"Then—what should I do?"

Sophie walked in between his words, "Try to give them some light if you can."


"It's best to try both the human body and the Ultra form." Sophie added:

"Including leather case actors."

Lei Xu turned his head and looked at her helplessly:

"I'd love to do that too, but there's no guarantee it will happen."

"Even if it is done, it may not be effective, and I have never done it before. Injecting energy does not rule out the possibility of adverse sequelae."

"It's okay." Sophie nodded as if approving:

"Failure is a normal development, and it will be the biggest surprise if it really succeeds."

Lei Xu:? ? ?

You didn't expect the relationship to be successful?

Well, it's not surprising to have such an idea.

At this juncture...

As he said that, Lei Xu suddenly thought of something:

"Then—what about their own opinions?"

Sophie's expression remained unchanged:

"We agreed that it would probably work better if you explained it yourself."

Lei Xu: ...

Do you think I'm a late stage cancer?

When meeting someone for the first time, say:

Hello, are you willing to become light? There is no guarantee of success, and there may be sequelae, dear.

And there are a lot of my childhood goddesses here, can you save me some face?

Lei Xu glanced at the next door, the new version of You Lian's face was only a thin line away from him.

But it still looks good after adding special effects with white hair and blue eyes.

It's just... Thinking of the Triga plot, Lei Xu's face couldn't help but start to change.

Seeing Lei Xu's embarrassment, Sophie, who thought she had said something wrong, hurriedly made amends:

"still me......"

"No need!" Lei Xu interrupted, recovering.

He found that Sophie's arrangement was not unreasonable-except for his human body, it seemed inappropriate for everyone else to go.

After all, this is not an invitation to the actors for a theatrical version.

Trying to accept the light and succeeding means that they have to go to the battlefield and face the desperate battlefield that they should not have faced by themselves.

Failure, the actors may have unpredictable sequelae.

Simply put, human body actors cannot feel like they are being coerced by government agents.

Otherwise, even if it succeeds, who can guarantee that Ultraman Dark will not appear?

It's not that there is no such plot, especially the more idealistic Didai worldview.

Heidi Xiedi, Dark Triga, the old and new versions of the dark giants are vividly remembered.

The actors are still next door!

The image log of the imperial logistics ship, the picture of the plasma hundred type is still in front of my eyes, and the senior management of GDI absolutely dare not do such a stupid thing.

"I'm going."

If you decide to do it, Lei Xu has an advantage - he never escapes.

Whether it is making a choice or facing something.

Looking at Lei Xu's back as he pushed the door out, Zhang Wei rubbed his chin, suddenly feeling a little delicate.

Facing a room full of local people, does Lei Xu speak the local dialect?


With the slight sound of the electric door opening, the noise in the reception hall instantly disappeared without a trace.

The actors communicated with each other tacitly-as a native of the island, reading the air is a basic skill.

The owner here, or in other words, the higher-ups tried their best to gather so many people, it is impossible to hold a meeting for Olympic fans.

Combined with that catastrophe, it is not difficult to find out what kind of situation oneself and others may face.

Seeing the respect of the childhood gods and goddesses present, Lei Xu cheerfully waved to everyone:

"Hello (local language)."

In three years, with Lei Xu's strong learning ability, even just watching the show is enough for him to learn a lot of the local dialect.

What's more, in the past three months, he has watched the entire episode of Ultraman several times. If he still can't learn this, Lei Xu feels that he can die on the surface of the moon.


Chuangshang can't die?

That's fine.

After saying hello, the atmosphere in the arena was still tense, and no one was the first to speak up.

Lei Xu was not surprised either, it would be strange if someone had such a big heart.

"You may not know me, but I know you."

"And I'm sure you'll get to know me soon, and..."

The clear male voice echoed in the reception hall, with some meaningful meaning:

"Never forget."

Hearing this, Beidou... oh no, Mr. Gao Feng stood up, stared at the strange young man in front of him, and said angrily:

"What do you want to do to us?"

Also getting up, there is also Mr. Zhen Xialong who is separated by a body.

Unlike Mr. Gao Feng, Man Xialong obviously found something, and excitedly left his seat and walked towards Lei Xu.

Lei Xu:? ? ?

The villainous tone that I deliberately used has no effect on you old man, right?

Wait, which hand did I just raise?

Lei Xu watched in bewilderment as Mr. Zhen Xialong approached, and pulled up his right hand without any shyness, without even having time to resist.

At this time, the rest of the actors present finally saw the foreign object between the fingers of the young man who was caught by Mr. Mashalong on his right hand—a striking golden ring.

That is......

Mr. Gao Feng also realized something, and paused in embarrassment for a moment.

Can't go wrong!

More human actors stood up without any scruples and walked towards the two.

Lei Xu held his forehead in his heart, and was almost crying by himself.

Next time you say hello, you must switch to your left hand.jpg

Mr. Mashalong raised his hand, and his left hand showed Bandai's genuine Lion Eye, which was almost identical to the ring worn by Lei Xu's finger, except for one more red plastic gemstone. He opened and closed his mouth several times without being able to say a word.

"This... this is... this is?"

Can't hide it, Lei Xu who didn't expect the situation to get out of control so soon, pulled out his hand, and nodded slightly at Mr. Zhen Xialong helplessly.

Lei Xu turned his head, facing a group of human actors who did not dare to approach easily, and pressed their hands, signaling to keep quiet.


Lei Xu silently folded his hands, realizing that something was about to happen, Mr. Zhen Xialong and a group of human body actors couldn't help but widen their eyes.

In the next second, the lion's pupils burst into eye-catching golden light, and the eye-catching iridescent brilliance made a group of human actors squint their eyes involuntarily.

The shining brilliance gradually faded, and the human-sized, red Ultraman appeared in front of everyone...

90 尝试变身~

Greet and marvel.

Anyway, that's all. After spending more than ten minutes barely satisfying the curiosity of the actors, the reception hall returned to silence.

Lei Xu regained his human form, stared at the scorching eyes from all directions, and fell silent.

I have made up my mind, but when it's time to say it, I find that the simple request is extremely difficult to utter.

"Ray, you should, do you have something you want to tell us?"

Man Xialong was keenly aware of the entanglement in the heart of the young man in front of him, and he obviously didn't mean to ask Lei Xu to answer what he said.

The old man slowly stretched out his hand, pointing to the golden ring on Lei Xu's right hand, with a bright smile on his face:

"The one in your hand, can you give me a try?"

Hearing this, Lei Xu stared at the old man, narrowed his eyes slightly, and nodded silently.

During the first three months of research, there were not a few people who borrowed Lei Xu's ring to try to transform in the L7 base.

Every time he tried, Lei Xu was there to observe.

Of course, the number of successes is zero.

Lei Xu quickly took off the ring, and was about to hand it over to the old man in front of him when he heard a human voice reminding him from the sound amplifier in the corner:

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