"I'll take you... Bah! Manishan take me to fly!"

First Generation & First Generation:  …

As if looking in a mirror, the two red silver giants, who had no deviations in appearance or details, looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

Xiang Xiushu.jpgX2

In the phantom of the double tribute, the red giant's body surface, the angular muscle lines are stained with a large amount of silver...

After a while, the Cub of Light slowly raised a question mark——

There is not much light, and the energy is dominated by me, and there is no other experience at all.

Where is the strengthening point of this form! ?

The earth witch, in Alice's field of vision, the silver-red giant who was stunned for a while slowly raised his hand——

Bang-! ! !

Give that round of high bulge, unusually exaggerated pectoralis major a ruthless...

8 The first generation & the first generation:......

On a clean white hospital bed, with short blue hair and a thin body that is almost weak, the girl leaned against the edge of the bed, and the four...three people in front of her were reflected in her beautiful wine-red pupils...I don't know if they were human figures, Not a word.

"She's seen you before?"

Ide looked suspiciously at the Jadons.


Ed stared at the young girl in front of him, his empty one-eyed round pupils met those bloody eyes.

"May I have your name?"

The girl blinked.


The faces of the stars on the side are stern:

"I tried to communicate with her before you came, and she didn't speak to nurses or doctors."


"Do not."

Zhu Xing pushed his glasses:

"The scan showed that her vocal organs were normal and she could understand Japanese."

"Ayanami Rei." The cold and shallow female voice did not have any ups and downs.


Zhu Xing frowned and went back to the girl on the hospital bed, "What did you say?"

"Ayanami Rei."

The girl looked at him calmly, succinctly:


"Am I dead?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Zhu Xing's complexion became more and more stern:

"I don't know if you died or not?"

"do not know."

The girl shook her head lightly, expressionless:

"please tell me."

Star Bullets:  …


"You didn't, you died."

The peculiar voice of the sentence interrupted Zhu Xing's questioning in the future. Ed carefully watched the pair of clear blood eyes that moved back again, and spoke slowly:

"You, answer the question, I will answer, and answer your question."

Rei Ayanami: ...

"it is good."

"Zhu, Xing." The Jayton Starman stammered.

"Why are you in this, what is this?"

Without any surprise, Zhu Xing took a step forward, and took a tablet to show the girl the mechanical giant twisted into a weird posture and its body was scorched black.

"EVA Unit Zero." The girl's tone was immaculate.


After a while, Zhu Xing, who didn't wait for the follow-up, raised his head:


The girl nodded slightly.

Zhu Xing: ...

"Why are you here? What mission are you performing? What is your purpose!?"

Ite asked directly over Morohoshi, whose forehead was throbbing with veins.

The girl on the hospital bed, Rei Ayanami glanced at him, and then returned her eyes to the one-eyed weirdo. She didn't speak coldly until the latter asked her to answer in a strange tone:

"Rei Ayanami, the pilot of Unit Zero, executes the Yashima Operation Plan.

The purpose of the mission is to protect the first machine. "

"The Yashima battle plan?" Ide was taken aback for a moment.

Yashima is a place name in Japan. It is a highland located in the northeast of Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture. He is very familiar with it.

"Please explain in detail the specific content of this Yashima battle plan."

Zhu Xingdan finally saw the logic of the girl's answer to the question——

She only answers the key points, that is, the specified scope of the question, and will not make any derivative explanations.

"The Yashima Operation Plan—"

Still with that unwavering voice, the girl began to narrate:

"The two drivers, Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami, assembled at the second hub at 19.30.

At 20 o'clock, the first machine and the zero machine began to move.

Depart at 20.05, arrive at the second fortress of Erzishan at 20.30 to prepare, and start the battle at 0:[-].

The requirements for this operation are extremely precise, and the No. [-] machine will execute the main attack, and I will drive the No. [-] machine to protect the No. [-] machine. "

"Wait, who is your target?"

The more Ide listened, the more he felt something was wrong:

"Is the combat area in Japan? Where is the enemy? How to attack?"

"The sixth apostle."

The girl continued to answer:

"The combat area, Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture, Kanto Region, Mount Futako, the Sixth Apostle is located in the Third New Tokyo City, and is sniped by the positive electron gun of the first machine."


Not caring what the so-called 'sixth apostle' is, Zhu Xingdan flatly rejected it:

"Erzishan hasn't seen anything unusual recently."

The girl on the hospital bed watched him calmly.

"I'm afraid it's, no, it's the planet, Japan."

In the center of the scarlet rift, a sense of amazement flashed in the strange and deep round pupils, Ed added:

"Yeah, maybe it's the sun of the universe and the earth."


"What did you say!?"

Zhuhoshi & Ide both looked at the Jaedon star in horror.


"Sorry to interrupt."

Just when the two were about to ask something, the electronic door suddenly opened, and a doctor in a white coat and holding two tablets walked into the ward:

"Mr. Zhuxing, the detailed test reports of this girl and that big guy are out."

Zhu Xingtan raised his hand to take a tablet, and after a quick glance, he was stunned.

"Are you a clone?"

He looked at the girl half surprised and half stunned.

"Her cell stability is very poor. In theory, long-term medication is required to maintain complete function, but without samples we cannot figure out the composition ratio of the drug."

The doctor explained in detail:

"Even if this is the case, it will only prolong the time. She still needs to cooperate with specific genetic programming to survive for a long time."

"I'm sorry, there are no corresponding conditions on Earth at present, and her lifespan may only be a few months..."

"What is a clone?"

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