[As long as you agree, I will release this human right away, how about it? 】

Lei Xu just remained silent, and the flickering of the timer in the center of the red giant's chest was becoming rapid.

In my heart, the majestic anger was soaring, like a torch poured with hot oil, burning blazingly.

It's just the first time I came to the earth, and after seeing a few people's brains, I mastered the most effective way to deal with the 'normal' Ultraman - taking hostages!

Despicable and without a bottom line, this alone is more worthy of vigilance than most Austrian villains.

Lei Xu couldn't imagine what would happen if this monster was let go here.

【Very well, if you keep your promise...】

Lei Xu tried his best to keep his emotions stable, using Otto to read the words.

The red giant slowed down, and under the metallic skin on the surface, the tight, smooth and eye-catching muscle lines gradually disappeared.

The ferocious giant turned its head up and down, as if thinking that Ultraman in front of him agreed to his proposal.

After all, in the thinking of this human being, the Ultraman family, especially the lineage of the Kingdom of Light, is simply like the Virgin.

If you keep your promise, you won't kill them all easily. As long as you surrender, you can generally save your life, and...

I can't see the death of human beings before my eyes!


Despicable is the word and definition of human beings. The Mezads don't have this concept at all, and Saigo has no psychological pressure.

In the next moment, a crimson glow hit his face, and a deep purple liquid hit his field of vision, Brother Sha Yi felt that his eyes were about to be punched out of their sockets by this punch.

The head is the place where the tactile nerves of Mezad's body posture are the most concentrated. Brother Sayi let out a miserable howl and fell to the ground with a bang.

Afterwards, the unbearable pain continued to flow into his thinking organs from all parts of the front of the body.

The red giant was riding on the body of the ferocious monster, his two forearms were as fast as phantoms, every blow was made with all his strength, and every blow condensed the anger in Lei Xu's chest.

The red fists were like armor-piercing cannonballs, punching out huge craters on the surface of the ferocious monster below him, scattering gray-white bone fragments and soft tissues in all directions.

Around the pit, purple-black stinky blood flowed out from the twisted and twisted flesh, and fell in large swaths into the scorched black pit.


I can't help you, I'm really sorry!

Lei Xu apologized in his heart to the person he could not save.

Although it is not clear why the hostage can send a message to himself by reading words.


It is an indisputable fact that he gave up saving himself and launched an attack on his own initiative.

The timer is ringing, Lei Xu is running out of time.

He didn't have time to think about how to save the poor hostage.

Lei Xu never thought of himself as a savior, let alone a so-called god.

Just now, he made the choice to give up saving the hostages with the coldest consideration of interests.

There is not much energy left, time is not allowed, and——

Never let go of this mezzard who knows the 'plot' and the location of this universe.

Between one person's life and the lives of countless others, Lei Xu presumptuously made his own choice at the cost of trampling on one person's life.

Sorry, but... no regrets!

Even if he makes another choice, Lei Xu will definitely choose to rush forward without hesitation, and crush Mezad who is holding hostages in front of him.

to die—

Brother Sayi clearly felt that if he didn't make an effective counterattack against the giant on him, he would definitely be beaten to death in this place by those terrifying fists.

However, the body with severe pain coming from everywhere told Brother Sayi that he did not have the strength to resist.

Then there is only...

At the critical moment of life and death, Sha Yige chose to take a gamble without hesitation, regardless of the extremely high probability of failure——

Underneath, the dying beast suddenly raised its slender neck, and its eyes, already dimmed a lot, met Lei Xuming's yellow eyes interlaced with blue eyes glowing with evil light.

In the next moment, the scarlet giant's rain-like fists stopped in the void.


Brother Sha Yi let out a cry of surprise in his heart. He had no hope of success, but just tried his best.

Unexpectedly, he really easily entered the spiritual world of Ultraman on his body.

[But... what is this? 】

Brother Sayi observed in amazement this space that gave him a slight sense of threat and shone with golden light. Is this the way Ultraman's spiritual world is?

【No!wrong!I must get out of here! 】

Brother Sha Yi suddenly yelled in panic. He felt that his spirit was being dissolved by the surrounding environment, faster than those who were beaten to death outside.

[Gee——! 】

As if he had never existed before, Brother Sayi's spirit dissipated in the sudden flash of golden light.


In the outside world, under the red giant, the terrifying monster with a miserable appearance but still a ferocious posture moved slowly...

106 Sato's imagination~

Didu—didu—, very clear, as if the siren sounded directly in his heart, awakening Sato from his deep sleep.

I am... where?

A large area of ​​bright red mixed with bright yellow shimmer came into view, Sato slowly raised his head, and a silver face with sharp edges and corners slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

The scene in front of him was meaningless to Sato, and his drowsy consciousness slowly relaxed in the haze.

The iridescent brilliance shone and slowly condensed.

The sluggish five senses gradually recover from the chaos of early awakening, and gradually converge into the sensory consciousness of the main body. In the half-dream and half-awake state, all signals from the outside world are blocked like a layer of fog.

Seeing flowers in a dream is nothing more than that.

da da da da-

The sound of breaking wind caused by the stirring of the air flow came into the ears, and Sato's trance consciousness made the perceived sound a little distorted.

It seemed that those voices were filtered by some kind of liquid, making them hazy and indistinct.


Sato tried his best to extract his consciousness from the trance, he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something very important.

The voice in the ears gradually became clear, and Sato suddenly heard human voices, in various languages.

"Confirm that Mezzard has been defeated."

It seems to be... English and Chinese?

And that weird intonation, is that French?

"The biochemical treatment team is preparing to enter the site, and the site is sealed off for disinfection and recovery operations immediately..."


English is okay, when can I understand Chinese and French?

I——, it’s Sato!

In the next moment, as if realizing that he was still in danger, the alert system of the brain immediately awakened Sato's still dull consciousness.

As if unshackled, Sato recalled everything.

Minato, Mezzard, the evil consciousness that drilled into his mind and gradually assimilated with his own thinking.

Afterwards, the ripples rippled, as if the whole body was scattered around, like a dreamy body feeling like turning into waves.

The dream was shattered, the sense of matter returned in an instant, and the crimson Ultra warrior appeared in front of his eyes.

The high-altitude chase under the night made Sato dazzled, as if he had become one with the terrifying monster.

After the white light wheel flashed past, Sato also felt the terrible phantom pain that seemed to come from his body.

Sato felt the pain of falling to the ground.

He didn't understand why he felt the same as Mezzard who kidnapped him, but—

Sato forcibly restrained his desire to cry out in pain.

The timer on Ultraman's chest is already flashing red, he doesn't have much time!

You must not cause any disturbance to Ultraman, and you must not let this terrible monster that has snooped all the information in his brain escape because of yourself.

Sato already had the determination to die in his heart.

However, Xie Mei's recitation pierced Sato's consciousness:

【Let me go Ultraman, as long as you...】

The ferocious and frightening monster pulled out a comatose figure from its belly, and from the clothes of that figure, Sato recognized that it was himself...


Absolutely not!

Sato no longer restrained his voice, he called desperately:

【leave me alone!He looked at my...]

【Shut up, you lowly...】

A huge impact of Peimo Nengyu penetrated Sato's consciousness, making him instantly lose the ability to perceive the outside world.

"Altman Reza was found, suspected of falling into a coma, rescued on the spot, and prepared to recover."

The sense of horror that had suppressed his self-consciousness gradually dissipated, and a clear human voice entered Sato's consciousness, and he finally regained his ability to think.

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