Give the material a design blueprint, and everything can be produced.

Therefore, even if he wanted to, Qiao Ya could not apply for enough scientific research strength to tackle the problem.

The director's real idea is to record the characteristics of Spyium.

Joya has already applied to the top management of GDI to deploy a warship and send a crew to Mars.

The purpose is to find out whether Spethium matter really exists on Mars based on the recorded characteristics.

Qiao Ya said that he will lead the way - he wants to go to Mars!

This is a project with little risk, little investment, and bleak prospects, but the profit ratio is so high that it explodes.

Once successful, human beings will immediately improve the status quo and turn over from being powerless against monsters.

The spread of industry and the suppression of firepower can make most of the Austrian monsters hate on the spot.

The only payment is the lack of capacity for a warship all the year round.

In fact, humans do not need so many warships between the return to the earth and the moon at present-it is not a large-scale lunar colonization.

The most important thing is that spaceships like warships and imperial logistics ships can be built in their own docks.

So it doesn't appear to be so scarce.

There is a high probability that Joya's proposal will be approved. At that time, he will be transferred far away again, set foot on Mars, and start the long journey to find the substance of Spethium.

Lei Xu knew in his heart that he couldn't persuade the director to return.

Just like when he didn't persuade the director to stay on the ground—this middle-aged man's lifelong dream is the stars and the sea!

After a short rest, Lei Xu, who felt full of energy, picked up the bronze magic light stick from the director's table again.

He wants to experience the feeling when Tiga releases the rainbow shield again-the shield that doesn't work at all times is simply a scam!

But before Lei Xu yelled 'Tiga', the emergency communication in the branch was connected.

On the screen, Zhang Wei's serious face suddenly flashed:

"Suddenly -- Mezad appeared in Tokyo!"

Lei Xu:?Mezzard?

And——why Tokyo again?

101 Unlucky Sato again~

Tokyo, a city full of disasters and disasters.

Tokyo, the well-deserved vortex center of the entire Austrian Tokusho universe.

Tokyo, an inexplicable, as long as it is unlucky, it will definitely include its magical place.


"Mezzard appeared in Tokyo?" Lei Xu couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, you should have received the live video."

Qiao Ya indicated with her eyes that she was passing by unintentionally, but Wang Lei, who was stunned when he heard the news, connected to the GDI wartime channel.

In the communication, Zhang Wei reminded:

"No later than 3 minutes, the high-level executives of all GDI member countries will be online.

Tokyo is covered by the Asian GDI branch, and we need to quickly come up with a countermeasure. "

"The plan is the battle!"

A strange sonorous male voice suddenly entered the channel, and Zhang Wei turned sideways to make way for the visitor. It was a blond old man with a falcon-like face.

Lei Xu recognized him, the top person in charge of the Bald Eagle stationed in the GDI Asia branch, and Staff Officer Cam.

The old man Cam speaks fluent Chinese, frowning:

"Mr. Lei Xu, is it possible to attack?"

Lei Xu turned his head to glance at the real scene on the Wartime Channel not far away.

The semi-illusory jellyfish drags the streamer under its body, and every time it passes by, whether it is a building, a statue, or just an ordinary landscape tree, everything under it will turn into a piece of land in less than two seconds. Fine sand-like powder, then disintegrated as a whole.

You can't be wrong, this is the ability of the original Mezzard, molecular collapse!

This seems to be the perspective of a high-altitude drone. At this time, it is sunset and dusk, and Lei Xu can't see the crowd running below.

You can think clearly with your toes, and casualties are inevitable.

The background of the sunset was full of dust, and Lei Xu couldn't tell whether the people in the building were disintegrated, or were covered in the dust and fell to the ground helplessly, turning into blurred flesh and blood splashing on the ground.

Just looking at the scene on the screen, Lei Xu's fists were clenched unconsciously, and the veins on the edge of his forehead bulged.

The scene must be a hell on earth!

