Lei Xu wants to make peace, Zaki wants to recover, and the visitor wants Nuo Shen to return.

Reminiscent of Shadow Mage's remarks that he was "more interested in Otreza", this guy is suspected to be greedy for Dark Ressa's body.

Only Dark Resa himself made a clone and ran out to give himself a Jio.

Shouting that it was him, Lei, someone's shadow had a fight...Trying it out.

He didn't have time to do anything else, but was tricked by Zaki. At this moment, the Cub of Light had to find ways to save people.

Oh yes, according to the seer, Dark Reza is not helpless.

At least with the current Zaki, they can't subdue Dark Reza in a short time, and they still have time to rescue this big baby who accidentally stepped on a pit.


Lei Xu suddenly remembered a small detail——

The first time he met Dark Otreza and himself, he called him "Ultraman Reza", not the Otreza that the prophets spoke of.

At the same time, if the 'Otreza' from 2.8W years ago is really 'myself', it is even more impossible to talk about Otreza——

How can a normal person have to add Ott in front when introducing himself, and he is not writing a novel.

Let's assume that there is no such thing as a 'closed loop of time', and Otreza really exists——

Either it is Leisa, or it is Leisa Ultraman, and it is even more likely that he calls himself Lei Xu.

So the question is, where did the name 'Otreza' come from?

This is not an official name. There is only one source of the so-called 'Otreza'——

A logical association after watching "Otter Saiwen" & "Resa"!

"Light of the Earth" mentioned this title, but it only appeared in Lei Xu's lines that seemed to be complaining, and there was no official official name.

The Cubs of Light did not deliberately cut "Resa" from themselves——

Just kidding, the self in "Resa" is super cool, okay?

According to this logic, a rigorous person like a prophet should not deliberately distinguish the name of Otresa, Dark Ressa & Man-made Ressa are more appropriate.

——The predictor may have seen "Raisa Ultraman".

——He may have some collusion with the Shadow Mage!

——He was threatened by the shadow mage, and he secretly used this to convey a message to himself!

Thinking of this, the Cub of Light was stunned for a moment, and quickly recalled all the conversations he had with Kira Zeyu.

Thanks to his rich experience in dealing with riddlers big and small, Lei Xu now has a way of deciphering riddles.

The suspect keywords are...

Us & memory!

[The 'memory' of 'our' has been revised twice, Zaki and Shadow Mage. 】

Who are these 'men'?

Simply placed in context and combined with follow-up statement understanding, memory refers to the history stated by visitors to human beings, and 'we' refers to all people who know this history.

If you take it out separately and put the prophet and the shadow mage together, the 'we' undoubtedly refers to the shadow mage.

And memory...

——Shadow Mage has ideas about Wang Chuan! ! !

The shadow mage proposed to assist in the quick disposal of Wang Chuan. The hidden behind-the-scenes intention was that he did not want Lei Xu to find Gatanjiehe according to his original idea.

Now go to the center of the earth and let Gatan sauce come over, otherwise it will be too late!

So, half an hour later—

The earth is dark.

Dark Shadow Mage: ...?

***Resa, you********...

85 Tsk, what a pity!

He roughly figured out something, even though he didn't know whether it was correct or not, Lei Xu didn't plan to go down on it.

Anyway, regardless of whether it is right or not, it is unreliable to ask the dark shadow mage to assist in dealing with Wang Chuan.

——Ghost knows what he would do with the negative energy in Wangchuan!

Yes, the Shadow Mage does not pose a fundamental existential threat to humanity.

But Ya, as the incarnation of human negative emotions, will instinctively make troubles. Simply put, it is to make human beings EMO.

you are not happy?

Just be unhappy!

If you are not happy, he is happy.

What's more, this guy is a thousand-year-old LYB, which gathers human conspiracy and calculations. He belongs to the human spirit among the spirits, and the Cub of Light instinctively rejects it.

Therefore, Lei Xu never planned to cooperate with Shadow Mage from the beginning.

After reading the words to inform Mr. 80, the red rainbow light swept across the Gumen who were lying on the side and sleeping soundly, including Nagi Saijo, who was unconscious, and carried it with him.

The center of the earth is still calm, and the earth mother here is sleeping soundly. Even Lei Xu didn't give any more reactions when he came.

With the familiar mental connection, the chaotic horizon unfolds and a signal is emitted.

Didi Mother Earth responded at the speed of light, but the Dark Dominator seemed to resist.

Tsk, it's a little troublesome.

Lei Xu felt that the chanting voice from over there was a bit Muggle, and Gatanjiehe didn't want to move, it just wanted to sleep.

If you ignore his wishes, you can send it over, but if Gatanjiehe doesn't cooperate, it's better not to send it.

Mother Earth is suppressing the earth in Didai, and here... Mother Earth has not woken up at all.

To be honest, the Cubs of Light are not 100% sure of subduing a Gatanjae.

Lei Xu thought for a while, and asked Didai Mother Earth to convey the message, commonly known as texting:

[Please eat. 】

Gatanjar:  …

[A large wave of negative energy of darkness & fear. 】

Gatanjae: |ω? `)

[There is a shadow mage named Darkness, and he wants to snatch it from you, so he has to be quick! 】

Gatange: ?︵?


How difficult!

I roughly understood the emotional reaction of 'want to come but don't want to trouble' over there.

Automatic translation in Lei Xu's brain——

Gotta pay more!

Okay, force me to come up with a trick, right? ?

The Cubs of Light were furious——

[Build a temple for you, let many people know and worship you, just like Renlong. 】

Gatanjar:  …


[Who is the Dark Shadow Mage! ? 】

To be honest, at that moment, the Cub of Light's mind was stuck for a moment——

You can talk! ?

The Dark Dominator had never given a speech that could be understood by reading words before. Lei Xu thought that Gatanjae, like a small animal, had no self-awareness and cognition, and acted according to instinct.

By the way, Gatanjae really wants to be worshiped by humans! ?

The cub of light looked weird and remembered a short description in the novel "Tiga"——

[The ruler of darkness who woke up from a long sleep seems convinced that he will become the ruler of this planet again.

Eliminate the hateful light, and there is only that which worships itself - and that is God! 】

It's not too much trouble, it's easy to pass.

But the Cub of Light suddenly remembered the consequences of this matter——

Namo Bodhisattva Gatanjae! ?

Imagine a temple/church/home with a full body statue of Gatanjah.

Among the green smoke, the old people put their palms together piously, prostrating and praying for the blessing of Gatanjae Bodhisattva...

Lei Xu: ...

give up thinking.jpg

After finally convincing Gatanjeh, the red giant rose rapidly and reached beyond the dam in an instant.

Well, it's fresh water, but it's not a big problem.

The signal was released, and the Whirling Cuihua opened directly under the water.

First, the invisible black mist of shadows spread calmly ignoring the fluctuations of the water flow, and the dense tentacles waved and swayed to make scalp-numbing dark fluctuations.

Two exaggeratedly large chelicerae protruded slowly, and the next moment, the black and ferocious figure plunged into the deep water like a fish entering the sea.

The moment the 20W-ton weight fell into the bottom of the water, the earth shook and the mountains shook.


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