At the scene, a familiar call suddenly flashed across Lei Xu's mind, who was busy with torture.

[What plan? 】The Cub of Light's reading feedback was very blunt.

While replying, Lei Xu didn't stop what he was doing.

The molten iron in the earth core was flowing and condensed a big knife, and he beheaded the Cicada star who was clamoring for himself in front of him.

In the next second, the smooth cut head flew into the sky, and foul-smelling blood gushed out like a fountain.

A group of grotesque figures who were frozen in the air and could not move suddenly shivered for a while, their eyes staring at the evil star motionlessly, afraid that they would be the next one to be pointed at.

[Little Resa, you know what I'm talking about. 】

The voice of the original Big Brother is not euphemistic:

[I don't know what you plan to do, and I don't want to interfere with your approach, but I just hope you won't become that Otreza. 】

The Cub of Light froze.

【......Do not worry. 】

Lei Xu paused, while the silver-armored figures slowly floated into the air, the surviving aliens on the entire street, together with the reporters and recording equipment, all followed and floated into the sky:

【I won't. 】

[That's good, I believe in you! 】

Lei Xu: ...

I don't even believe in myself, you old man believe in me! ?

The Cub of Light was silent.

[By the way, there is one thing I have always wanted to tell you. 】The first generation of Big Brother changed the subject.

【? 】

The Cubs of Light don't know why.

In the next second, the voices of the first generation of Big Brother & 'Bermula' were nearly synchronized——

【That time with the Baltans, I have never regretted it! 】

Lei Xu: ...

For a long time——, the depression in my heart did not feel relieved.

【Then this time—】

Cubs of Light Chant Symphony:

【me too. 】

In Kyoto, the bloody execution shots on the wide advertising curtain wall suddenly stopped.

"Beforehand, I can identify whether you are lying or not."

The silver-armored figure floating in the sky looked coldly at the hundreds of grotesques in front of him, chilling:

"Answer all my questions, may live, lie, be seen as an accomplice, die!

Nod if you understand. "

A group of grotesques desperately jogged their heads...whether it was a head or not.

That's right, Lei Xu never planned to obtain the coordinates of the culprit from the star cluster council from the very beginning.

Thinking about it clearly, it is impossible for the Star Cluster Council to compromise with this 'terrorist'.

It was a great opportunity, and for the right reasons, at least on the surface.

Next, from the reaction of the star cluster council, it will be clear how much they value the earth, or human civilization.

From the beginning to the end, Lei Xu has been wondering about one thing——

Now that the Kingdom of Light has been wiped out, the power held by the people on Earth is simply fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

If they simply want to hit the earth, they can just destroy human beings.

The fact that the Star Cluster Council has established diplomatic relations with humans in an official name and guaranteed the safety of the earth for such a long time is enough to prove their greatness.


In the plan of the star cluster council, human beings are likely to be an indispensable and important part!

In the live broadcast just now, Lei Xu deliberately did not mention the compromise and indulgence of the high-level human government.

One is to maintain stability, and the other is to understand that human beings really have no choice.

In the face of the star cluster council, it is normal and wise for high-level human beings who do not understand their own importance to compromise for the survival of civilization.

"Who is the mastermind?" The silver armor figure said coldly.

"It's the Cicada Star!"

A crayfish in the crowd of aliens... The Baltans rushed to answer.

"The human brain is the high end of the cicada's diet..."

He was so conscious that he didn't say those two words:

"That one was opened by the Cicadas, they think it's too wasteful to eat just that, and earn a little by the way.

Me, me, I just heard that I have never been there. We Baltan used to look the same as humans. We don’t eat people! ! ! "

——Read the words to learn the truth!

"As I said, I can detect lies."

The Shining Armored Doll waved impatiently:

"The next question is the star sign of the cicada star."

"Yes, yes, I have everything you want here!"

Under the envious and jealous gaze of a group of strange people, Lei Xu relaxed his mind control and let this Baltan release the star map on the portable device.

A three-dimensional star map projection floats in the air.


Baltan bowed flatteringly, not daring to let out that iconic ghostly smile:

"This is Xirnia, the home planet of the cicadas."

"This is the home planet of the Bracostars. They like to use the body hormones of human females to cultivate red spores as food."

"This is the home planet of the Kur star, the space hunter—"

Baltan raised his pincers and pointed at the big-headed tick in the strange shape:

"When he was chatting with me, he said that 'human beings are like bugs to them from the Kul star', and he also collected many human specimens."

"and many more!"

When the silver-armored figure raised his hand, the Bracco star covered in bags and the Kur star who looked like a big tick suddenly floated in front of him:

"Is it real?"

The Cubs of Light don't intend to let any murderer go, but they also don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Damn, you wait!"

The Bracos tried to threaten:

"The Star Cluster Council will not let it go..."

boom! ! !

The rising nuclear flames brought up a meaningless cloud of fly ash.


The Kur star uttered a cry of fear with unknown meaning:

"No, I didn't, I really didn't!!!"

boom! ! !

The flames rose, and the flying ash scattered.

"I said--"

Shining Armor figure is an understatement:

"I can detect lies!"

"You continue." The Cub of Light felt that the Baltans were very useful.

Fifty-five years after 20 billion tribesmen were reimbursed in a wave, every Baltan star seems to take life-saving as the top priority.

As for the fate of other aliens, the cosmic ninja who was already on the verge of genocide didn't care at all.

"That, Hulaso Starman!"

Baltan became more and more dog-legged, one pincer pointed at the star map, and the other pincer pointed at a few black and white among the alien crowd:

"Hurasso is here, he doesn't eat people or gasoline.

But he often cooperates with the Cicadas, hypnotizing humans to bring them there. "

Among the grotesque crowd, several Hulaso starlets looked desperate.

There is no need for a trial, the cubs of light waved their hands, and a nuclear flame set them free.

"Star Bell."

Baltan pointed again, "There is no home planet, he likes to bring humans into different spaces to hunt and kill."

"Speer star."

The Spear star is highlighted in the [-]D star map.

Baltan thought for a while and added:

"Their parent star weapon experiment failed, and the blood of the Siberians was polluted, and the blood of the people on Earth is needed to replace the blood polluted by radiation, especially children."

"So they should be the main buyers of human blood."

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