Lei Xu looked at the girl's beautiful and hazy emerald eyes:

"Since Mother Earth can pull you here, she can also send you away.

I'll give this to you first, in case it's too late..."

"Mr. Lei Xu..."

Alice covered her mouth in emotion.

"Oh yes, you are from a magician."

Looking at the metal wand in the girl's arms, the Cub of Light thought for a while and raised a finger:

"Reza V1 is more melee combat and doesn't have many skills, so I think Tifa should be more suitable for this than you."

Alice:  …


The Earth Miko took out a handkerchief, carefully wrapped the golden lion ring that was gradually fading from the red rainbow light, and put it in her bosom.

——She originally wanted to wear it, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it!

——Definitely not afraid of Camilla chasing and killing me! ! !

Before Alice looked up, a huge shock came suddenly, and the high-pitched shout pierced the dark night sky——

"Red Flying Arrow!!!"

Phew——, followed by the shrill sound of sharp blades piercing the air at high speed.

Lei Xu raised his head following the sound, just in time to catch a cross spear over tens of meters passing through the top of his head at high speed and falling into a small forest in the distance.


Wait, did a voice call 'Red Flying Arrow' just now! ?

Could it be that......

Lei Xu jumped into the air subconsciously.

Almost at the next moment, a red giant with a red body and a huge head fell into the grove at high speed.

He quickly pulled out the cross spear inserted into the ground, and roughly stroked the strange shape pierced by the point of the gun.


The cross spear was casually thrown aside, the red giant held the grotesque upper body with one hand, and the lower body with the other.

On the red arm, the bulging muscles suddenly contracted.

The next moment-

Crack~ One sound, the juice splashes everywhere...

Ah, it exploded!

The Cub of Light thought blankly...

5 'Bermura':... !!! [-] in [-]

At this moment, the expression of the Cub of Light changes like this——




After rubbing his eyes for a long time, he double-checked the line in his vision——

He pinched the red spittoon head of whoever was unlucky, and patted down a dry, soft, rotten meat with his hands.

Picking up a weapon that looks like an Ultra spear, he frantically poked and dismembered the corpse → punched and crushed every piece of corpse → pedaled to grind the remains of the corpse → set a fire to burn all the blood-stained meat and mud, and the whole grove was blown away Ash... burnt.

In the end, after raising one hand high, it seems that after the figure celebrating the victory is real...

Lei Xufo is gone.

The Cub of Light expressionlessly pulled the indignant first-generation Big Brother down and took a deep breath.

Calm down, no matter what, just calm down first!

Yes, it is indeed this guy who is right.

W/ DNMD how calm! ?

The Cub of Light hugged his head and roared in his heart.

How could it be this guy! ! !

Red Star from the Red Nebula, as its name suggests, is mainly red in color, and is said to be a 'peace loving' warrior.

Brother Teshe Pingtou, there is nothing he dare not fight, the 'strongest' hero of the Austrian series——

Red Superman!

Lei Xu never expected that his mother could actually see Red Superman here.

Red Demon, Red Passer, Red Beast Slayer, Red Whisperer, Red Khorne Chosen...

He has countless titles, none of which are related to love of peace.

His "evil deeds" are well known to all, and his daily ferocity and brutality of whipping corpses to pieces and dusting them into ashes is chilling.

However, he was given the title of hero and superman by human beings.

There are countless legends related to him in the arena, but he has never been in the arena...

The average content of each episode is 5 minutes, and it is a low-cost special shooting short drama composed entirely of sneak attacks, massacres, destruction, and ashes "monsters & aliens".

Played in the children's program "Good Morning! Children's Show" of the island TV station——

Let the children on this island go to school energetically every day after watching it, everyone smiled and said it was normal...

All right, the Cub of Light looked down at the ground speechlessly.

Mother Earth, what kind of work can you old man do for me, just do it all at once.

First Legendary Godzilla and Alice, then Red Superman.

Across TV & Movies & Games & Tokusho & Comics, only novels have no cards.

Tsk, here I suggest bringing someone from "The Three-Body Problem" over here, dear.

Taking a deep breath, the cub of light barely calmed down.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Red Superman, Mother Earth on the 3rd must have something big...deep meaning!

Seeing such a brutal scene unfold, Alice on the side was in high spirits.


Lei Xu casually comforted the shivering Earth Miko:

"Red Superman is a peace-loving warrior."

Alice:? ? ?

The girl looked at the soaring fire in the grove in disbelief, then at the red Superman who was still posing in the flames, and finally looked at the Cub of Light in confusion—

You call this love of peace! ?

In fact, according to the plot of the comic "Red Superman" of the same name, Red Superman is really the peace-loving soldier.

In the setting, none of the aliens and monsters he got down was innocent——

Either it has just been destroyed or it is being destroyed!

Limited by the 'low cost', Tsuburaya chose a small forest, and it was shot with a low-quality stage play leather case to achieve that effect.

In fact, the real body of Red Superman is as shown in front of his eyes, a 42-meter-high giant.

At the same time, Red Superman is not like the Ultra Clan——

Powered by stellar radiation, he has no activity time limit during the day and 30 minutes at night.

Considering the variety and number of monsters he defeated, he was as powerful as any of the Ultra brothers.

The battery life, or the energy reserve is far beyond, at least a level of 5 Ai.

——Jaydon & Bemonstein are enough to prove the strength of Red Superman!

Based on the trust in the setting of "love of peace", the Cubs of Light decided to wait and see.

It is no exaggeration to say that based on the known plot of "Mobile Olympics", there is only one end for Red Superman's random entry——


As for now, as long as he doesn't provoke the three who are currently ruling the sea and Lei Xu and his party here, it will also be a random killing.

If Red Superman is really the same as in the setting, he can just help him muddy the water!


Alien life or death?

Are you referring to those aliens in "Mobile Olympics" who are condescending, consider themselves superior creatures, and regard humans as food?

Or is it that the star cluster council 'did not control' the killer who came to the earth to kill at will?

Or the interstellar terrorists who came to the earth with the "golden fortress" of the ancient bridge "golden fortress" and threatened to cede half of the earth to the star cluster council! ?

I'm sorry, just the fact that the Star Cluster Council concluded an unequal treaty with human beings and caused alien streets to appear on the earth is enough to make Lei Xu angry.

Now, the cubs of light can barely restrain their emotions and do not run away directly.

If it were true that when Didi took the earth, he became the "cosmic emperor" himself in a flash of inspiration, the earth may have been turned upside down by now.

Human consent?


Not to mention that the group of elites above cannot represent all mankind, even if it is really agreed by mankind, so what?

——He and Lei represent the earth itself!

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