The huge roar that was close at hand cut through the night sky, and the scarlet giant wrapped in the scarlet shock wave was a flying kick that fell from the sky.

Cub of Light: (╬◣ω◢)! ! !

Lei Xu couldn't bear to back down again and again without being appreciated.

If a tiger doesn't show its power, it will be regarded as a sick cat.

In the next moment, the extremely condensed dazzling stream of light penetrated the night sky and hit the universe with red light and shadow.

Boom! ! !

The long-overdue terrifying sound roared and invaded through the air, and the glass curtain walls of the outer walls of several nearby buildings shattered instantly, but were melted into wisps of floating blue smoke by the passing nuclear flames.

This nuclear light fist can at least knock you out of the moon's orbit, and the cub of light slowly stopped.

If this guy still wants to fight, then ask Jia Tanjiang to send him a petrified light, Lei Xu is not used to it.

"Thank you!"

Hayata got up slowly and walked to the side of the Shining Armored Figure, "Please, may I ask..."

【"Wait, don't go!"】

At the same time, the human voice that exploded in his head and ears made Hayata stunned. The next second, the silver armor figure in front of him flew into the sky and disappeared into the night.

In less than ten seconds, Lei Xu intercepted the figure wearing the 'Shikali' armor over a construction site.

【Let's talk, Ultraman. 】

Who are you!

——Originally, 'Bermura' wanted to ask this question.


Before the other party could speak, the Cub of Light chanted——

[Manishan! 】

'Bermura':  …


6 Don’t you think it’s just a coincidence!? Two in one

[Manishan! 】

Hearing the sound, 'Bermura' paused for a moment, then raised his head reflexively.

In the field of vision, the handsome armor with sharp edges and corners on the chest of the silver armor figure melted rapidly, revealing the crimson chest of the ring-woven chain armor and the shining blue crystal hemisphere.

'Bermula' stopped suddenly, and its bright blue eyes stared blankly at the extremely eye-catching azure timer in the field of vision.

【first meet. 】

The Cub of Light sincerely reached out to the armored figure in front of him——

【We are here to help you, Manishan! 】

In the next second, the armored figure raised its arms tremblingly, and rushed forward like crazy.

The claw-like metal palm caressed the surface of the hemisphere of the lens exuding azure brilliance, feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar light energy...

If it wasn't for the lack of corresponding functions in this body, he would have the urge to cry for a while.

The sharp claws made of metal left the blue crystal timer to support the shoulder blade of the silver armor figure, and the flowing molten iron in the core of the earth was immediately covered and backfilled, returning to the original sharp-edged appearance.

"You, you are..."

The electronic sound mixed with a strange metallic texture intermittently seemed to be choking, 'Bermula' stared at the face armor of the silver armor figure:

"You can call me Leisa or Lei Xu."


'Bermura' froze for a moment.

"My words are quite special."

Lei Xu thought for a while:

"Let's go, meet Manishan first."

? ?

'Bermura' began to be confused.


Cubs of Light mean something:

"Let Manisang and Manisang be of one mind, maybe you can recover."

'Bermura':  …


"Little Reza!"

The voice of the call came from far to near, and one... two figures leaped high and precisely stepped on the crane arm between the frames of the two buildings.


The Earth Miko let go of the first-generation Big Brother's arm without fear, moved two steps cautiously, stood obediently aside, and looked over curiously.

"Little Resa, who did you find..."

The conversation stopped abruptly in the middle, and the first-generation big brother looked at the 'Bermula' holding the shoulder of the cub of light in silence for a while.

'Bermula' tilted his head, and froze for a moment when he caught the figure of the middle-aged man on the crane arm——

Good morning, Hayata! ?

No, Hayata is already old!


'Bermula' immediately remembered the confusing statement made by the Cub of Light——

【Let Manishan and Manishan be one with you...】

Combined with the previous sentence -

【We're here to help you, Manishan! 】

Could it be that......

Under the slightly strange gaze of 'Bermula', 'Hayata' slowly raised his hand into the inner pocket of his chest, and took out a...

"Manishan, wait a minute!"

The Cub of Light's heart skipped a beat, and he crossed his arms in front of his chest in the shape of an X——


In the next moment, the brilliant golden brilliance spread into the sky into a glorious space, and the four people who were engulfed in the scene all disappeared.

There is a solid touch under the feet, and in the field of vision, Cuihua flows and fluctuates like water waves, and the silver-armored figure has shed the molten iron core on the body surface, revealing the red color of the whole body.

Alice stretched out her feet curiously, and took a step cautiously. When she realized that it was actually ground that could be stepped on, her eyes widened in amazement.

Cubs of Light Another Great Master Stealer Achievement——

True Power Domain!

That's what I said, but Lei Xu didn't grasp the power of truth at all.

The so-called true power, in the words of the Big Horn Bull, is the real power that exists in each ao.

There is no need for a long explanation, the self-summary of the Cubs of Light:

100% control and development of your own potential!

It doesn't matter if there is no true power, the domain is essentially an application of subspace changes.

The field of true power of the bighorn cow is to receive cosmic energy through the horns, and through the transformation and release of the body's instincts in the state of true power, a subspace is formed.

The essence of Nexus's Meta Domain is not too different, so Mr. 80 studied it specially.

Yes, the Cub of Light doesn't have those big horns, but he has a lot of energy.

The rote-style backboard directly uses the self-contained ... light of the earth to build the field.

Data Quantification: Start the minimum energy consumption of 0.5 games, and the energy consumption will increase by 20%.

Effect: The field energy will continue to erode and weaken the enemies identified by Lei Xu, interfering with the stability of their energy operation, and the body has no gain.

To be reasonable, this skill came from very... so what.

Not the time!

To put it simply, for the current Lei Xu, those who can be beaten can basically be killed instantly, and there is no need to activate it; those who cannot be defeated, it is useless to activate it.

Come early, for example, when he first arrived in Didai Universe, he had such a domain skill, so Lei Xu would not be tied up in battle.

Low EQ: Useless!

High EQ: True Power/Meta Domain Plus Youth Edition.

In addition, Lei Xu used the original light energy to build a field of red gold and two colors, and the effect remained the same except that the special effect was more gorgeous.

For now, little is better than nothing, but the future is promising.

However, the first launch of Cubs of Light's domain skills did not attract the attention of the three present——

In the half-clear and half-sluggish eyes of 'Bermula', the handsome middle-aged guy... the unpretentious magic wand in the hands of the first generation big brother shines brightly.

Amid the familiar sound effects, the figure of the original red silver giant stands proudly.


There was a crisp landing sound, and the Earth Miko was so startled that she couldn't hold her staff.

Alice came earlier, and after a few days, she has a clear understanding of how popular this posture is on this planet.

'Bermura':  …

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