For a moment, countless conjectures popped up in Sophie's mind, causing him to subconsciously increase his light pressure.


Standing on the spot, he silently read the message from his friend.

For some reason, the captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Light breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

In an instant, everything in front of me was alive and pleasing to the eye.

The cub didn't stab the basket this time, it's worth celebrating!

As for the Magma Stars.


By the way-

[Leo, Astra. 】


The Liger brothers turned their heads in unison.

【look at this. 】

Sophie raised her hand to share the information.

Looking at the words on the light screen, Leo and Astra were puzzled at first, then shocked.

After reading the news, Liangao couldn't wait to connect to the alien network.

All of a sudden, news about the latest proposals passed by the Galactic Federation Peace Conference flooded in.

Raised hands, trembling slightly...

101 You won't dare!?

Land of Light, Ultra Space Port——

The silently falling giant starship parked in the air, and the hatch opened.

Before getting out of the cabin, Ji Ao felt that something was not right.

From all directions, dense whispers came——

"I was rejected four times in a row, puff, I can't hold back anymore.

What should I do, after watching "Light of the Earth", I want to laugh when I see Lei Dian now. "

"Be respectful, don't forget that Lei Dian has a small heart and holds grudges, hahaha I can't hold back anymore hahahaha..."

Old Qiao seemed not quite used to the new painting style of Kingdom of Light for a while, and was in a daze.

Teacher 80 & Princess of the Silver Clan looked over with subtle eyes, and the Cub of Light suddenly had the urge to hide his face and run away.

"Warning from "Xin Jiede", be careful that Lei Dian will film your TV one by one."

"Wow, you're so despicable!"

"Tell me something, I want to see it."

"Want to see +1"


Lei Xu: ...


"Wait, am I the only one who wants to know when the crazy woman will arrive in the Kingdom of Light!?"

"Hey hey, block the door, block the door!"

"Wait, is Lei Dian's [-] tons really going to the old woman?"

"Of course! In-laws, Fujimiya and I have all been dealt with, Lei Dian can still escape!?"

"No! Never allow it! Lei Dian is everyone's cub, resolutely defend Lei Dian's chastity!!!"

The Cub of Light slowly shot out a ?.


——Why does the little girl with red shoes draw up everything?

What are these guys talking about! ?

——What the hell is going on with Camilla taking care of my parents and Fujimiya! ?

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Lei Xu wanted to take out "Light of the Earth" and take another look to see what he had missed.

Before that, the Cub of Light only confirmed his own black history, and didn't look at it carefully at all.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Light."

The cosmic security captain led the crowd to arrive, and first he gave the bewildered Cub of Light and the silver princess who pretended to be well-behaved.

When Julian took the initiative to look away, the Cub of Light straightened up awe-inspiringly, and then Sophie withdrew her gaze and took out the business model to meet the heavyweight here——


Although it was an unofficial visit, Jonias was also a serious leader of the U40, so there must be etiquette.

"Captain Sophie."

Lao Qiao also showed his business model, and the two sides affirmed the consistent friendship between the Kingdom of Light and U40, and exchanged views on the upcoming challenges.

——The Cub of Light made it up.

Wait, why didn't Sister Mary and the bighorn cow come! ?

Lei Xu suddenly noticed the blind spot——

After all, Aofu is the leader of Kingdom of Light.

Forget about the daily care of the elderly. When Old Qiao arrives, it's a bit unreasonable that the old man didn't come.

"......Feel sorry."

Sophie apologized:

"Captain, he was injured a little in the training battle, so..."


The Cub of Light was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted——

It's over, exposed!

I don't know who will win Beria and Bighorn Bull.

You can make an appointment anytime, but first...

The cubs of light ascended to the sky unintentionally.

"It's ok."

Jonias didn't care whether his father and mother came to greet him or not.

Reza is a rare opponent, from the very beginning he was full of enthusiasm:

"Where is the venue for the sparring? Ultra Arena!?"

Sophie:  …

"Do not."

Sophie resolutely vetoed it without tact—

"Considering the destructive power of you and Little Reza, it is more appropriate to place the battlefield in the universe."

Jonas:  …


The blood of the warrior is running, and Jonias obviously just wants to have a good fight now.

It doesn't matter where the location is arranged, what matters is the person, Liang Ao subconsciously glanced in the direction of the cub.


people! ?


Outside the Land of Light, the red figure was about to speed up but was held around the neck by a powerful silver arm.


"Where do you want to go!? Little! Ray! Sa!"

The gloomy male voice rang close to his ears, almost gnashing his teeth at the conclusion.

Lei Xu: ...

MMP, so fast!

The Cub of Light did not hesitate——

Light energy riot, open!


A blinding flash of light flashed across, and for an instant, Lei Xu couldn't move.

"Sorry, little Reza."

A gentle and apologetic male voice came, and in the field of vision, the figure with the huge horns on his shoulders slowly put down the shining dumbbell in his hand.

Cubs of Light can't believe-

Alright, Bighorn Bull, you big-eyed brow and big-eyed guy actually betrayed me! ?

As if seeing what the cub was thinking, the bighorn cow tilted its head unnaturally:

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