"I'm very sorry, I think you should know the situation."

The silver woman Ao... Akaifu took a step forward and at the same time interrupted Xiaomeng who was about to answer her request with one mouthful:


She raised her finger and pointed to the turbid reddish faintly visible above the sky:

"It's been a little unstable recently, and I have never observed it to be so unstable."

"We have just submitted the mission completion report, and the next mission may arrive at any time."

"If it is a time-consuming request to find research materials and collect materials, we may..."

"No, please drop by." Tregear interrupted softly.


Akaifu was taken aback when she heard the sound, and she immediately realized what:

"You mean you know what our next mission is?"

"You... to be precise, the two of you."

Tregia clearly refers to Xiaomeng and Akaifu:

"Will be transferred to the front line."


A group of Ao looked at each other in blank dismay, and invariably remembered the mysterious companions who had received the order and became mysterious.

"After being transferred to the front line, those guys would always mutter something they didn't understand and make some jokes that they had never heard before."

"Hey, I know this!"

The faces of the silver people brightened, and they snapped their fingers one by one:

"For example, Mr. Pectoral doesn't know what's going on outside.

For another example, next time, Mr. Pectoral, who has no pectoral muscles, must teach 1V2 winning tactics.

Some companions returned to Alt College to learn the eight-point light wheel and the forbidden guillotine, saying that they wanted to be employees of the Star of Light Meat Factory... What is the Meat Factory? "


The Red Clan of the Severn Department also remembered the strange joke of their companions:

"Tell me every time we meet, thank you Taylor."

Tregear looked at him puzzled.


The Red Clan of the Seven Department held their heads in distress:

"I'm really not Taro, and I don't know Taro either!!!"

Torregia:  …

"When you ask, you have a mysterious face. Sometimes you will be downcast and sometimes you will laugh out of nowhere. All in all, it is very strange."

Tregear silently added.

Yixing Ao, especially the Red Clan of the Severn Department, nodded in conviction. These are his personal experiences——

These two guys, Max & Geno, are almost all hits!

Max always mutters something like 'the strongest is a debuff', don't call me the fastest and strongest or something unclear.

Jie Nuo always had a straight face, no matter what he did, he rushed to do it, so he was much more diligent.

As expected of a senior from the Blue Clan, his observation skills are really keen.

"According to my investigation, the people transferred to the front have one thing in common—"

Seeing a few nods of approval, Tregear raised a finger in conclusion.

"Combat power?" Xiao Mengmeng recalled what the senior had just described.

"Yes, but not quite right."

Tregear shook his head:

"The Science and Technology Development Bureau where I work also has such companions...Director Hikali and several other companions obviously have no combat effectiveness, but they were also transferred away."

"What the hell is that?"

Akaifu is a little impatient:

"If you don't say anything, the task may be coming soon."

"They all have that strange sensory phenomenon, as if something is calling."

Tregchia had no intention of keeping things secret:

"I would like to ask you to investigate this matter."


Akaifu was still thinking, but Xiaomeng asked without thinking:

"Tregear, do you doubt seniors and the others..."

"Do not."

Tregear shook his head slightly: "My name is Tregear."

Zhongao: ...

The name Tregear, in the context of the Otto family, means 'crazy curiosity'.

Generally speaking, the names of the Otto family can be modified by themselves.

In the name of Tregear... This is indeed the senior of the Blue Clan, all the Austrians nodded to express their understanding.

"I'm sorry if it's just to satisfy curiosity!"

Mebius is a good boy, his eyes are firm:

"Seniors don't say they must have their own reasons, I can't help it..."

"You are wrong again!"

Tregchia had to interrupt him again:

"I just want you to help me pass a message to Tai Luo, if there is anything I will ask him personally."

Little Dream:......

"As for the investigation—"

Tregear bowed his head and considered for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his head:

"I suspect......"

Bang-! ! !

The words that had just started were interrupted by the violent vibration of the feet and the sound of explosions passing by the ears. Caught off guard, the whole group staggered to and fro.


Before Xiaomeng got up, a burst of evil laughter passed by her ears.

The resounding, unrestrained male voice seems to be announcing——

"Farewell, prison!"

74 I just like you and can't understand me...... 6K [-] in [-]

"Farewell, prison!"

As the insolent and reckless male voice came to an end, the abnormally violent shaking under his feet weakened.

But that doesn't mean it's over—

The ground... The floor of the Space Garrison Headquarters lobby is cracking!

"Hey hey, isn't this great?"

Looking at the photon crystallized ground that was gradually cracking in front of him, the Red Clan of the Severn Department struggled to get up and muttered.

"Does anyone remember—"

At this juncture, no one responded to this nonsense. The faces of the silver people floated in the sky to avoid the shaking ground, and their bright eyes stared solemnly at the increasingly torn ground below:

"Is there any dangerous guy detained in the police headquarters?"


Xiaomeng sat on the ground with an unbelievable expression:

"Does our Star of Light have any prisoners?"


Tregear leaned against the wall and stood up. He recalled the experience when he and Taro went to the police headquarters to explore together when he was a child, and was stopped by Taro's father...the Grand Commander of the Kingdom of Light in front of a prison marked as "critically dangerous". .

It was that experience that prompted Tregear, who was so curious, to look up the past history of the Star of Light.


Looking at the guard headquarters that had spread into the wall and was about to be completely torn apart to both sides, Tregchia murmured and repeated:

"Yes, indeed there are..."

"Who the hell is it, you tell me!" The red race of the Seven Department was in a hurry.

"That is......"

Before Tregear had time to say the name, he was interrupted by a cold female voice speaking at an extremely fast speed——

"That was a hero during the Great War of Ultra, who once held the title of Silver of Cruelty."

"At the same time, he is also the only prisoner of Star of Light, the strongest Leonix in this universe... Be careful!"

Akaifu suddenly reminded her loudly, she threw out a light rope to entangle Xiaomeng who was on the ground, and suddenly picked it up.

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