In the past 20 years, Old Joe got what he wanted——

Maintain the frequency of traveling to the Kingdom of Light every five years on average, and challenge 'Maleia & Shirema & Resla & Tetore' in turn.

From the Alt Arena to the Plasma Spark Tower, to the end of the Silver Crusade again and again, after healing, I returned happily.

By the way, after mingling together, the Cubs of Light habitually gave Old Joe a spoiler——

"Jonias" & "Taiga"!

Hearing that the ninth Ultra warrior, Titas, who can become gigantic, will be born in about 1000 years, Old Joe made a plan to wipe out the Hera Legion in 1000 years without much entanglement.

At least one thing Lei Xu read correctly——

Leaving aside the actual battle, Jonas was in the same league as he was when it came to settling things.

He will run away from powerful enemies to avoid battles, humiliatingly gigantize and bully his own enemies, and get into enemy spaceships to use big moves.

High emotional intelligence: The tactics are eclectic and have a very flexible mind.

Through "Jonias" and the performance of Titas' father sending him back to U40, Old Joe finally realized——

The Hera Legion is unpopular!

In Old Qiao's words, if even their own people don't recognize its value, there is no need for the Hera Legion to exist!

As for U40's level of security that is on par with the Kingdom of Light, and the tradition of pitting their own leaders...

In "Jonias", the only three major incidents and defeat records were all caused by the collapse of U40——

For the first time, I didn't watch the Ultra Star, and created an infinite resurrection monster for Old Joe.

The second time, he missed the monster prison and was exploited by the villain. He backhandedly sent a large group of super monsters that survived by raising Gu in the prison to the earth.

The third time, the U40 almost disappeared, and Jonias had to leave the earth and return to his hometown.

Just seeing this plot, Jonias was numb all over.

It is not clear whether it is true or not, but the monster prison planet does exist anyway.

Well, it probably won't exist when Old Joe goes back.

At the same time, under the suggestion of that adult, Kingdom of Light & U40 reached a strategic cooperation agreement——

Exchange student regular training visit!

The specific procedures are not clear, and the cubs of light don't care much about this.

Back to the topic, using the Jonias combat power tester as the standard——

The two combinations of 'Mai Lei Ai & Xi Lei Mai' are slightly weaker, and they can suppress Old Joe after the light energy riot.

Resla is usually on par with Old Joe, and the light energy riot is crushed.

Tetore is peculiar, probably has some kind of idealistic bonus, and also has the effect of liberating the power of truth.

Its power is only slightly weaker than Kelebe's combination of 'Old Bei&Cub&Bighorn Bull', and it is usually in good condition enough to crush Old Joe.

However, since Old Joe's progress is not slow, this standard is not absolute.

By the way, the Cubs of Light tried several new Trinity combinations during this period—

It will not be a problem to support the frequency of Lao Qiao's visit for five years to continue for a thousand years!

Superman Akari & Tregear, two scientists, described in detail the limit of the ability of the Cub of Light, and conducted in-depth analysis and research on each trinity form.

In general, the following general characteristics are summarized:

Red group, physical performance and defense enhancement, the light power bonus is generally about twice.

Silver Clan Group · The physical enhancement is slightly weaker, and the power of the light is tripled at the beginning, and it also has the special effect of strengthening the performance of the light.

Blue Clan Group · Physical enhancement is the last, the power of light is doubled, the performance of light is enhanced, and the performance of nuclear power is increased.

The so-called light performance special effects refer to different effects such as paralysis, smashing, decomposition, corrosion, and freezing that come with different lights.

This result is in line with the respective innate tendencies of the red, silver and blue tribes of the Kingdom of Light——

That is to say, the red family is stronger than the physical body, the silver family is stronger than the light, and the blue family is stronger than the refined energy control.

The bonus of the ability to control nuclear energy depends mostly on the blue tribe's talent and knowledge of energy control.

Yes, talent and knowledge are indispensable.

But although the Cub of Light has worked hard to learn the relevant knowledge system, it is difficult for him to independently achieve the application effect of nuclear energy control under one mind.

——Probably pig brain overload!

——Bei Laohei mocked the cub like this.

The angry cubs of light rushed to the cosmic prison on the spot and had a fight with Lao Bei, neither winning nor losing.

Yes, Bei Laohei lived back in the Universe Prison after he was discharged from the hospital.

I have lived a retired retirement life where I have nothing to do, surf the Internet, and hunt small horned cows every day.

The good name is: to help the little horns train.

The envious eyes of the Cub of Light turned green, why should he be caught and sent to work for Master Sha Fulin! ?

