Lei Xu understated:

"Even if something happens to me, it will not affect its normal function."

Luo Ji put down his book and raised his hand.

Between the fingers clenched into fists, the bright rainbow light is getting weaker and weaker.

"it is good."

The man responded.


The Cub of Light clenched his fist in his heart——

Tianzi No. [-] Hitting Worker Get!


Luo Ji pondered for a moment, quickly accepted the facts, and paused to ask:

"The universe I'm in has..."

"You mean Erxiangfu?" Lei Xu understood.


"So what is Ultraman in your eyes?" The Cub of Light asked back.

Luo Ji: ...

"The Ott family is a life form in the quantum state of light."

Lei Xu spoke slowly, giving the man time to think:

"The so-called high-dimensional... dimensional space is a multi-dimensional quantized space. You should be clear about this definition."

Luo Ji froze for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, his eyes were surprised.

"That's right!"

The Cub of Light smiled and nodded:

"The Ultra family belongs to high-dimensional life forms in the definition of "Three-Body", and things like two-way foil are not as effective as simple laser and kinetic energy weapons for the Ultra family."

Luo Ji: ...

Today's Lei Xu is not the "illiterate" 20 years ago.

The so-called dimensionality reduction attack of the Trisolaran universe is not a reduction of 'dimension' in the true sense.

That is more like collapsing the environment, causing the extinction of civilized creatures that cannot adapt to the collapsed environment.

The solar system is two-dimensional, in essence, the solar system exists, and the earth also exists.

Only humans who cannot adapt to the two-dimensional environment, and all creatures on the earth will perish.

Let me give another example from the experience of the Cub of Light——

The creatures of the Cambrian Period 46 billion years ago on Gaia Earth, Animos and Klabaga materialized because of human attention.

The so-called dimension reduction strike is similar to the extremely microcosmic world of the quantum state in which Anaimos lives.

The fourth dimension above the three-dimensional universe is time.

That is to say, if the god-level civilization of the Trisolaran universe has a truly high-dimensional level, the entire universe will be a dough that can be kneaded and manipulated in their eyes.

The civilization that ascended the dimension first can travel through the past at will, strangling the civilization that opposes itself from the very beginning.

Then eliminate all civilizations that can compete with itself, and directly dominate the entire universe.

——Where the hell are those things behind! ?

Another definition in the Austrian world view, that is, the high-dimensional dimension is also relatively similar to the dimension in the definition of the three-body problem.

A typical representative, the high-dimensional predator Bogaru!

Another example is the four-dimensional toilet Bruton.

If it is a little lower, the Yapo people from different dimensions can also be counted!

On the whole, the Otto family can be regarded as a half-step four-dimensional——

The director of the meat factory can travel back and forth in the timeline, and theoretically can interfere with the past.

Dimensionality reduction can also be done——

The trip that Mebius entered cyberspace was the so-called dimensionality reduction.

Theoretically, in the eyes of the computer controller, the little dream at that time was just like letting it be rounded and flattened.

But in essence, no one can do it, just as no one can deal with the monsters that are rampant in the data space.

By the time of the new generation, the Ott family seemed to be on the hook.

The so-called dimensions of the Three-Body Universe, except for the unknown god-level civilization that has never appeared before, the rest of the civilizations are wandering in the universe no matter what.

The Kingdom of Light in the Cenozoic Era spans universes like drinking water, and even Jugula can travel back and forth between more than a dozen universes, and is wanted everywhere.

To be honest, if it can be done, Lei Xu is more inclined to throw Yefu into the Three-Body Universe.

Publicize the coordinates, and wait for the civilizations that believe in the dark forest to die one by one.

It's a pity that I don't know where Yefu is, otherwise the Cub of Light will definitely bring Brother Yefu to the door to have a heart-to-heart talk with Gherros.

Yefu, brother Yefu, where are you? ?

The cub of light is inexplicably sad——

How can I live without you...

21 From the highest to the most powerful to the most evil...


The Yaolan figure turned back in surprise, and caught a touch of crimson falling in the field of vision as he wished, and the light blue eyes suddenly lit up a hundred lumens:

"You're back, how's the situation?"


The red Ultra warrior nodded happily, looking at the dark red cloud in the shape of a devil's egg in the dark background:

"Overall, there are no major problems, and there is no special situation at the front line guarded by Nissan, it is still the same.

On the other hand, there was some internal conflict in the Campbell galaxy circle. "


Tregear raised his head sensitively:

"Campey's Circle I remember several times..."


Taylor scratched his head in distress:

"Those guys are really stubborn, until now they are still at friction.

Obviously we can guarantee their energy supply, but there are still robbery incidents.

In this situation, why can't we unite? "

"In addition, there are a few wild wandering monsters attacking the guard circle, probably hungry."

Ultraman Blue Tribe fell into deep thought.

"Compared to this—"

Taylor suddenly remembered something, and his eyes fell on his friend again:

"Tregear, I heard that the research on the taiga spark...has been aborted?"


Torregia's eyes dimmed slightly:

"There is no way to do this. After all, the current situation...you can't do whatever research you want like before."

"Officer Hikari also had that strange sensory phenomenon, as if something was calling him.

So far, the probability of this situation is almost half. There are basically active members of the police force. I remember you have some too, right? "


Taylor also remembered the mysterious induction phenomenon that suddenly appeared not long ago.

No, it should be said that this feeling has never disappeared, but he has gradually gotten used to this feeling:

"It feels like another me is calling..."

"Even you say that."

Tregchia is worried:

"Chief Hikari was very worried that this was an enemy's conspiracy, so he went to study alone, and I took over his original project."

"Don't worry, Tregear!"

Taylor clenched his fist confidently:

"No matter what kind of conspiracy it is, it's useless against the Messenger of Light!

We will surely defeat the darkness and restore peace to the universe.

At that time, I will help you complete the research on Taiga Spark! "


Tregear suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and smiled warmly:

"Thank you, Taylor."



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