"You humans won't understand, he's that Ultra Clan..."


At the same time, the Earth—

"Stupid Earth people, hello~."

A sound wave that was so loud that it was almost piercing pierced across the city, and the glass curtain walls of several buildings shattered.

The splashed silicon crystals fell to the empty street under the action of gravity, and a series of crisp sounds of collisions and shattering quickly merged into the meaningless background sound.

In the next second, a bright purple spot of light came from nowhere, and condensed on the buildings in the urban forest to form a figure of a real interstellar warrior that connected the sky and the earth.

"We are the Dark Star, in the words of your earthlings, we are the invaders."

The height of the samurai figure is six or seven kilometers or even higher, with Xu Xu stepping into the sky.

The city, which is the symbol of human civilization, looks extremely small under his feet, which makes him stand tall like a god.

The symbol of the Dark Star, a bright purple sun icon, is even higher than the height of the warrior figure.

Such a scene was staged almost simultaneously in all big cities around the world...

"Now officially to you—"

He let out a sneer, and said to himself in an understatement:

"Human civilization issued an ultimatum!"

"We have only one request, to cede half of the earth to us."

"Oh much—"

The samurai seemed to have remembered something, raised his hand and stuck out a claw-like knuckle, and shook it powerfully:

"If you are counting on the so-called king of the earth..."

In the huge projection that appeared along with his words, there are places familiar to almost everyone on this planet——

Once the headquarters of the Japanese Kurt team, now the Giant of Light Memorial Hall!

The place where the belief in the giant of light who once protected the earth is placed is almost the holy place in the hearts of most people on this planet.

Half of the projection across the sky is the interior of the Kurt team's operating headquarters.

The other half is from a bird's-eye view, focusing on a falling, inconspicuous block.

Below is the Giant of Light Memorial Hall!


He clicked on the interior view of the Kurt team headquarters, and highlighted the silver armor figures in the crowd:

"It should be your hope... right?"

Almost at the moment when the ear-piercing voice came to an end, the inconspicuous cube pierced through dozens of floors of ceilings and came below the ground, ignoring physical collisions.


The samurai breathed lightly and uttered an onomatopoeia.

Immediately afterwards, the suspected decorative lines on the surface of the projected cube cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the next moment, a strange spherical object jumped out.

People recognize the...creature.

The one who was full of mystery, who once wiped out the Earth Defense Force at that time, and was defeated by the Giant of Light once again, is said to be a strange creature from the fourth dimension.

In other words, the four-dimensional monster——


In the projection, the second after Bruton appeared on the stage, a swirling purple-black boundary flashed out of thin air, whirling and distorting everything within a kilometer...


Somewhere in Tokyo, Morohoshi and Hayata Qiqi clenched their fists.

They finally knew why all the channels were suddenly offline.



The space warrior clapped his hands and turned around in a frivolous manner.


Anyone can see the smugness in his gesture of pretending to regret.

"As you can see, the so-called king of the earth you put your hopes on -

It has completely disappeared in another dimension, together with the Kurt team that you regard as the last hope. "

The samurai stated it like this, as if telling an indisputable fact.

Zhang Wei, who is far away in the United States, sneered... We will see how you die later!

From the overhead perspective in the projection, the Giant of Light Memorial Hall, which is almost a holy place of human belief, now has only a shocking sunken pit left.

"I really want to do it directly..."

"However, based on some stubborn requests, I leave you with 12 hours to consider."

The ribs of the pitch-black visor, and the two pairs of cold yellow eyes suddenly lit up, unscrupulous and unreserved threats passed by people's ears——

"The consequences of refusal are the lives of half of the humans on this planet..."


He bowed gracefully, and there was no emotion in those two pairs of cold yellow eyes:

"I look forward to being on the same planet as you—

and!flat!Mutually!place!Good times..."

"Red Fly Kicks!!!"

(give him back to me!!!)

In the sky above Tokyo, the roll call filled with deep-seated hatred was almost roaring.

In the next moment, a dazzling crimson light pierced through the sky and the earth.


Amidst the earth-shattering sound of gold and iron, the faint golden halo ripples quickly spread into a ring, fluctuating and reflecting the whole picture of the pitch-black mechanical giant.

Its appearance was almost identical to the thirty gold fortresses before, but it was a pitch-black prismatic armor with a thick metallic luster flowing under the sunlight at noon.

"That is, the Dark Fortress."

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and had no time to ask Yabo how he escaped:

"Where are you now? What is the Black Fortress?"

"The body modulation laboratory is further below, and I have not been affected."

Yabo mentioned it casually and continued to explain:

"Different from the mass-produced Golden Fortress, the Black Fortress is the flagship. Even the Pedan Stars have less than ten units. Why do they appear here?"

"Pedan star?"

Zhang Wei held his grudge silently——

When the cubs come back, they will be called and cleaned up one by one!

In the skies over Tokyo, the fierce battle is still going on.


The chaotic samurai projection is full of murderous intent——

"Almost forgot about you!"

"Red Flying Arrow!!!"

(No one talk to me, you talk to me, ah!?)

Arms bulging with rage, crossed javelins pierced the sky.

"It's useless!"

Looking at the development of the scene, Yabo resolutely denied:

"The barrier of that thing cannot be broken with brute force!"

As if responding to his judgment——

The light golden energy shield shattered into thousands of light spots, and the unabated crossed javelin sank into the thick armor of the black mechanical giant without hindrance.

Bang bang bang bang!

Amidst a series of muffled suspicious explosions, red and white crossed javelins burst out from the shoulder blades of the pitch-black fortress——

It actually pierced directly through the abdomen!

Zhang Wei: ...

Yapo: ...


Such a huge accident occurred in a nearly perfect performance, and the increasingly disordered figure of the samurai became angry——

"You crazy dog ​​with no brains, we are the future gods of this universe!"

Along with that extremely arrogant declaration, there are densely packed wind chime-like transparent jellyfish disc creatures on the sky...

"Red Flying Knife!!!"

(God Nimale, hello C!!!)

At this moment, the Cubs of Light are on their way...

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