That is to say, in the eyes of high-level people, able-bodied people are just consumables.

By doing this, human beings can get a guardian who is comparable to a god, and he is alone.

In the original plot, Gumen is still active as a member of the Night Raider a year after defeating Zaki.

——No one knows whether he can transform into Noah again!

No matter how you look at it, this business is profitable.


A series of amazing dialogues made the Cub of Light completely ignore the purpose of Kira Zeyu's words:

"Wang Chuan's solution?"

Immediately, all eyes were on Mr. 80.

"Do not."

Yajima shook his head slightly:

"Not yet."

Lei Xu: ...

"The matter of Wang Chuan is very difficult. I don't have a specific plan yet, but I have some opinions on the alien beasts."


The Cub of Light was refreshed:


"Because of the negative energy, I have studied Nexus in depth.

Little Reza, why do you think the alien beasts are controlled by the dark giants? "

Mr. 80's opening made Lei Xu interested, and the Cubs of Light pricked up their ears and waited for the next one.

"The alien beast spreads to the whole universe in a quantum state, and devours negative energy by attaching to the in-situ evolution of creatures in the ecological circle of each planet."

"In itself, the alien beast only has a predation mechanism against negative energy. Did you find anything, Little Resa!?"

The night raid team on the side, together with Yu Kirazawa, looked thoughtful.

"Edison, you mean..."

The Cub of Light suddenly came to his senses:

"The purpose of the alien beast is to devour negative energy, and is it incidental to prey on humans?"

"That's right!"

Yaji nodded slightly:

"Alien beasts seem to be specially designed by someone to efficiently devour and contain negative energy viruses!"

"To put it in a way that you can understand, it's chemotherapy."

Lei Xu: ...

The Cub of Light thought for a while, and had to admit that Mr. 80's metaphor was very appropriate.

Comparing the universe to the human body, the negative energy is the spreading cancer cells, and the negative energy is the cells with out-of-control mutations, surrounded by normal cells.

Xenobiotics are like chemotherapy drugs, they kill both cancer cells and normal cells, regardless of whether they are normal or mutated, until no more negative energy is produced.

Not inferior to any ecosystem, efficient evolution and multiplication mechanism, adaptability to the whole environment...

And compared to the fragile human body, the endurance of the universe is much stronger——

No matter how strong it is, as a 'creature' that evolves attached to the ecological circle, it is impossible for the alien beast to kill the universe itself.

Thinking about it this way, the alien beast is indeed qualified, a 'drug' for treating negative energy.


The sudden flash of light in his mind made the Cub of Light stunned for a moment——

Lei Xu remembered an unofficial setting that had been circulated among Olympic fans for a long time.

It is rumored to be an idea of ​​the director of "Super Galactic Legend Beria Galactic Empire":

[Emeralu ore is the corpse of a strange beast. 】

By the way -

The director, Koichi Sakamoto, insisted on denying this idea when he was at the L7 base, and he was inexplicably sincere.

Leaving aside the truth and falsehood for the time being, if this is the case, then the nature of the alien beast will be raised to a higher level——

They may be the seeds sown by a certain existence, and the alien beasts are crops that grow with negative energy as nourishment.

The process from birth to death of alien beasts is equal to the growth of crops——

After tens of millions of years, the corpses of the dead beasts turned into Emeralu ore, and the crops matured.

The Emeralu Ore is waiting quietly, waiting for the busy owner who does not know where to come back to harvest...

Mom! ! !

The Cub of Light was taken aback by his reverie.

Lei Xu quickly shared this point of view with Teacher 80, even the night raid team was startled by this conjecture, and Eddie fell into deep thought.

"Forget it, don't worry."

This kind of problem cannot be understood by thinking alone. The Cub of Light thought about it and decided to appease him:

"It's also possible that some civilization killed itself and accidentally created an anti-energy biological weapon, which lost control and destroyed itself."

"Edinisang, what is the main difficulty in solving Wang Chuan!?"

"The dark, negative energy is too large."

Yaji frowned fiercely, trying to describe:

"The dark negative energy and the memory information of the quantum state are intertwined, and it has become almost impossible to separate after such a long time."

"So?" The Cub of Light looked puzzled.

"So either absorb, or purify and destroy."

"I can......"

"You can not!"

Teacher 80 sees through the thoughts of the cubs of light at a glance:

"Little Reza, your dark Tiga is too weak, unless Tiga himself is present, you can't absorb and control such a huge dark energy..."

Lei Xu: ...

I'm really sorry that Heidi is too weak!

Cub of Light Negative Emotion +999

"Even if you—"

Teacher 80 did not notice the heartbreak of the Otto cubs:

"It's also dangerous to be directly exposed to so much negative energy and such a huge amount of fear memory!"

One thing to say, indeed!

Speaking of negative emotions and negative energy, Lei Xu suddenly thought of the Dark Shadow Mage.

If that guy sees such a big battery as Wang Chuan, he will definitely go crazy with joy.

But the Dark Shadow Mage is also dangerous——

Who knows what he would do with the negative energy of Wang Chuan's size!

Gee, headache.

Sure enough, forget it. It is not clear whether Shadow Mage will be resurrected at this moment, and even if he is resurrected, he may not be able to arrive in this universe in time.

"Then what about me and you, Nexus, as one?" The Cub of Light looked forward to it.


Teacher 80 continued to ruthlessly veto:

"Little Resa, don't overestimate your ability to bear."

"Even if you and I can bear the impact of dark emotions and memories, Ji Yazhun will definitely not be able to bear it!"

"I can try!"

After being silent until now, Brother Zhun finally stopped being silent:

"I want to try it!"

"It's not a matter of trying!"

80 teachers had to educate students on the spot about this headache:

"A battle that puts one's life on the line is not the same thing as a meaningless death."

"Also, don't forget Dark Zaki!"

Ji Yajun: ...

—he really forgot!


Lei Xu suddenly had a flash of inspiration:

"As long as there are people who can control darkness and negative energy on a large scale...without the cooperation of people, they will be able to deal with Wangchuan.

Edison, is that what you mean? ? "

Eddie:  …

The Cub of Light obviously has an idea, otherwise it would be impossible to ask such a question.

Yaji folded his hands fiercely, waiting for the next sentence.

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