Lei Xu would naturally raise his vigilance subconsciously—the guy who can hurt Younijin, the current him has a high probability of not being able to do anything good.

His eyes first glanced at the space-time wound, well, it was no different from before.

Look back at wood...


What the hell is this?

In front of the eyes, the huge and godless red 'eye', Jupiter's Great Red Spot seems to be cut by an extremely huge and sharp blade, and a very clear and deep black 'line' appears on the surface.

Visible deep black lines extend beyond the Great Red Spot into the billowing gray-blue clouds.

Lei Xu reconfirmed his position.

That's right, there is still a distance from Jupiter's gravitational circle.

It is known that the Great Red Spot is about 2-3 times the size of the Earth.

So how wide is the 'line' that is clearly visible at this distance?

I'm afraid it's not comparable to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge...

Moreover, isn't the main body of the Great Red Spot the largest and most powerful planetary storm in the solar system?

How could it be...

Lei Xu subconsciously concentrated the light energy in his body to his eyes, he wanted to see what was going on inside.

But at this moment, a weak voice came from his mind again:

【Man of Light, help me! 】

Lei Xu's eyes froze, that's right, the source of this remark is...Jupiter!

And it's somewhere under the Great Red Spot!

It's a pity that after the sound, the words were cut off again, which made it impossible for Lei Xu to trace the exact location of Unikin.

Lei Xu planned to sink into Jupiter's atmosphere, but the reason that appeared in his brain stopped him.

Before the last visit, Lei Xu had a comprehensive understanding of Jupiter.

The planet in front of me, Jupiter, is the largest and most dangerous planet in the solar system, bar none.

As a gas giant, dangerous turbulence and terrible storms in Jupiter's atmosphere continue all year round, and even dense thunderstorms will occur.

Its gravitational force is at least 2.5 times that of the earth, and the composition of gas and liquid has no obvious boundaries.

Therefore, the deeper you go, the greater the gravity you feel.

The thickness of Jupiter's atmosphere can even be compared to the radius of the Earth - more than 5000KM.

Therefore, for Lei Xu, Jupiter's atmosphere is far more dangerous than Earth's.

On Earth, the time for Lei Xu to transform is only 1 minute and 30 seconds, oh yes, now it is 1 minute and 33 seconds.

Not only the gravity and the storm, but also the thick atmosphere that isolates Lei Xu from the universe.

Therefore, it is hard to imagine how long Lei Xu can last in Jupiter's atmosphere.

Director Qiao Ya had also warned Lei Xu never to enter any planet with an atmosphere thicker and more massive than that of the Earth - that would seriously reduce the maintenance time of Lei Xu's Otto form.

Lei Xu calmed down, he must be rescued, but before that...

His bright yellow eyes swept towards the gas giant planet below him, and Lei Xu's eyes swept over him.

Under the urging of his heart, his eyes slowly penetrated the turbulent clouds in Jupiter's atmosphere that are more than a hundred kilometers thick.

Where is where?

Under the surface of the Great Red Spot, Lei Xu saw a huge and exaggeratedly terrifying storm. The terrifying wind swayed the clouds and steam, and it swelled crazily.

It is almost five times larger than the apparent Great Red Spot!

The Great Red Spot is already the largest storm in the solar system, and now it is five times higher after Lei Xu's on-the-spot observation—at least!

Presumably, apart from Jupiter itself, no planet in the solar system will break this record.

No, I can't find it!

Lei Xu found that this would not work at all, Jupiter is too big, even if the scope is limited to the inside of the Great Red Spot, it would be difficult... What is that?

Lei Xu's gaze suddenly focused somewhere in the storm below the Great Red Spot.

No, not Unikin.

That is......


The semi-illusory transparent skirt, with dozens of equally illusory ribbons floating under it, looks no different from the jellyfish in the earth's oceans.


Why was this jellyfish unaffected by Jupiter's storms?

This thing looks like...

Lei Xu's thoughts froze for a moment, when he realized what the body of the jellyfish in his field of vision was, a much weaker reading broke into his mind:

【People of Light, help me~~! 】

found it!

Tracing back to the source of the recitation, Lei Xu moved his eyes forward, and finally found the familiar figure among the turbulent cyan clouds.

[Hold on, wait for me! 】

In the next second, the 'jellyfish' that didn't seem to be affected by the environment at all came into view simultaneously.

[NMD, Mezzard, you GZZ, let the labor and management loose it! ! ! 】

The red light ball fell into the majestic atmosphere of the gas giant planet below without hesitation...

