The stream of light swept across, cleaning out all the matter within the range, including a few thieves, whose satellites were not known.

From the perspective of the escape cabin and Amagi, it only took a moment for the deep space in the distance to be cleared from the crisis.

The next moment, the crimson stream of light disappeared instantly, leaving only silence.

space garbage?



It's gone!


Well, no one is worried about those moons melting in the torrent of light now, no matter whose family they are.

The crisis facing the Amagi was resolved in an instant.

The astronauts who escaped from the cabin, and a group of aerospace experts in the ground command hall hugged each other excitedly, unable to control themselves.

At the same time, at a certain ridge in the Hengduan Mountains, which is more than 1000 kilometers away.

Almost a second after the torrent of light that connected the sky and the earth disappeared, the crimson stalwart giant disappeared in the rainbow-colored light.

Lei Xu fell to his knees and put his head on the ground with a powerless "plop."

Endless dizziness hit his brain, his eyes went black, and the last blurred corner of his vision only caught a glimpse of a group of white coats running wildly, and then passed out quite simply...

9 The Resurrected Phantom

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Only 10 minutes later, someone on the other side of the ocean got the first-hand information, and they denied it hoarsely.

"Ground-based air defense completely intercepts tens of thousands of hypersonic weapons at an altitude of more than 300KM. Do you know what you are talking about?"

In a high-end residential area in Yingguo, a weapon expert who was woken up by a series of twelve fatal serial calls rubbed his temples, and roared furiously at the hands-free cell phone.

"Smith, I think you'd better look at the documents in the mailbox before discussing the possibility with me. I'll wait for you in the office. At 6 o'clock at the latest, all the senior generals of the military will be online..."

The voice on the phone was also disturbed, as if he was busy, Smith glanced out the window, the night at 3:[-] in the morning was extraordinarily deep.

Smith turned on the computer, logged into the mailbox, and clicked on the huge encrypted package exceeding 12G, and a high-definition photo of a torrent of crimson light ravaging deep space came into view.

In the next picture, the scarlet light flow almost occupies the entire field of vision, as if it is directly hitting the camera, which looks breathtaking.

Another one, the scarlet streamer roared from the surface of the blue planet, rushing unstoppably into the deep space.

On the side, the figure of the Tiancheng Space Station in the Rabbit Kingdom looked extremely small beside the torrent of light.

These photos were taken by several satellites that survived the disaster. Of course, there are also those who only sent the last photo and then lost contact.

At this moment, similar things are happening in almost every country on the planet.

Numerous state media reporters were woken up by calls, and several official hotlines of the foreign ministry of the Rabbit State directly indicated that they were busy.

Today, in the entire diplomatic service, from ministers to the lowest liaison officers, none of them can get off work on time.

Fortunately, there were instructions early on the 1st, and an urgently prepared press conference was held quickly. The spokesperson under the camera read the manuscript as easily as announcing what to eat tonight:

[Before, in order to ensure the safety of Tiancheng Space Station, we had to activate the ground-based laser air defense system in the experimental stage in advance for testing, and it was a perfect success.

Greatly reduce the amount of harmful space junk, and ensure the safety of my country's aerospace engineering construction plan in advance for a period of time in the future...]

A bunch of experts didn't care about this nonsense at all, and the ears naturally extracted key words:

【laser! 】

Many online defense commissioners and foreign weapons experts can't wait to throw saliva on the spokesperson's face through the screen, and then point to the photo in front of them and spray wildly:

"You TND call this a laser?"

TM how can there be a laser that hits deep space on the surface!

In terms of the overall progress of human laser weapons at present, it is simply impossible to achieve full application of laser weapons beyond the Tyndall scattering phenomenon produced by dirty particles in the atmosphere.

Well, maybe a shorter distance and better weather conditions are indeed possible.

But even so, the torrent of crimson light in this pile of photos is definitely not a laser. Anyone who has a little common sense about laser weapons knows this well!

