In the end, there may be a few lucky Dada stars in the star cluster council who can escape! ?

Is it—

Adad had no choice from the beginning!

Well, that's why Lei Xu deliberately didn't avoid him during the discussion.

People who are available within the scope of the earth are not worried, but outside the earth...

At this time, the Cub of Light suddenly remembered the one he had forgotten——

Beria, if you can't be the chairman of the star cluster council this time, don't come back and lose face! ! !

"Um, yes, Manishan."

Lei Xu suddenly realized that there seemed to be someone missing at the scene, and immediately looked in the direction of the original big brother——

"Where is my Manishan!?"

First Generation:......

27 Watching Manisan fight with Manisan with Manisan~ two in one

It’s night, Tokyo——


The sound of metal heavy objects falling was accompanied by huge smoke and dust.

In the next moment, the panicked figure galloped high and jumped out of the smoke and dust, crossed the wide street between the buildings at a height beyond the reach of normal human beings, and fell into the roof of the building on the other side, bringing up a stream of dust and smoke that almost melted into the night .

"Who the hell is that guy...why is he so similar to that guy whose name can't even be mentioned!?"

A small suit with a white shirt and a red tie.

The boy dressed as a typical Japanese high school student quickly turned his head, and when he caught sight of a subconsciously fearful figure out of the corner of his vision, the speed of his legs interlacing suddenly increased by another frequency.

Dozens of buildings quickly merged into the shadow of a crawling monster-like city in the night behind, and under the bright lights, a large piece of green grass with regular white stripes quickly enlarged in the field of vision.


"Pfft, cough, cough, cough."

Amidst the huge waves of dust and smoke, the young man who got up from the center of the sunken pasture let out a series of violent coughs, turned his head to look back at the night scene clearly visible, and felt relieved:

"Hey——, I finally escaped."

"Do not."

As if responding to this self-talk, a strange mechanical sound with metallic texture sounded from behind the boy:

"You didn't escape from my grasp."


The young man turned his head in horror, and when the sharp metal figure was clearly reflected in the pupils enlarged by fear, he couldn't help but staggered back and fell backwards.

"You, who are you and what is your purpose? Why did you attack me!?"

The young man almost lost his composure and asked.

"I just said it."

The metallic mechanical sound is almost straightforward:

"Your power shouldn't exist on Earth."

"Even if you say so..."

A high school boy... Shinjiro Hayata desperately shook his head in horror:

"This, this kind of power is not something I obtained voluntarily!"

"That's true."

The ice-coloured pale blue eyes that the metal figure quite recognized:

"In that case, if you want to hate, hate Susumu Hayata."

Almost at the moment when this sentence was settled, the metal figure bowed slightly, and the sharp metal claws reflected a sharp and cold light that rapidly amplified under the artificial light.

No matter how powerful he is, the current Hayata Shinjiro is just a high school boy who would sit on the rooftop and reflect on himself even if he hurt a gangster.


Amidst the screams of panic, above the night-shrouded sky, a smear of darkness fell like a shooting star.

boom! ! !

Amidst the appalling crashing sound, the metal figure flipped upside down lightly, releasing dense dust and smoke that exploded in an instant.

"It's okay, Shinjiro."

Wearing a handsome leather windbreaker, with white hair on his head, but with a face like a middle-aged man slowly getting up.

"Dad, Dad!?"

"Aren't you hurt?"


The young man relaxed, "But, Dad, how could you..."

"That's good."

Hayata stared at the metal figure opposite without looking back.

"I've been dealing with that guy for over ten years..."

"Lei Xusang, wait for me, I'm not flying very well yet, eh—"

"They told you to stay over there and prepare."

A head protruded from the edge of the open dome-shaped vault, and the Cub of Light used his thoughts to support Alice's suddenly falling body in time, and he was not very angry:

"You're flying so slowly and you're still unstable. Take a look, because you're already late!"


The girl puffed up her cheeks and muttered:

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Lei Xusang, you are here to watch the fun, those things are too boring to learn."

Lei Xu: ...

Unable to refute.


The first-generation Big Brother floated beside the girl, his voice faint:

"Failed the flight work, go back to practice."

Alice:  …



The earth maiden found a suitable position, looked towards the center of the court with great interest, and changed the topic in a strange way:

"Hey, look, it's started!"

First Generation:......

Oh yes, during the day Manisan is not there because he went to school to observe Shinjiro.

So many things have happened these days that the Cubs of Light almost forgot the true core 'protagonist' of this universe.

Everyone present is superhuman, even the weakest Alice, after a few days of cramming teaching by the two first-generation big brothers with burning souls of teaching, has been able to use many unscientific abilities through light energy enhancement.

For example, superhuman hearing—

"He looks like..."

In the arena, the boy's voice clearly entered the ears of several people——

"Like Ultraman, speaking of that armor, could it be that..."

"Listen up, Shinjiro."

Hayata looked coldly at the metal figure opposite:

"This guy has nothing to do with the existence that can't even mention his name, let alone Ultraman!"

In the next second, the leather windbreaker swaying with the wind flew into the sky.

"If you want to ask why—"

The young man stared at his father's back in amazement, and his pupils reflected the dark and capable metal armor.

"I'm the--"

Hayata's tone seems to be declaring an indisputable fact——


First Generation:......

First Generation:......

Alice:  …

Earth Miko slowly raised a question mark.


The Cub of Light glanced across the audience strangely, and narrowed his eyes:

"Manisan is fighting with his own human body, and there is another Manisan watching the battle. Why do I have such a dream!?"

First Generation & First Generation:  …

The first generation of Big Brother was hesitant to speak but stopped, and he stopped talking and wanted to give up resistance.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with what Little Reza said.

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