Dagu: ......

"Don't you think it's weird? The reaction of the earth."

After a short silence, Dagu seemed to have finished speaking, and spoke after deliberating:

"I think this matter is actually divided into two stages..."

"I understand!" Fujimiya suddenly realized.

Joya: ...

Dagu:? ? ?

I haven't said anything yet! ! !

"Assuming that Earth 3 is indeed injecting energy into each Earth, this matter is easy to understand."

Fujimiya was completely unaware of the bewilderment on the faces of the two, and spoke quickly:

"Light of Earth has a specific description of Earth 3 as 'the most powerful Earth out there.'"

"Didai Earth devours Pagon's incarnation, Gaia Earth itself is very powerful, but Earth 3 is even stronger than them."


Qiao Ya couldn't find the point of Fujimiya's words for a while.

"Because it is the strongest earth, there is room to release energy to each earth."

"Earth 3 disappeared, but when it reappeared, it sent energy to each earth without reservation. Why?"

"You mean..." Dagu suddenly tasted it.

"Earth 3 may be in his home universe, don't forget what's in his home universe."

Fujimiya reminds:

"Geheros has been chasing Lei Xu, and I think it has something to do with his status as the 'Son of the Stars'."


Joya suddenly understood, and was shocked:

"Gheros body!?"

Fujimiya glanced at him quickly, nodded slightly and at the same time flipped through the "Light of the Earth" on the projection, pointing out the details of the narration——

【'She' is definitely not Mother Earth No. 3, Lei Xu can be sure of this! 】

Supplemented by the reply from Ressa Earth, everything seems to be connected:

【No, she's still there, we'll contact you when we find it! 】

"Earth 3 releases energy to each earth, indicating that something must have happened there."

With all the preconditions out, Fujimiya began to explain his logic:

"Because of this, the missing No. 3 was recaptured by various Earths."

"Because Ressa Earth and Earth 3 are the most closely connected, Renlong and the others will come here for transit."

The core idea of ​​Dagu’s questioning lies in this contrast——

Earth 3 injects energy into other multiple earths, and it seems that it does not do unnecessary things.

The other Earths discovered the location of Earth No. 3, and sent a bunch of combat power backhandedly.

"I don't think there's a disagreement among the planets."

Fujimiya denied Daiko's core point of view:

"Earth 3 is strong, and judging from the performance of its energy transmission to the various earths, it is not weak.

So the disappearance of Earth 3 is more likely to be actively shielded!

I think that if No. 3 is unwilling, even Resa Earth cannot send people there, let alone Gatanjae and Renlong. "

Dagu: ......

What to do, I can't keep up with my train of thought.


Fujimiya raised his head and signaled the two to look at Ikari Shinji who had been silent until now:

"Given the situation on his side, I think he was captured by Earth 3, not a combat force deliberately sent by other Earths.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that Reza Earth gave up after only one attempt, and instead let him stay here. "

"Makes sense!"

Qiao Ya obviously followed the train of thought completely:

"Zhang Wei was precisely located, and he was sent there specially by Ressa Earth."

"Gaia Earth sent Renlong, and Didi Earth sent Gatanjae. It may be that the Earth took advantage of the vacancy of the No. 3 inter-universe transmission."


Fujimiya nodded:

"Now, there is only one question that cannot be answered here—"

"What is the reason for Earth 3 to capture so many strange guys, or..."

Qiao Ya's eyes drifted to the 14-year-old boy who was autistic again, and his tone was serious:

"What is the selection mechanism!?"


Fujimiya deeply agrees:

"The Red Superman on Didi Earth doesn't know.

At least the 'passengers' who have passed through the earth of Ressa, the conditions of their origin do not seem to be very good. "

"That's all for now."

Joya waved his hand irritably, he was in a bad mood:

"If you're right, that leads to one of the most immediate problems."

"It's very difficult for us to go to Earth 3!" Joya said in unison.

Dagu: ......

You guys make me look stupid! ! !

It took a long while before Dagu sorted out the logic.

Earth 3 takes the initiative to shield itself→Earth 3 pulls people→Didai & Gaia take advantage of the chaos to block people→Earth 3 raises its vigilance.

"Then what can we do!?"

Hearing that he may not be able to go to the universe, the hometown of his predecessors, to help, Dagu's mood also becomes extremely bad.


"Eh—?" Dagu looked at Fujimiya in amazement.

"All of us may not be able to go, but he will definitely be able to."

Fujimiya's eyes were deep, and it was self-evident who the so-called "he" was referring to.

"But senior is in the Kingdom of Light."

Dagu puzzled:

"Impossible to come back..."


Fujimiya raised her voice while turning her head, interrupting:

"There's no way to help directly, so let's do what we can."

can do...

Dagu was stunned for a moment, followed Fujimiya's line of sight to catch the still autistic boy, and suddenly understood something.

"Take it as the first mission of the Kingdom of New Light."

Fujimiya looked stern:

"EVA Earth, there are still 60 billion people on the verge of extinction..."

110 Let Ultraman come to see me! [-] in [-]

In the field of vision, the magnificent brilliance of crystal color lasts for a long time.

Under the joyful gaze of Superman Aguang, the gray, dilapidated, lifeless surface of the earth, dots of magnificent brilliance burst out.

In the next moment, the crystal-clear crystal-like substance thrives like a rushing tide on the flat land, rolling hills and hills, deep ravines, and any place you can imagine at a turbulent speed.

There is no doubt that the flesh and blood of the god of death has worked, and the planet in the name of miracles is recovering.

In other words, she has recovered——

The actual situation of Aber Star is far better than the best situation predicted by Superman Aguang before his departure.

Right now, rather than saying that she is recovering, the Cub of Light feels more like an uncontrollable explosive growth after taking a Shiquan Dabu pill.

Not long after, crystal clear crystal prisms were everywhere on the ground within sight, and Shikari suddenly had a sense of time and space dislocation.

If it weren't for the gray and mottled appearance of the earth, he even thought that time had really flown back to that moment.


The moment when I first met Abo Xing...

"Oh wow-"

Lei Xu suddenly said:

"Don't be so busy being happy, it's not a good thing."

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