However, although--

Who is Little Reza! ?

Sweeping her eyes, passing the bewildered eyes of her younger brothers in turn, Sophie waved her hand tiredly.

In the instant photon interface, it means that the transmission progress bar is filled instantly.

All the Austrians were stunned for a moment by coincidence, and silently opened their own photon interface.

On the interface screen, a resolute young man is back to back with a scarlet red warrior, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

"Light of the Earth?"

Curiously, Ace read out the large, vigorous characters engraved in the Land of Light characters in the image.

Immediately, the silver giant turned the first page...

Within half a minute, the faces of Zhong Ao present began to change——

At the beginning (initial chapter): Oops, this red race Ao, who has never seen before, is a bit awkward, and it only takes 30 minute and [-] seconds to transform.

Eunikin is kind of cute, think Rua!

Gradually (Gaia chapter): Oh~, it turned out to be a cub raised by the earth.

Further (in the middle of the Gaia chapter): Huh?It turned out to be the cub of L77! ?

Rinal is cute.

Going a step further (Tiga Chapter)——

Twenty thousand years?

What an outrageous time span! ?

The silver dragon cutie is quite fun.

After the midterm——

Misty grass, what is this?

Misty Grass, King of Ultra!

12 billion years! ! ?

Wucao, what is "Ultraman Reza" again! ?

Misty Grass, one ray of light destroys an entire antimatter universe! ?

Misty Grass——

Is Xiao Meng actually so powerful! ?

Infinity Dream seems to be a bit messed up... Ultraman is not here, so it's okay.

Misty Grass, it turned out to be a cub from our family (referring to the universe)! ?

Big babe cute pinch.

After Death—

What a star of light, the evaluation is not as good as the earth!

and also!

What kind of cub of light came from hell difficulty! ?

Seven: It's numb.

Taylor: My EQ is low?

Jack: Why am I a tribute! ?

Hikari: He slandered me, many people slandered me! ! !

Ace: Eledy! ! !


After a "Light of the Earth" ended, the audience couldn't help but fell silent, and sometimes their sympathetic gazes drifted to the captain of the Star of Light's space guard.


Just as Jack was about to speak, he felt a thrust on his shoulder.

Looking back, the eldest brother was gesturing in his direction to the empty crystal construct.

"Go first!"

Sophie's eyes are serious:

"I'll talk about it later!"

Jack nodded silently, drilled into the device to release light energy, and waited for synchronization.

"According to Light of the Earth—"

When the equipment began to operate normally, Hikari's gaze fell on the turning star of the light guard captain:

"Little Reza is the one from back then, right?"


Sophie's voice was low:

"It can't be wrong."

"what is that?"

Bringing up the old story again, the few people present who didn't know the inside story suddenly regained their energy. Ace stared at his elder brother:

"Could it be that the reason why the plasma spark tower lost its function for a short time was because of Little Reza!?"

"...yes, and no."

Sophie hesitated and gave an ambiguous answer.


"Part of it is because we need the Plasma Spark Tower to be temporarily disabled to fool that guy."

"Which guy?"

Taylor asked subconsciously, but he reacted immediately:



The Captain of the Star of Light Guard nodded slightly:

"Actually, I just learned that guy's name."

"In the beginning, the plan of the Grand Commander and I was to detonate the plasma spark core and die with that guy."

Zhongao: ...


"It's too..."

Seven looked in disbelief.


Sophie shook her head:

"It's because you don't understand the horror of that guy, even our Otto family can't directly look at that guy.

It is a walking natural disaster, and its mere existence can return the universe to its original state. "

"Even knowing its existence can attract the attention of the other party, and the commander-in-chief ordered to block the news as a last resort.

So far, only I and the commander-in-chief of the Star of Light know the specific news.


"That's why you and the commander-in-chief, Zofini, often go out!"

Taro thought of his father who suddenly became diligent.


Zoffie paused and admitted:

"We are afraid that that guy will notice the Star of Light, after all, we are too close to it now."

"Looking at it now, fortunately, I didn't go as planned."

Ace also entered a calm state:

"According to "Light of the Earth", I suspect that even sacrificing the core of the plasma spark tower may not necessarily..."


Sophie nodded helplessly:

"Who would know, it is a legendary existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the king."

"Then what happened afterwards?"

This time it was changed to Seven and he was impatient:

"Where did little Reza come from?

Why did he come to the Kingdom of Light after the explosion of L77? "

"and also--"

Taylor subconsciously looked in the direction of the restricted area, looking at the background of the surging dark red nebula:

"The core of the plasma spark is still there, and there are many people on the Star of Light. Who is involved in Gehroth!?"

"......Feel sorry."

Sophie was also staring at the dark red nebula like a devil's egg from hell:

"I do not know either."

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