"Akiko is not the only one who is in danger now!"

Hayata forcefully took off his son's wrist, loudly:

"But because of this, we will work hard until the last moment, Ultraman...and him!"

Hayata raised his finger in the direction of the Cub of Light——

"Only when human beings can't solve it with all their strength, is it time for Ultraman and him to make a move!"

Lei Xu: ...

The eyes of the first-generation Big Brother were full of admiration.

"This kind of thing, this kind of thing is fine!"

Hayata Shinjiro obviously did not accept this kind of rhetoric, he let out a roar similar to that of a beast:

"Mom her, mother her..."


Zhang Wei, who was far away in the United States, couldn't feel the atmosphere of the scene at all. He stared into Lei Xu's eyes through the screen:

"If you do everything yourself, you will be exhausted."

Lei Xu: ...

This is true, if the Cubs of Light do everything by themselves, it will only lead to one consequence——

The Star Cluster Council tried every means to find work for Lei Xu, making him exhausted.

"I know."

Lei Xu's forehead:

"But after all, it is more than 1000 million lives, just this one time."

The moment the voice settled, the audience fell silent.

Hayata and his son looked over in disbelief——

What this means is... there is a way! ?

The spirit of the first generation of Big Brother has been revived, as expected of Little Reza!

However, I hope it's not a bad move.

Thinking of Little Reza's past 'records', the first generation felt a little inexplicably worried.

tuk tuk-


Lei Xu knocked on the table and looked at the Supreme Speaker of the Star Cluster Council hidden in the crowd:

"Where is the location of the Vardran parent star?"

"What do you want to do?"

The Jadon Starman's single eye is empty:

"Vadelan's home planet is on the verge of extinction, and now the only city is also under the control of the 'Dark Star', don't you think..."

"The Dark Star is scary, but I, Lei, aren't scary in their eyes?"

The Cub of Light snapped his fingers with a 'crack—', and his sharp gaze swept across the audience:

"Why do they dare to help Dark Star?"

Ed: ...

The Zedon star silently waved a projection of a star map in the starry sky, and at the same time lit up the position of the home star of Waldran.

"If you can't solve the problem, then remove the person who raised the problem."

The flowing silver armor covered the whole body in an instant, the golden-red belt box appeared instantly, and the silver armor figure tilted its head slightly:

"I'm in a good mood today, and I'm here to change a master for the Vardlan star."

The First Big Brother:  …

Audience:  …

Hearing this, the same question popped up in the minds of all the people present——

What do you do when you are in a bad mood! ?


Amidst the shining silver light, a clear cry of unknown meaning streaked across the sky, and the sudden flickering of dazzling light transformed into the figure of a holy silver-winged giant bird.

Penetrating the Kote team building, the mythical phantom beast standing between the virtual and the real is slightly lowering its head with moist light, and the bright golden eyes clearly reflect the highlighted coordinates in the projected star map.

In the instant spread of silver, the distant and unfamiliar background of the starry sky suddenly flashed, moving rapidly, and grazing into the atmosphere.

In another silver flower that simultaneously appeared and spread, the thick mist mixed with a deep and dark atmosphere seemed to be insoluble ink, covering the huge black and shiny figure.

[Light, people of light, is this really okay?! ?】

Eugene felt a little sorry.

[No problem, listen to me! 】

Lei Xu without hesitation:

【I don't have time to discuss it slowly with little Jiajia right now, I'll let him know, you can do it first! 】

【Alright huh~. 】

Mengxin House Beast apologized in his heart to his fierce and fierce little friend.

In the next moment, the two streaks of silver blossoms gently approached each other.

In an instant-

The flying stream went straight down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days.

The terrible water pressure from the deep sea, under the power of the time-space phantom beast, crossed the unfathomable moat and came to the sky of the alien star.

A huge black figure was engulfed in the gushing tide, falling towards the only city on the barren planet.

【At your age, how can you sleep well? 】

Gatangejah, who was stupefied when he woke up after receiving the chant and found himself falling:  …


【Get up and work overtime! ! ! 】

The two commemorative sounds settled down one after another. At this moment, the mood of the ruler of darkness has undergone a subtle change——


"hold head high--!!!"

From the dark evil god, the fierce and terrifying howl slammed into the sky of alien stars...


Hey, what I want is Gatan-chan's wake-up spirit, and the Cub of Light gave him a thumbs-up for his wit.

Japan, Kurt Team Headquarters—

"Bermula...Forget it, you can't!"

The 'King of the Earth' stood on the spot and thought for a while, then glanced at the direction of 'Bermula' and vetoed it at the speed of light.

First Generation Big Brother: ? ? ?

This time it wasn't Star Destroyer, and Lei Xu couldn't leave the Earth because of the existence of Geheros.

Therefore, there must be a representative of the past——

Gatanjeh couldn't speak, and no matter what, someone had to let the Vardlanians know what they were coming for.

It’s okay for Big Brother to fight a monster, but it’s okay to be a villain or something... Let’s avoid it!

"Hayata...Forget it."

Lei Xu glanced at the first-generation human body, and then swept across the audience, realizing that there were really no suitable candidates, and he suddenly had a headache.

At this moment, the Cub of Light misses Bei Laohei very much——

It's a good villain template, and its strength is still strong, so don't worry about being dismantled by Gatan sauce who got up and ran away.

"Let me go!"

An unexpected voice crossed his ears, Lei Xu looked over at the prestige, and happened to meet a pair of bloodshot eyes.

——Shinjiro Hayata!


The Cub of Light categorically rejected it.


Seeing the veto of the 'tyrant', the 17-year-old boy pushed his father who took a step forward without hesitation, fell to his knees, and grabbed the ground with his head——

Standard Dogeza style!

"Please, please let me go!"

Shinjiro almost squeezed out a voice from between his teeth:

"I must complete the task!"

"Get out, don't bother me!"

Cubs of Light don’t eat this set of Tuxiaza:

"It's you who don't want to fight, and you're the one kneeling here now, what do you think this is!?"

"Alice, Luo Ji."

Lei Xu directly clicked on the names of the two traversers——


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