In one week, there were three waves of elites from various GDI branches, as well as carefully selected talents from various countries.

A soldier with a strong will, a young man with integrity and passion, a boy who has not passed the second stage of middle school.

All efforts failed!

Scientists tried to scan and analyze, but found that no means could break through the pair of seemingly fragile flying wing shells.

The Bronze Magic Rod is like a special Bandai original, anyone can pick it up, but no one can use it.



Lei Xu pointed at his nose in surprise, "What do you think above?"

"What else can I think?" Zhang Wei didn't seem to be in a good mood, "I can't see hope, so I'm in a hurry."

Lei Xu was a little hesitant, and a little tangled:

"But I'm already, do you think... I can really transform into Tiga?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Zhang Wei asked back.

"By the way, this proposal comes from Minister Joe."


Lei Xu's eyes lit up: "What new discoveries did the director have?"

Three days ago, the director was officially promoted to the head of the GDI Moon Branch, and Lei Xu hadn't had time to change his words.

"Minister Joe's reason is very simple, the original words are..."

Zhang Wei shrugged and relayed:

"I don't know what qualifications or disqualifications are. I only know that Boy Lei is also in that light. Why can't he change his body?"

What the hell!


Having said that, he also accounted for 5% of the light, and Lei Xu instantly felt that he did have the qualifications to transform into Di Jia.

Oh no—

It should be said that the qualification to transform into Tiga is none other than me!

Thinking of how many times he had handled the Bronze Divine Light Rod, but had never tried transformation, Lei Xudun felt wronged.

He is purely dark under the lights - he is already an Ultraman, and he never thought about the possibility of being able to transform into Tiga again.

Thinking about it carefully, Lei Xu is suspected to be from L77, and at most he can be related to the Kingdom of Light.

The 3000-million-year-old Jia Mingming and I don't have the same worldview.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up."

Lei Xu turned around and wanted to leave, in a hurry:

"Shenguang stick is still in the old place?"

Zhang Wei was about to make a sound to stop him, but there was a soft sound of '呲——', and the door of the training hall suddenly opened.

A group of GDI fighters with live ammunition filed in. Sophie walked in wearing a wireless camera and holding a transparent box in both hands.

What else could it contain if it wasn't a bronze divine light stick?


"Let this change?"

Lei Xu raised his head and glanced at the ceiling above his head. It seemed that the height was not high enough. He remembered that there was a mountain above.

"This thing can't be opened, right?" Lei Xu was afraid that he would not be able to control his height when he transformed for the first time.

"There's no way up there."

Sophie had a camera on her head, and her voice was a little muffled.

Does that mean the following can be done?

Lei Xu looked up to the other side of the artificial lawn—it was the only place he hadn't been to in a week.

Taking out the bronze magic light stick from the sealed box held by Sophie, Lei Xu carefully felt the rough touch.

The ground is trembling, and the green artificial lawn is splitting on both sides.

Lei Xu walked in the front with a bronze magic stick in his hand, behind him was Sophie who trotted and did not forget to straighten the camera, and Zhang Wei who followed with striding meteors.

One minute later, standing in the center of the underground platform, Lei Xu assumed the pose he had imitated countless times.

The next second—

The bronze divine light rod was held high above his head by Lei Xu...

97 迪迦~Fail-

In the center of the platform, a slender figure raised high the copper-green object engraved with light red lines in his hand.

Then a clear and passionate shout sounded——


There seems to be a familiar war song echoing in the ears, and the holy white light is lit up from the transparent crystal in the center of the split wing.

At this moment, Lei Xu only felt that the divine light stick held high in his hand had turned into an insatiable black hole.

It seems to have infinite gravitational force, pulling the light energy in its body into the crystal shining with divine light.

The next moment-

The majestic attraction suddenly disappeared, and the blazing and strange light rushed past, instantly penetrating every cell in Lei Xu's body.

The field of vision is rising, and the light is spreading.

It's different from the quick refreshment when you transform yourself.

Lei Xu could sense that the divine light wand seemed to act as a converter.

The light energy in his body was transformed into another strange property through the shining crystal, and reinfused into his body.

The radiant holy light spread and condensed in a way that Lei Xu couldn't control.

Soon, the bronze-like flying wings distorted their own shape, dissolving into a large piece of fine particles and clinging to Lei Xu's chest.

A thick sense of condensation came, and the four colors of red, purple, gold, and white were shaped in the body one by one, and slowly swirled around the azure timer in the center of the chest.

And that shining crystal was already clinging to his forehead at some point, and the surging light energy spread from his head to his whole body, making the light energy of Lei Xu's whole body freeze instantly——

Immediately, the glow suddenly went out.

Lei Xu raised his hands, and looked in amazement at the large piece of blue-purple with a dazzling metallic texture that was different from the past.

I...really managed to become Tiga?

However, why is there a gray and black front?

Lei Xu tilted his head, he remembered that he only got down twenty meters at most.

Di Jia's normal incarnation should be 53 meters tall.

"Pfft, hahahaha~~~~"

Exaggerated laughter came from not far away, Lei Xu raised his head slightly, just in time to see Zhang Wei who was hugging his stomach and laughing till tears came out.

Sophie on the side didn't know when to put down the box, and lightly covered her red lips, with a subtle arc drawn at the corners of her mouth.

Behind him, the bodies of the neatly lined up GDI fighters were trembling slightly—it was suffocating.

Lei Xu's eyes suddenly went dark—he thought of a possibility.

Raising his hand, Lei Xu flew out of the sunken platform, and Lei Xu landed on the lawn, looking at his body which was much smaller than before, and finally confirmed his guess.


He turned into a 20-meter-tall Dijia just like Dagu's son smashing the round wings.


Wait, won't transform time too?

Just thinking about this, Lei Xu felt his body go weak for a while, and an extremely uncomfortable feeling flooded his whole body from the timer on his chest.

This feeling is similar to the feeling of running out of energy before.

Lei Xu hurriedly looked down, fortunately, the timer was still azure.

This shows that I should still be strong...

In the next second, beep-dong, a clear alarm sounded in my ears.

Lei Xu stared blankly at the blinking timer on his chest, speechless.

Please, no!

Give me some strength, okay?

In the next moment, a stronger feeling than before, the feeling of being hollowed out struck again.

Lei Xu's feet softened, and the 20-meter-tall giant couldn't help but half-knelt on the ground.

"what happened to you?"

Zhang Wei also found that Lei Xu's condition was not right, but he wasn't too worried—so far, Lei Xu's condition was exactly the same as Yuanyi's.

From the successful transformation to the present, the time is 1 minute?

Or 30 seconds?

Lei Xu didn't pay attention, but the camera on Sophie's head faithfully recorded everything.

L7 scientific research area——

"Record, red light time, 35 seconds."

A researcher fixed his eyes on the familiar half-kneeling figure on the screen, and gave orders loudly.

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