If the solar radiation hits the surface directly, there is no possibility of the birth of life on the earth, but the atmosphere can still turn the scorching hot stellar radiation into warm sunshine.

The air flow in the atmosphere is turbulent, the particles traveling at high speed, and the alternating warm and cold air flow layer is almost a natural laser shield.

After reading the manuscript, the spokesperson walked away—not active after get off work, and there is something wrong with his brain!

Facing the accusation of [this is clearly an unknown and extremely harmful energy weapon].

The spokesperson said: "There is no such thing as a falsehood."

The snowflake-like diplomatic note request was sent, and in the end I only saw the artificial mentally retarded mechanical reply reserved on the official website:

[Dear, thank you for your support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rabbit Country, next time, oh no, tomorrow will be sure! 】

tomorrow weekend?

Ah this-

Definitely next time!

Doing Tai Chi, the bigwigs in the diplomatic department know it all the time.

Although I don't know the specific situation, but...

Talk about it at work tomorrow!

The world goes on as usual, and so does Base L7.

"How is he?" No. 1 asked through the top ICU-style life monitoring equipment.

"Vital signs are stable."

The director of the medical department who looked a little old said, "The analysis of all indicators is normal. It should be said that it is getting better every minute. Our consultation guesses that it should be due to excessive mental consumption."

"In this case, give him glucose and electrolytes, and he should be fine after a night's sleep."

"En." Shoufu nodded, "He will notify me as soon as he wakes up."



The deep darkness surrounded Lei Xu, suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he jumped up suddenly as if awakened from a nightmare.

The surrounding environment is not like the earth.

This is a gray-black sand dune, and above the head is a thick black mist that covers the sky like a mountain.

Originally, in such an environment, he should not be able to see his fingers, but Lei Xu could clearly see the details of the lingering mist slowly drifting away and moving.

He realized something and lowered his head suddenly.

A ball of light that was woven with silver armor and exuded azure blue light came into view.

Lei Xu is in the transformation state!

There was an eerie silence around, the black mist was obviously blowing away with the wind, but Lei Xu couldn't hear any sound of air flow.

Where is this place?

With such doubts, Lei Xu raised his hand and flew into the sky, trying to bring himself a bigger vision.

However, everything in sight is the same gray and black sand dunes, like a faded old black and white photo.

Lei Xu flew under the black mist at high speed, skimmed over the continuous dark sand dunes, and finally saw a completely different color - a deep black.

The pure black area is extremely huge, and it doesn't know where it extends.

He approached quickly and landed slowly, a faint blue-yellow gleam reflected from the black matrix surface.

This is--?

Reaching out to touch it, the biting cold feeling rises all the way up the arm, bringing a moist touch.

This is actually a piece of calm stagnant water!

beep beep beep beep

On the chest, the timer starts to flash, which means that Lei Xu's activity time is running out.

However, at this time, Lei Xu suddenly noticed a weak and regular whisper coming into his ears.

where! ?

He tried to identify the source of the sound, but couldn't hear it clearly.

The whispers gradually weakened, and the world fell into silence again, except for the sound of the timer flashing on the chest, there was no movement.

time is limited!

Lei Xu soared into the sky and fell into the thick black mist.

He wants to break through the black fog and observe the planet from the perspective of space.


The moment Lei Xu touched the black mist with his body, a huge sense of uncertainty hit him.

The brain seemed to be savagely swung from behind with a stick, and it was extremely drowsy and at the same time had a slight tingling pain.

In front of his eyes, the diffuse black mist obscured his vision, and psychedelic colors bloomed vaguely, and the weak and regular whispers sounded in his ears again.

【Hate... Destruction... Find... Rescue... Call...】

The little cognition left tells Lei Xu that anything that tries to drill directly into his mind is definitely not a good thing.

"Get out of my... head...!"

Trying to muster up the last trace of strength in his body, Lei Xu roared to the sky.

In the next second, the vision in front of him suddenly brightened.

unfamiliar ceiling...

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