As he raised his head, the crowd flinched and retreated a long distance away.

The Cub of Light shrugged, the meaning of the expression was very obvious.

Even if he is completely on the side of human beings, it is normal to be afraid when facing an unknown existence that can easily destroy himself and even all human beings.

On the contrary, the behavior of this woman is abnormal.

"They are them and I am me."

Jingu Jicai said this lightly, she patted the girl in her arms on the shoulder:

"She's not in good health. The medical department said she only has a few months to live. I think you might have something to do."

"Anyway, I won't be able to work in that damn place of the Kurt team for a day..."

She did not give a specific reason.

Lei Xu: ...

In terms of personality, she is very similar to that Jingu Jicai, so is there something passive about this woman that attracts Ultraman! ?

Little dream, infinite dream, and now myself here...

never mind!

The cub of light released the power of thought, and Aya Jinguji and Rei Ayanami in her arms suddenly floated into the air——

"follow me!"

15 Rei Ayanami, open your eyes...

Seeing the silver-armored figures and the two women, one big and one small, completely disappear in the shadow of the city where the sky is getting dark, Zhu Xing turned around slowly and looked at the deep shade of the forest not far away.

"You didn't come out."

Zhu Xing looked at the silent man under the shade of the forest, and groaned with unknown meaning:


"It's hard to understand?"

Luo Ji smiled warmly, and walked out of the shade of the tree slowly:

"That's right, your worldview is completely different from mine."


Zhu Xing opened the car door and motioned for the man to get in the car:

"Appreciate further details."

"If it's just a solution to my situation, it's in the book."

He took out a book from his arms like a conjuring, shook it slightly relaxedly, and then got into the co-pilot:

"Now, what I want is absolute."


"Now I can't go back for the time being, that guy will have very troublesome things in the future, am I right?"


Zhu Xing sneered and mocked:

"So you are waiting for the result of his confrontation with the Star Cluster Council, and then choose the winning side and enjoy the benefits?"

"I'm sorry if you think I did something wrong."

Luo Ji admitted frankly:

"But I have a dream, and now there is hope for this dream to come true. For this reason, I will do whatever it takes."

"You didn't take me seriously!?"

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of rubbing, the vehicle stopped under the scarlet lights, and Zhu Xing stared fiercely at the man in the passenger seat.

To his ears, Luo Ji's words were almost equivalent to a mocking announcement——

[Even if I tell you in advance, I can still accomplish my goal! 】

"How come, I just determined that there must be some common reason and meaning behind the existence of us 'travelers'"

The man is still smiling easily:

"Friendly reminder, your people will take my information out, so I don't think I can stay with you for long..."

Zhu Xing was stunned for a moment, terrified.

He remembered how the Shining Armor Doll knew the girl—

Whether it's the great restraint he showed against Red Superman, or the familiarity shown by Hayata against their Kurt team.

The man in silver armor, who was most likely also a 'time traveler', did not hide his every move at all.

—he knew them well!

"how about you!?"

Zhu Xing carefully watched Luo Ji on the co-pilot, and he had to admit that the man in front of him was more sensitive than himself.

"My side is very complicated..."

The man scratched his head in distress:

"Speaking of which, it might be faster if you read the novel."

"But since you want to know, I can give you a rough idea..."

It's night, at Team Kurt's headquarters—

"The universe is a dark, dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun."

The Jadon star raised his head with great interest:

"Very interesting idea."


Zhu Xing nodded slightly:

"The chain of suspicion, the difference in benefit costs caused by the two different options of detection and strike.

It is logically self-consistent to make each civilization more inclined to actively eliminate any civilization in the universe that may compete with itself for survival and pose a threat. "

"I can take a look. Then, Ben Xiao, what do you say?"

Zhu Xing handed over a set of beautifully packaged books, frowning:

"What's the reaction from the Council now?"

"Now all the aliens on the earth have submitted applications to leave the earth, when will it be processed?"

"Reject all, reject."

The Jayton star is holding a book, flipping through it quickly...


Ide slapped the table:

"Don't let them go, Ed, is it possible that your Council wants to go to war with that guy on Earth!?"

"No!" The Jayton star vetoed without raising his head:

"We told, told him, the truth of this universe."

——Said the Supreme Chairman of the Star Cluster Council.



As soon as the group of three landed, a bowl of steaming broth was handed over.

"Thank you."

The Cub of Light subconsciously stretched out his hand to take it, and before he could take a sip, the Earth Mistress tilted her head and winked playfully at him:

"Kakui——, the emperor of the universe ~ His Majesty Reza."

Lei Xu: ...

Alice has a big heart.

However, considering that the source of all the culprits in FF7 comes from the alien creature Jenova who fell from the sky, it is normal for the earth witch to have a dislike for aliens.

"Hmmm, the emperor of the universe?"

Jinguji Cai looked around the dilapidated factory building and looked over with a strange expression:

"The emperor of the universe who lives in this kind of place?"

——I want you to take care of it!

"here you go!"

Silently complaining, while the metallic electronic sound played, the armored figure slowly lowered the height, which attracted Jingujicai's amazed gaze.

"Little Resa, the two of them are..."

The first-generation Big Brother didn't comment on the cub's previous behavior, but cared about the people Lei Xu brought back.

"Jinguji Cai."

Lei Xu pointed to the woman in the uniform of the Kurt team, staring at 'Bermula' looking left and right:

"Do you remember, her unrequited dream of unrequited love in a different time and space, the trip to Infinity Dream?"

First Generation:......

—he remembered!

"Ah, sneeze!" The innocent child far away in the Kingdom of Light universe sneezed.

"What about her?"

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