The decapitation plan...couldn't even start!

"no problem!"

At this moment, an unexpected voice sounded in the channel:

"Father, Mr. Zhu Xing, I'll take you up there!"

"Shinjiro?" Hayata was taken aback.

Subconsciously looking back, the red and white mecha figure came to the side of the two of them like a shooting star, and a young face was revealed in the lifted visor.

"Why are you here?"

Hayata widened her eyes:

"You shouldn't be in..."

Shinjiro should be in the Kurt team branch, Hayata thought...

"Sorry, I secretly followed Ms. Alice and Mr. Luo Ji to the bottom.

Mr. Yabo gave me this armor and said it was..."

"I'll talk about it later!"

Zhu Xing coldly interrupts the conversation between reunited father and son:

"You're sure you can fight, and you've seen what's going on here—"

He raised his sword and pointed at the almost hellish battlefield around him, with doubts on his face:

"This is not a joke."

"If you don't fight now—"

This time, Shinjiro's eyes were full of firmness:

"I will regret it forever!"

"Come on then."

Zhu Xing let out a cold snort:

"Beforehand, don't hold back!"


In the next second, three red and white intertwined lights and shadows rose against the trend, piercing the sky...

at this time--

The Cubs of Light are still on their way...

51 Whose Commander Is This!?

At this moment, the battle situation in Tokyo is becoming more and more anxious.

Thousands of shower-like streams of scarlet light shot down towards the relatively intact city blocks in the distance, but encountered rippling water-colored shields halfway, disappearing invisibly.

The high-pitched and passionate battle cries continued for a while, but the results of the battle were getting less and less.

Even though the Red Superman managed to drag down half of the Shirbabur American army with his own strength, the disc creature is not a brainless idiot after all.

After losing nearly half of the battle, the Shirba Burmese finally learned how to deal with that spittoon-headed brat.

As the No. [-] disk creature, the biggest advantage of Shirba Burmi is not its combat power.

It takes only one sentence from the alarm of the MAC space base radar to the arrival of the attack, and the speed in the universe can reach the speed of light.

Even if it is limited by the earth's gravity and atmospheric environment, its speed is enough to outshine all other heroes on this planet and suppress all enemies.

Although from time to time, one or two unlucky people would be caught by the tentacles by the head of the spittoon, but in the next moment, those tentacles would all cut off by themselves, making the latter's burst of strength in vain.

Next time, the movements of the regrown tentacles will be more cautious and careful.

Therefore, even with the addition of two star beasts, the battle situation only improved slightly.

It's not that Renlong and Godzilla are not strong enough, these two actually have a common shortcoming——

can't fly!

The relative comparison is directly worse.

Renlong is quite capable, but its main energy is focused on preventing the barrage of the dark fortress in the sky from washing the ground, and it is difficult to spare its hands.

The lightning released by several small dragons could not reach the fortress in the sky, so they could only cover the red spittoon head from the air.

This actually creates a lot of opportunities——

Several Shirba Burmes who were caught off guard were directly smashed to pieces by the red-eyed spittoon-headed Khorne God, and their internal organs were taken out together, and they were smashed into a pulp with a pair of fists.

On the other hand, Godzilla seemed to be a bit overwhelmed——

Because half of the disc creature army was wiped out with one strike, the Xierba Burmese were most wary of this terrifying dragon beast, and none of them were willing to entangle with it.

The energy of the earth is continuously pouring into the body of the strong dragon beast, but the relatively fragile throat and mouth limit the emission frequency of the enhanced version of the atomic breath.

As for the last Star Beast... It's not that Eugene can't fight, it's just that it can't be busy here in Tokyo——

Tokyo is not alone in being attacked by Shirba Burmi!

Most of the cities that were attacked by the thirty golden fortresses received surprise attacks from at least one or two to as many as a dozen disc creatures.

Traveling around the world while maintaining the portal to Vaddran, suppressing the attack of Shirba Burmi... Yunijin is the busiest one.

Theoretically speaking, the Dark Dominator is the most suitable for the current battle situation, but it is a pity that it is not at home on a business trip.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Wei wondered why the disc creature could be so violent.

But if you think about it carefully, the dark star in "Leo" is 1000 million kilometers away from the earth, and it is about two to three times the size of the moon.

Such a poor and pitiful planet can give birth to thirteen disc creatures.

Now in this universe, if there are many disk creatures that have not been affected by the degradation of the entire universe, it is a certainty that Black Star will develop greatly and its resources will be tilted.

In this way, it is not impossible to raise a disc biological army of this size.

What really puzzled Zhang Wei was Black Star, the purpose of the dark commander.

There is no doubt that what is happening on Earth at this moment will absolutely shock the universe.

From the outside world's point of view, Black Star sent such a force to attack a remote planet of life, it was a brain-dead behavior that was due to grandma's family.

Not to mention having made so many preparations, in today's universe, an army of monster-shaped biological weapons that can only exchange for half a living planet has not yet been able to take down the earth.

Someone is bound to be interested in Commander Black's motives, and the situation on Earth will be widely exposed.

Under the background of biological degradation in the whole universe, how can the small earth have so many unaffected and powerful creatures! ?

Reminiscent of Commander Black's almost certain attitude, this will definitely make people imagine.

——Is there a secret of biological degradation hidden on the earth?

——Is it related to the earth that disc organisms are not affected?

Then dig out-

So many planets are not selected, why does the star cluster council choose to use the earth to play "pointing at a deer as a horse"?

Just thinking of these things gave Zhang Wei a headache.

Regardless of the final outcome of this battle, the earth will definitely become the focus of the entire universe after this.

While this development is within the planned timetable, it should never be now.

In the past, Zhang Wei didn't feel it when he did things after "Light of the Earth".

Now that he personally came to the incident where Boy Lei was involved, he realized that the situation often got out of control inadvertently and turned fatally all the way.

What Zhang Wei doesn't know at the moment is that the enemy... the Dark Star side is actually not too far behind——

"You idiot!"

On the pitch-black fortress, the warrior who brought a great shadow to all mankind lowered his head and shrank like a quail.

In the communication projection, the almost real Commander Black, dressed in a black robe, was furious——

"Losing to Ultraman and losing to Ultraman, who told you to go to war with the earth?"

The samurai hung his head and said nothing.

In fact, he really wanted to say that it was obviously you who ordered the eradication of the unstable factors on the earth at one time, so as to facilitate the re-casting of mankind's belief in artificial Ultraman, and now it's back...

"In this situation, even if you solve those guys and lose to Ultraman, do you have any convincing? Huh!?"

Seeming to see the mental activity of the samurai, Commander Black spit again from the air.

It's absolutely—

Easily suppress the audience, waiting for 'Ultraman' to beheaded to reverse everything.

In the fierce battle of almost all-out war, 'Ultraman' came to decapitate and repel the enemy.

The effects that can be achieved in the above two different situations can be described as very different.


The samurai kneels respectfully and bows his head:

"This is all the negligence of the subordinates!"

"never mind."

After Xu had vented his emotions, Commander Black on the other end of the communication waved his hand, barely calming down:

"If it wasn't for your actions, we wouldn't have known that Earth's combat power had expanded to such an extent."

"Hmph~, those Hundan must have not expected that either.


The samurai echoed:

"The subordinates think that if the king of the earth is still there, the star cluster council may have nothing to do with the earth.

Commander, we Blake Star and Pedan Star are here for all the members in the core. "

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