"I know, I know!"

The boy stood up and yelled in a self-defeating manner, jumped up and stood shoulder to shoulder with his father, and pulled out a posture:

"Although I don't know what's going on, it's enough to just defeat the guy on the other side!?"


Hayata looked at his son beside him with relief, and said awe-inspiringly:

"That's right!"


In the next moment, two fists, one black and one silver, collided again in the air, and the vibration spread, crushing the flying dust.

"Although that guy's origin is unknown."

Hayata stared sharply at the metal figure that was close at hand:

"But I like it better now than you bastards."

Boom——, another blast that distorted the horizon.


The red and white volley was held tightly by a fleshy palm, Shinjiro snorted, and when his eyes caught the body blocking him across the surging dust, the boy couldn't help asking back in surprise.


The silver-armored doll who suddenly appeared on the field let go of the high school boy's legs lightly:

"That's it!"

"You are--?"

Hayata, who was stunned in place, watched the metal figure slowly retreat and float back behind the silver armored figure that suddenly entered the scene.

Hayata: ...

"You, you?"

He's a little out of his wits.


The Cub of Light shrugged his shoulders, erased the molten iron in the core of the body, and revealed a human posture:

"As you can see, it's a passing armored warrior."

"As for him—"

Lei Xu turned his eyes to 'Bermula' beside him:

"It's our...Alice!"


As the girl in the pink and white dress fell in the air, her emerald pupils seemed to be shining, she stared blankly at the high school boy.

The metal wand was raised slightly, and the emerald light rose from the ground, and the wound on Hayata's cheek disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye as the light flowed.

"Hi, perfect!"

The Earth Miko looked over with a smile on her face:

"Lei Xusang, can you help me with my homework?"

Lei Xu: ...

"You think beautiful!"

28 Rescue Messenger× Win Big Daddy√

During the several movements of Rabbit Up and Falcon Down, his old opponent who has been entangled with him for more than ten years and the "tyrant" appeared together, and the latter even showed a human posture in front of him.

——Obviously he didn’t show it when he was in the Kurt team a few days ago!

and this--

This strange healing power... If nothing else, she is not human!

Hayata Jin frowned and looked at the beautiful girl who was still on the ground, trying to guess the race of the other party, but when he noticed the son who was staring at the other party in a daze from the corner of his eyes, he felt tired all of a sudden.


Hayata bowed slightly to the young man in front of him:

"Thank you for everything you do for humanity."

"Thank you, no need."

Lei Xu looked at the white-haired old man in front of him with appreciation:

"Let's go, let's go back and talk about something."

go back?

where to go back! ?


Ide's dignified voice sounded in the channel:

"Come back, the sky has changed."

The sky has changed... what do you mean! ?

Hayata froze for a moment, and when he was about to ask, he saw the figure of the young man slowly floating in the air.

In addition, everything in my field of vision is also shrinking——

Their heights are rising!

"Alice, fly by yourself."

The mature-looking middle-aged man stared at the girl with an unbelievable face and added:

"Don't land!"

Alice:  …

In the field of vision, the degree of brilliance of the lights turned into blurred light and shadow almost instantly.


Shinjiro's horrified cry should have been drowned in the wind, but it passed through everyone's mind strangely and without attenuation:

【"Father, where are they taking us?"】

In the next moment, the eyes of Hayata and Shinjiro, two superhuman beings, were blurred to the point where afterimages were drawn out, and the vision returned to a recognizable appearance.

"Team Kurt."

The young man standing in front of the octagonal building smiled and turned his head:

"Or the Giant of Light Museum, I think you should be more familiar with it than me."


Maybe it was Lei Xu...'Tyrant' was very kind, but Shinjiro, who still couldn't understand the current situation, muttered something in a low voice.

"This doesn't seem like a place to talk."

Looking back, the first generation of Big Brother and Earth Miko are probably still slowly... finishing their homework.

The Cubs of Light didn't intend to wait for everyone to arrive, and greeted 'Bermula' to take the lead towards the Giant of Light Museum:

"Let's go, Hayata-san, you'll understand the situation..."

The status quo is——

In just one day, the headquarters of the Japanese Kote team has been fully taken over by the Rabbit Country management staff led by Zhang Wei.

"After all, we are not familiar with this place."

Zhang Wei was shaking hands with a white-haired and familiar face, exchanging greetings.

"Mr. Ide, the specific work still depends on you and Mr. Hayata."

Just kidding, this is an Austrian scientist who has developed a bunch of super black technologies!

As for the dissatisfied young man named Zhu Xingdan... Zhang Wei didn't care too much.

Anyway, he wouldn't stay in Japan, the ground zero of the Austrian universe. Boy Lei seemed to have his own arrangements, and he didn't know where to find him.

There is no need to say more about the Jadon star Ed -

That's the guy Ray Boy needs to deal with!

As an ordinary human being, Zhang Wei subconsciously pressed the golden lion ring hanging on his chest through his clothes.

It was given to him by Boy Lei, just in case he was left alone for self-defense, and he couldn't easily use it in this universe.

In the future, there is a high probability that it will be taken back by Leisa Earth Mother, the original words of Lei Boy.

"Ide, what is going on here?"

Putting his son aside for now, Hayata quickly walked towards his old comrade-in-arms.


Lei Xu raised his hand to greet Zhang Wei familiarly:

"How's the communication?"

Zhang Wei glanced vaguely at the metal figure following Boy Lei, knowing that this was the first generation of this universe.

"no problem!"

He did not hesitate:

"The Kurt team is very cooperative."

"What about other places?" The Cub of Light mainly refers to the United States.

"the same."

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