Regardless of size or mass, the Tower of Babel is tens of thousands of times that of Black Star, and two to three times larger than Earth.

Therefore, the scene in front of him is more terrifying than when Black Star was torn apart under the guillotine.

It wasn't until this time that the black and silver giant calmly withdrew its posture, and the phantom blue flame that ignited fiercely above its head also returned to calm, and turned back into its head.

(Cub of Light: My hands are shaking, I saw it!)

As if he was not affected by the star-destroying blow at all, he turned around calmly.

(Cub of Light: Of course it won’t matter, it’s my energy, mine!!!)

"This is just the beginning, the civilizations at the core of Zedon..."

The black and silver giant slightly raised his hand, letting the ominous cloak swing, and announced in the background of the explosion of the lava-colored cracked planet——

"I will only say it once."

"I will give you a satisfactory explanation about the destruction of the Star of Light, the destruction of the universe, and the Ark of the Earth."

The black silver giant waved his hand very powerfully——

Looking at the past from the perspective of the camera, it is just right to hold the exploding Tower of Babel in the palm of your hand.

With the clenched fist suddenly, the silent but more magnificent explosion background announced the doomsday of Babel Star.


The emperor of the universe announced it lightly, as if it was an indisputable fact——

"There are such stars."

Emmm, the bird that looks a bit like Barton is Bei Laohei, right?

Lei Xu noticed with sharp eyes that, in the background of the planet explosion, a volcanic bird flapped its wings and moved away from the planet.


The volcanic monster bird is an earth monster and cannot fly without air in outer space! ?

Has anyone taught you that you don't have to be so clear about Ultraman?

Leonix's affairs don't need to be so clear! ! !

Tut, tut tut!

The Cubs of Light's current senses are amazing.

It's not surprising that the first-generation brother can do such a thing.

From the very beginning... To put it another way, Lei Xu can realize the change of 'Bermula' from the "Mobile Olympics" comics——

Piercing Hayata's breasts, watching aliens cannibalize people, although they did not harm human beings, they also watched aliens invade human beings...

The destruction of the Star of Light had more than just a slight impact on the first-generation brother.

He hadn't been exposed when he was with them before, but after leaving the earth, the first-generation brother obviously let himself go.


The first-generation brother, after all, chose the style of play with the most barrage, ahem.

The Cub of Light couldn't help but sigh——

Brother, you are so good at...

69 "Belia!!!"

Back in time, 12 hours ago, the planet Babel——

Beria is very comfortable now, very comfortable.

As early as when the stinky brat wiped out Black Star, Cruelty Silver had already anticipated the current situation of the star cluster council——


Commander Black's remark will definitely cause long-lasting and huge chaos in the star cluster council and the civilization at the core of Zedon.

This kind of confusion is not the type that can be easily suppressed——

The more developed the civilization, the more difficult it is to maintain absolute control over the interior of the civilization!

In the past when gigantism was the patent of a few powerful individuals, civilizations such as the Imperial Stars and the Groza Galaxy people could still maintain suppression by force.

Now... the entire universe is degraded, who is afraid of whom! ?

Civilization, a core member of Jeton, was too busy to take care of himself and was unable to respond and make decisions in a timely manner. This was a godsend opportunity——

It's time for Beria to take control of the real power!

Management requires cost, as well as manpower and material resources——

Civilization management organizations like the Star Cluster Council generally adopt a simple dual system of preset plans + emergency communications to maintain local control.

The simpler and more stable, the lower the management cost.

In fact, due to the long distance between galaxy clusters, the communication cost is extremely high, and we have to do the most with the least communication cost.

This will lead to a disconnect between the real-time situation and the local situation-

When an order passes, it is difficult for the Tower of Babel to know the situation and respond in time, and there will be gaps in the middle.

This situation is somewhat similar to the ancient feudal society on Earth——

The speed of information feedback is too slow, and the court is out of touch with the local government.

