of the earth that was barely visible in the distance.

[Do you know this galaxy?No, have you been to this galaxy before, or a galaxy with a very high similarity? 】

[Please think about it, this is very important to me! 】 Lei Xu begged.

Receiving such a question, the holy Eudemons not far from the red giant tilted its head, took a careful look at Jupiter, and then looked at the distant sun with bright golden eyes.

After a while—

In Lei Xu's mind came the affirmative reply from the Mythical Eudemons:

[No, I've never been out of the house before, this is my first time in this galaxy, there's nothing wrong with it. 】

In an instant, Lei Xu's heart sank to the bottom...

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【No, I've never been out of the house before...】

There is no need for Yunijin to lie, Lei Xu has tested it, and there is no concept of lies in the cognition of the mythical and phantom beasts in front of him.

But now, Lei Xu prefers that Unikin is lying to him, rather than...

This is without a doubt the worst case scenario!

There is more than one Unikin, and the range of activities of this Unikin is not in the solar system.

Also, Eunikin said to slowly find his way home.

In other words, it itself is not sure that it can quickly return to its home universe.

This directly shattered Lei Xu's previous conjecture—the idea that the "black and evil" forces of the Kingdom of Light rushed to help, and then counterattacked the empire as a matter of course.

Also, what if you can follow Yunijin to its home universe?

The universe is immeasurably vast, and as an Ultraman, Lei Xu knew that he was actually very unqualified.

Compared with the Kingdom of Light, who was born in a professional class, Lei Xu does not have the wormhole travel skills that can span tens of thousands, or even tens of millions of light years in a short period of time.

Heisei Three Heroes, remove the two Lights of Earth, Earth Destroyer and King B.

According to the legend of Super Galaxy, Dyna, a sneaker from Heisei Street, will also have the same wormhole travel skills.

The setting of the big brother Dijia is the light from Orion, so he must have similar abilities, but Dagu doesn't need to use it, so it hasn't been shown in the plot.

Lei Xu's current fastest moving speed, the speed of light, is actually nothing compared to the vast and boundless universe.

At the speed of light, it would take 4.22 years to travel from our solar system to the nearest galaxy, Proxima Centauri.

And if according to the setting, the Kingdom of Light is 300W light-years away from the solar system, this is beyond description.

not to mention……

Lei Xu let out a deep sigh in his heart——

Not to mention the time it takes to go from this space-time gap to other universes, so what if you can go to Unikin's hometown universe?

Unless you hit the Land of Light on the ground, or your lucky value breaks through the sky, and you happen to meet someone from the Kingdom of Light... Oh.

And it also needs to hit a peaceful time when the Kingdom of Light is basically fine-this is almost impossible.

Judging from the frequency of accidents in the Kingdom of Light universe, and the situation of the Kingdom of Light revealed faintly in the special photos of the series.

Most of the time, the Ultra Space Guard is actually very busy.

There is also a plot where Ao, who is working to protect the earth, receives a call for help, and then even the most important planet, the earth, cannot spare the manpower to protect it, and returns quickly.

look back -

30 years.

If, as Greg said, the Imperial Army has received the beacon location, it will definitely arrive on time.

Is 30 years really enough time for Lei Xu to find the Kingdom of Light's rescue?

The reality is in front of us, this is a cross-universe, not a visit to the next-door supercluster of galaxies.

Even if he is now in the universe where the Kingdom of Light is located, the current Lei Xu does not have this confidence.

If it crashes into a barren galaxy, or simply falls directly into the empty void - given the vastness of the universe, the latter is a high probability event.

On a cosmic scale, this probability is infinitely close to 99.99%.

Is the flow of time inconsistent between different universes?

Yes there is such a possibility, but hope cannot be placed on this point.

If there is, then the probability of good or bad is also [-]/[-].

That is, there is a half possibility that the time velocity of this universe is relatively fast.

【You have never been out of the house, so how do you know so much? 】

Lei Xu tried to deceive himself and others, and found the flaws in the phantom beast's statement.

[I have a companion. 】

Unikin said:

[Although there are not many, distance is not an obstacle. 】

[The conversation between you and your companion is real-time? 】 Lei Xu looked up, and he saw hope again.

In the next second, hope seems to have never appeared:

【no. 】

[Time is not an obstacle. 】Mythical Eudemons added.

Lei Xu understands this, for a creature like Unigin that has no natural enemies and has a long lifespan.

Even if it takes hundreds of years in human cognition to say hello across the air, it can afford it.

Maybe, this kind of communication speed is considered 'normal' by the Unikin family.

This is--

The most irreconcilable cognitive difference between long-lived and short-lived species.

[I heard that you have the ability to fulfill wishes? 】

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