In this comic, the planet Firth is Lily's home planet.

In addition, the old woman Camilla, Xie Di, Dark Zaki, and Tregia all have resurrected appearances in the comics.

Tsk, the gray hair of the old woman is very restored in the comics.

The difference from reality is that in the comics, Lily is enough to become Otto's human body and bring the seeds of light to Beria's warrior of light.

In this comic, Beria has actually been influenced by Lily, and has a form of light and darkness.

This is something Xiaolu failed to do until he completely shot Beria!!!

For this alone, Xiao Lu should call Lili mother.

And Lily herself... also really fell in love with Bei Laohei during the adventure.

In the end, she took the initiative to attack Bei Laohei who had left, and declared that she would catch up with him immediately.

You know, she is only a 16-year-old child! ! !

That is to say, Jade has a mother who is younger than him.

Considering that the timeline is far behind "Jedd" TV, Lily's age specifies that she can be called Grandpa Xiao Lu.

It's enviable... Bah, Bei Laohei, you are a heinous crime!

The Cub of Light scolded a certain shameless older single Ao in his heart.

16 years old compared to 16 years old, Beria, you have no shame! ! !


Lei Xu suddenly thought about it.

Heh heh, Beria, I told you to steal my Lei's account, I must mess with your mentality!

"I have something to do."

make up one's mind.The Cub of Light tilted his head to meet the woman's puzzled eyes:

"Are you interested in getting Lily engaged in advance?

I have a suitable candidate here, his name is Beria. "

The first-generation big brother who just rushed to the scene heard the explosive words:  …


Mrs & Lily:  ….


Humph, Beria!


You have to memorize the name Lolicon, and you have to memorize it if you don’t! ! !

59 What the hell is it...

"You, you, you, me, me, me..."

Suddenly hearing the embarrassing declaration of engagement by the big demon in front of her, Lily's small face turned red instantly, and she shouted:

"don't want!!!"


The Cub of Light clicked his tongue lightly, with a narrow expression on his face:

"It's a pity. Although my friend is a bit older, he likes your style."

Lily:  …


Ott's words, "Dark Evil Heroes".PDF, group...>single-send to Lily's mother!

After a brief pause to understand, the wife looked at the Cub of Light with shock at first, and then showed a reassuring expression.

Beria's identity is clear, the true identity of the king of the earth in front of him...

Now that Commander Black blew himself up, the future of the earth is doomed to corruption.

Right now, the identity of the Otto family has become something that does not need to be hidden.

Besides, Team Kurt has already revealed it, so there is no need to worry about his wife who might guess his identity from it.

[Don't disclose it to the outside world for now. 】

The Cub of Light thought for a while and made another point.


"Ah la—"

Knowing that the Cub of Light was joking, she breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time had an inexplicable smile on her face, stroking her daughter's head:

"Lily, I think this is actually pretty good."

"What kind of person is Lily's future husband..."

Lily looked up at her in shock, her pretty little face was full of doubts about life:


Lei Xu chuckled and turned around.

Arranged marriages are of course impossible, and the Cubs of Light will have to face it.

Don't say that it is impossible for Bei Laohei to agree at all, if he agrees, Bighorn Niu and Sister Mary will probably find him trouble in the future.

In case Bei Laohei was arrested on the spot by Mr. Ao Wang because of this incident, he, the instigator behind the scenes, was appointed to find a single room in the universe prison with Superman Taro, and there was nothing good to eat.

Furthermore, if it is really necessary to arrange it, with Bei Laohei having almost no bottom line, it is hard to say whether this is a reward or a punishment for him.

Take a closer look, the little girl is quite you must not let Bei Laohei get the slightest bit of sweetness!

To put it simply, Bei Laohei can take the blame, and don't harm people.

According to Lei Xu's past experience, he only needs to mention one related thing——

For example, in the "DARKNESSHEELS~Lili~" comic, "Light of the Earth" will mention it in the narration, and roughly outline the overall plot trend of the work.

Hey, you know what I mean! ?

There is no need for any embellishments, the little girl with red shoes just need to mention a few more words about the original plot of "Dark Evil Hero", hehehehe......


Outside the earth, a spaceship of the Council of Star Clusters cautiously passed over the scattered remains of the astral disk creatures, and slowly approached the atmosphere of the blue planet.

Astra cautiously glanced at the serious man, not even daring to breathe.

Not long ago, they almost watched from space with the best viewer's perspective--

The star-level disc creature as huge as a satellite, Black Star was shrouded in that round of pale blades, and flew for several seconds before it was dismembered into thousands of fragments in the air.

Belial rubbed her chin, lost in thought——

Is the intensity of that brat a little too much?

After thousands of guillotines, there is still room to use super-giantization plus the ultimate guillotine! ?

No matter how you understand it from "Light of the Earth", it is still a cartoon.

Nowadays, seeing a hundred things is better than hearing a hundred things——

Cruel Silver was finally convinced that he might not be able to handle that nasty cub on Earth.


What plasma spark tower, bah!

Evaluation is not as good as the earth!


After a long time of no response, Astra took courage:

"Master Reza, do we still need to land?"

Beria:  …

"What do you say?"

Beria glanced at him angrily, and said in a vicious voice:

"Didn't you see that the earth crisis was lifted? People also came out?

Then what are you going to do! ? "

Astra:  …


Thinking of his hacking behavior, Beria wished he could transform and fly away.

——The stinky brat will definitely come to fight with him!

——This kind of thing has happened many times in the Kingdom of Light!

"Let's go, let's go..."

What Beria didn't know at this time was that a black pot that could not be washed away for tens of thousands of years was already crumbling on top of his head...


【...I am relieved that you are not dead, I thought you were dead.No, banished by Bruton, as they say, but it's all the same to me.By the way, what is Bruton, have you ever played Bruton, how does it feel, do you have anything...]

"To shut up!!!"

【Oh. 】

The Cub of Light raised his hand and rubbed between his brows, which were slightly phantom pain.

To be honest, Lei Xu would rather have a fight with Bei Laohei than let this talkative spittoon head stay for even a minute.

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