82 驰援~

Lei Xu stared at the gray and white undulating hem looming under the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, and Unikin was in front of the 'jellyfish'.

Below the Great Red Spot is an ancient dark storm world, the violent air currents are swirling thick clouds composed of hydrogen and helium, and the terrifying tides never stop.

In this dark storm, the only light undoubtedly comes from the holy mythical Eudemons.

Lei Xu could see that there were some abnormal bumps on the surface of Younijin's magnificent and gorgeous body, and the radiance that overflowed was significantly lower than the previous meeting.

It looks a little broken, and in the gaps of the white body engraved with azure lines, it seems that there are bright stars flowing like a galaxy.

No, that's not just what it looks like!

Countless tiny shining spots of light erupted from the wounds on the surface of Eugene in front. The deep and dark hydrogen-helium clouds and the hurricane blowing in Jupiter's atmosphere could not have any effect on these finely shining, star-like brilliance of the Milky Way. .

Just as they couldn't do anything to get the original Mezzard who appeared not far behind Younijin from time to time.

Thanks to the performance of 'Jellyfish' that Jupiter's storm could not help, Lei Xu quickly recognized its identity.

Hyperspace Wave Monster, Mezzard!

It first appeared in Gaia Episode 4 [My Dream in the Sky].

It is worth mentioning that Mezzard is a group of individuals with extremely high intelligence and the spiritual ability to spy on the brains of intelligent life.

The Mezzard family is dubbed the Gaia Model Workers by Austrian fans, and they have the most appearances in the whole drama. They especially love to persecute the human body of King B, Fujimiya.

Moreover, it is suspected that the Mezzard family is in cooperation with the ultimate villain in Gaia [the root cause of destruction], rather than the affiliation relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

Relevant information quickly flashed through Lei Xu's mind.

The reason why the storm had no choice but to get Mezzard was because this monster had extremely microscopic properties in the physical realm.

This thing is just like Schrödinger's cat, where you see it, it will be there.

Yes, as you might expect - indecision, quantum mechanics.

The original Mezzard exists in multiple places in a space at the same time, and uses quantum leap as the way of movement. If the microscopic nature of itself cannot be released, it is like a phantom that cannot be touched.

Simply put, a virtual invincible armor.

Therefore, the 'jellyfish' in Lei Xu's vision can stroll in the violent hurricane of Jupiter.

At the same time, Lei Xu finally understood the source of the deep cut mark on the surface of the Great Red Spot—the starlight dots originating from the surface of Unikin's body floated upward without any scruples, making everything that touched it vanish into nothingness .

That's right, it was reflected in the original plot, this is the space-time power of Unikin.


It is too strong!

Judging from the wounds and cracks on Eugene's body surface, and the signs of weakness when he called for help several times, this might not be a good thing.

I just revisited the plot not long ago, and Lei Xu still has a fresh memory of the light spots of time and space that escaped when Unigin was bound by the white wax rod.

As strong as Max, even opening a shield can't block a small piece of space-time light.

In Lei Xu's field of vision, the point of light in time and space directly draws a clear gully in the Great Red Spot, this is probably not a massive hemorrhage.

It was too late to think about why Mezad would run after Mengxin House Beast, and Lei Xu's avatar light ball reappeared in just a few tenths of a second.

In the dark cloud and steam storm, the dazzling red sphere gradually faded away.

When confronting the oncoming storm head-on with his body, even Lei Xu couldn't help being swayed.

Fortunately, flying is the instinct of this body.

Lei Xu quickly stabilized his body, and it took only a few seconds to adapt to the ubiquitous chaotic hurricane. After a brief prediction, he raised his hands horizontally and fell towards the front of Unikin's flight path at an extremely fast speed.

With the lessons learned from Max, Lei Xu, who felt that he was far behind the former, naturally carefully avoided those light spots in time and space.

He also noticed that the original Mezzard seemed to be only chasing after these points of light because he was afraid of these light spots, and did not attack Yunijin.

Come to think of it, even the original Mezzard, who can ignore 99.9% of physical interference and influence, would not dare to touch those time-space light points that devour everything.

As expected of a highly intelligent spiritual monster, Lei Xu saw through this guy's plan at a glance - it was patiently waiting for the time when Unikin couldn't hold on.

Of course, it may also be related to the poor means of attack.

The energy space-time wave will be blocked by Unigin's space-time light spot, while the molecular collapse will take too long to move forward and cast spells-Lei Xu guessed.

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