The speed of light rushed back to the planet Babel, hijacked all representatives, and seized power.

Catch up with this gap, whether long or short, to essentially control all the power of the star cluster council.

Beria thought so, and he did the same——

He happily held all the representatives present, crushed the clamoring Imperial Stars to death, and then fed the hard bones such as Groza Stars and Dark Stars to the birds... Feed Barton, mastering the Star Cluster Council is just a matter of raising your hands.

First the first order -

Send it together with your photos and edited materials in a package. The labor and management is Reza, the emperor of the universe, remember it! ! !

Secondly, order all parties to pay attention to search for various abnormal cosmic phenomena:

Possible traces of the Star of Light, signs of cosmic destruction, and more.

Then a random compilation of a database was destroyed by the volcanic monster bird, and the reason for the loss of information made all relevant parties resubmit the information and data again.

All of the above must be reported to the same person in charge, 'Universal Emperor Ressa', that is, someone from him.

By the way, Resa, the emperor of the universe, is authorized to be the core spokesperson of Jayden with full authority, which implies that his status is higher than that of the highest speaker of the star cluster council, and he has the right to handle special matters.

Anyway, I gave everything I could——

After everything has been implemented, the prefix 'Universe Emperor' of Reza's name definitely deserves its name.

Immersed in the pleasure of mastering the highest power in the universe, Beria even lost the concept of time for a while——

Then at the right time, it will be announced that the real mastermind behind the cosmic emperor Reza is his cosmic emperor Beria...

Tsk, that stinky brat's expression will definitely be very exciting!

The thought of the Cub of Light who was "unhappy to see him but couldn't beat him, and the practice of giving birth to someone else had a decisive effect, he had to bow his head and accept his fate".

Hiss——Saigaoni high iron duck! ! !

However, when the miracle-named heat rays fell into the atmosphere——

Beria's dream, wake up!

Damn stinky brat, did you even expect this! ?



Things are more or less clear.

The first-generation brother obviously learned what happened on the earth side, so he adaptively adjusted the details of the 'Saflin' script.

Cubs of Light are thoughtful—

The first-generation brother must have contacted the outside world as Zofinisan, so there was such a fierce reaction.

Once the identity of Zuo Fei, the former captain of the Star of Light Guard, and Sha Fulin, the emperor of the universe, appears on the stage.

It will inevitably be inspected and analyzed by countless cosmic people with a magnifying glass, and it is bound to be impossible to keep a low profile.

As the only survivor of the "destruction" event of the Star of Light, Sha Fulin must announce a few things to the Black Stars——

Especially the reaction of the 'star cluster council to destroy the star of light'!

Otherwise it is OOC, destroying people's design.

At the same time, due to the rapid development of the situation, the matter of the Earth's Ark was exposed in advance.

Sha Fulin must appear in advance to prepare for the situation that may appear in the near future, where countless cosmic beings gather on the earth.

Briefly describe the follow-up script -

The king of the earth controls the core interests, and the Ark quota is born invincible.

What Sha Fulin, the emperor of the universe, needs to do is to change the day.

That is, to overthrow the star cluster council, establish a cosmic empire and gather people's hearts.

To bring life to the civilization of the whole universe... In other words, the hope of the continuation of civilization.

There is no need to repeat the more core ones at this stage. In short, what the first-generation brother did is very appropriate in the eyes of the Cubs of Light——

Set against the backdrop of the destruction of the headquarters star of the Star Cluster Council, this is the debut of the cosmic emperor Shaflin!

To be fair, is there anything more suitable than this? ?

The answer is no!

The Cub of Light silently gave a like, and hoped that the first-generation brother would step up his efforts.

To be honest, when the first-generation brother did this, he asked someone to pull out his wisdom teeth in Henan... Bah, it's hard not to support it.

As for Zofinisan's light pressure... that's the first-generation brother's own idea. What does it have to do with my immature Ultra cub?

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