Meow, that adult has been fishing more and more frequently recently, but Lei Xu is getting busier.

The Cubs of Light gradually took care of the personnel dispatching of the Ultra Cosmos Guard and the task assignment of the Seven Nebula Branches.

At first, Sophie just put on a show and glanced at it, but it didn't take long for her to become a ruthless command and permission machine.

Just sprinkle a handful of rice, even a chicken can do it!


Thanks to Mr. Shafulin's training, the Cubs of Light were able to fully understand the general situation of all the ups and downs of the Ultra Space Guard.

That's right, roughly, roughly understand.

It's not that Lei Xu doesn't work hard, but that there are too many and complicated affairs of the Space Guard.

For example, the light of national livelihood management, such as the marriage registration of adulthood, the way of giving birth to children, and the socialized upbringing of infants/children's homes are all included in it.

20 years is really only enough time to have a general understanding.

Well, back to the Trinity—

In addition to the usual characteristics of the trinity combination, a special combination like Tetore was also tried.

Cub & Xiaomeng & Aguang!

At first I thought it was Superman Aguang who flew the whole process, and the cub of light was named the sword hero form Xileimeng.

The universe's number one swordsman possessed his body. Not to mention, his swordsmanship is super fierce, and he is still a double sword.

But if compared to another ability, swordsmanship or something is simply incidental——

Shiremon can convert nuclear energy into Tifaret rays released by the plasma spark tower!

The so-called Tifaret rays are the foundation of Kingdom of Light.

Nearly 30 years ago, the people of the Kingdom of Light super-evolved into the Ultra Clan by irradiating the Tifaret rays from the Plasma Spark Tower.

What this situation means is self-evident.

The most fundamental foundation of the Cubs of Light's new Kingdom of Light construction plan is the infinite energy brought by the ability to control nuclear energy.

Now the infinite energy BUFF has added a 'super evolution' effect, which means that Lei Xu can really use himself as the basis to reproduce the man-made facilities equivalent to the function of the plasma spark tower in any place.

You must know that the duplication and reconstruction of the plasma spark core is a difficult problem that has plagued the Kingdom of Light for hundreds of thousands of years.

No one expected that this problem would be solved in such a way, it's just too fucking.

The disclosure of the situation immediately caused a sensation in the Kingdom of Light.

Bighorn Bull immediately ordered that Superman Aguang & Trekia set up a scientific research team to follow up the research.

In the end, a frustrating conclusion was reached——

It cannot be cracked in a short time (thousands of years)!

Xi Lei's almost instinctive mysterious transformation in dream form, even the superman Ah Guang who is in it can hardly sum up the law, let alone the energy conversion formula.

The whole process highlights an idealism. The Cubs of Light have tried to combine Ah Guang with other Ao, but there is one and only Xileimeng who can achieve transformation.

It's not about Superman Hikari as the main subject, but "Ah Hikari & Xiaomeng" as the main body.

It is speculated that 'Akari & Xiaomeng' produced a bond evolution effect similar to that of 'Taro & Tregear'.

With the precedent of Taro & Tregchia, Lei Xu reasonably doubts——

Superman Aguang has an affair with Xiaomeng!

Leaving aside the excavation of Trinity's ability, in the past 20 years, the learning progress and intensity of the Cubs of Light have not relaxed or decreased in the slightest.

Cramming learning is painful, but if you get used to it, you will like this feeling of continuous enrichment of the whole person.

It took less than half a year from resistance to addiction, so that Lei Xu once doubted whether he had a tendency to be masochistic.

The biggest improvement is undoubtedly the reserve of the light skill library.

Bear the brunt of it, Otto has learned everything about the guillotine.

As for the need to obtain permission before using it, Lei Xuchun ignored it.

After all, Cubs of Light have a very flexible choice of origin.

Earth & the Kingdom of Light & the Kingdom of New Light, whichever you need.

Second, there are various limitations...controlling the effect of the light.

Including but not limited to...

Slow down, freeze, paralyze, hypnotize, blind, imprison, mental/psychic interference, etc., and so on.

Again, it is the light of the healing & restoration & purification system, and Lei Xu selectively refined a few.

Big Brother Leo stayed for a while——

After ensuring that the Cubs of Light learned several L77 secrets including energy light ball, resurrection, and deformation (advancing & degrading) light, they went back to be the bodyguard of the old man Ao Wang with confidence.

What is worth mentioning is not the resurrection & degeneration light, but the energy light ball.

What Lei Xu didn't expect was that the power of this thing depends on the user's physical fitness and stamina.

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