Even so, Lei Xu still maintains the most basic calmness, and so does Zhang Wei——


On the other end of the communication, Zhang Wei almost had a fight with old man Cam on the spot:

"The state of the original Mezzard is very special, I'm afraid it will still be needed this time..."

On the communication screen, Zhang Wei gave Lei Xu a wink, and the latter raised his right hand knowingly, allowing himself to be quickly wrapped in a layer of iridescent light.

Old man Cam obviously also read the oral report of Lei Xu's last battle against Mezad.

At present, human beings do not have the anti-jamming technology against the fluctuating state of Mezad's hyperspace in the Gaia plot.

In other words-

In order to fight against Mezad, the help of mythical and Eudemons is a must!

Lei Xu didn't waste time, he directly connected with Eugene who was leisurely swimming in the orbit of the moon with Otto.

[No problem Daguang, you come and tell me what to do. 】

Sure enough, Unikin agreed to Lei Xu's request without hesitation.

The more frankly Mengxin House Beast agreed, the deeper the guilt in Lei Xu's heart.

Lei Xu felt that he was using the ignorant Unikin.

[Sorry, I will help you next time. 】

Before he had time to explain more to Mengxin Zhaishou, Lei Xu changed back into human form to save energy.

Facing the communication screen, he nodded slightly, indicating that Unikin had promised to help.

A clear report sounded in the alliance communication:

"Code name Mezad, the activity is temporarily suspended."

Lei Xu's nod and the new news made Zhang Wei and old man Cam, who were waiting anxiously on the other end of the communication line, heave a sigh of relief.

The activity stopped, Lei Xu would rather Mezad to destroy——

Everyone knows that Mezzard is a standard monster with high IQ.

The stop at this moment means that it is very likely to be reading the thoughts and memories of the people in the disaster-stricken area.

Information about human civilization is leaking!

It's not a big deal if it's just a leak of information. The most important thing is that no one can guarantee that the people in the disaster-stricken area will have the whole plot of "Gaia" in their minds.

If you contact the mysterious villain of the Mezzard family and Gaia, the root cause of a series of attacks is shattered, and the cooperative relationship of the body is brought about.

Don't miss out on this Mezzard!

"I think we need a plan."

Lei Xu forcibly suppressed his vigorous desire to attack immediately and kill Mezad, so he said.


Tokyo, Minato-ku——

Sato was lying in the fine and soft gray-white sand, most of his body was buried, leaving only half of his face and nose exposed.

A pair of bright eyes stared in horror at the illusory jellyfish in mid-air, desperately slowing down their breathing.

The deliberately slow breathing drove the fine dust between the nostrils and gently sank into the lungs, which made Sato's chest itch, but he didn't even dare to move.

Not just because of the fear of being discovered by the scary jellyfish above the head, but because the texture of the sand dunes formed by the disintegration of several buildings is really too delicate.

Sato even felt that he was not soaking in the sand dunes, but in the school's swimming pool, which might sink to the bottom at any time.

Why is this happening to me?

Sato wanted to cry but had no tears. How long had it been since he narrowly escaped death when Shibuya collapsed last time?

Is there a month?

Why is it always me who is unlucky?

Sato knew the monster above his head.

In other words, more than 15% of men of the same age in Tokyo and most of the children know each other——

The hyperspace wave monster in Gaia, Mezzard!

This time, Sato was even more desperate than before.

Last time, Sato was unable to witness the battle of the red Ultraman because he hid underground in time.

But——, there are videos from all angles on the Internet.

As a postgraduate student of science and engineering from a wealthy consortium on the island, Sato is well aware of where the current limit of human technology lies.

The hyperspace fluctuating state, the cat in Schrödinger's black box.

Sato didn't think that the person who used only one light wheel for the whole process, and then flashed red at the speed of light, seemed to respect the setting of the 3-minute event. What could the real Ultraman do to Mezzard in this state.

Even if there is, can Ultraman, who has a high probability of flashing red by releasing a skill to break Mezzard's fluctuating state, really overwhelm the Austrian monster Mezzard in full state?

Sato had no hope of that.

Why do you want to be real in this kind of place?

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