He recognized the female silver warrior who was in an abnormal state in front of him——

Akaifu should come to the front line with Mebius to receive photon synchronization instead of being here alone... No!

Seven keenly noticed that Akaifu's violently waving right hand showed signs of cracking, and the fine and floating pale golden photon blood was extremely conspicuous against the ominous dark red background.


The silver female warrior let out an irrational roar, as if she didn't care about the injury on her hand, she clenched her fists and rushed towards her brazenly.

"this is......"

Staggering away from Akaifu's pounce, he raised his hand and pulled out the photon interface to confirm the time. Seven was suddenly startled——

Hikari is very concerned about the synchronization of Mebius... Otto's signature is not reliable, and Taro should have just delivered the transfer order according to the time.

Akaifu should be on the Star of Light, and shouldn't appear here alone!

With a broken hand, the only reason she's here...

Something happened to the Star of Light!

Seven came to a conclusion almost instinctively, and moved out of the way of the crazy Akaifu again.

When he raised his hand, a signature flew out and quickly disappeared at the end of his vision.

"Sorry Akaev."

Sai Wen flexed his hands and feet, put on a posture, and reflected the silver female warrior approaching quickly in his fierce bright yellow eyes, and apologized:

"Next, I might be a little rough..."

At the same time, the frontline branch——

"What happened to the Star of Light?"

As if the beautiful cursive characters engraved in the space were confusing, Ace looked at his elder brother suspiciously:

"It's the news from Seven Nisan. Akaifu claims to be a puppet... Taro should already be on the Star of Light, there will be no problem, right?"


Sophie subconsciously gave a negative:

"Taro can't!"

Ace: ...

Although Sophie doesn't know what the crisis of the Star of Light is, but he knows one thing very well——

The Cubs of Light have come to this universe!

One of the other points that I have emphasized is this one——

In the universe where Little Reza lives, anything can happen, and there is a high probability that ordinary people will go on a rampage that is difficult to deal with.

Therefore, we must be mentally prepared to face all possibilities!

Of course, the Cubs of Light did not come to this cracked space, otherwise they should have known it immediately when they were here.

Now the safety of the Star of Light involves not only the Otto family, but also tens of millions of planets that rely on the plasma spark core to maintain a stable posture.

The possibility of infringement from the outside is negligibly low!

That being the case, then the root of the Star of Light crisis is most likely to be...

Inside the Star of Light! ?

not good!

Sophie suddenly remembered something and was startled.

"Ace, go gather the people!"

Sophie spoke quickly:

"I'll take people first, you have the most energy reserves, don't be stingy with energy, take the patrol route and call everyone up!"

"What's going on?" The director of the meat joint factory couldn't understand.

"It's too late to explain!"

The star of light guard captain's eyes are serious:

"Do as I say!"

"Understood, I'll go right now."

Seeing that the elder brother didn't seem to be joking, Ace jumped into the air reflexively.


The Superman Ace who was about to start up with a sudden shout almost fell from the sky.

"Do you know where the final destination is?"

?you still need to ask?

"Of course it's the Star of Light!" Ace said without thinking.



The director of the meat joint factory was very confused. He just listened to the inexplicably flickering eyes of his elder brother——

"Destination, the star of the new monster cemetery."

Ace: ......


[Everyone has it, gather! 】

During the symphony of chants, the eyes of the captain of the universe guard flickered——

There is one and only one omission in the Star of Light, and that is Beria who is being held at the headquarters of the guard.

Akaifu had been on the task of guarding Beria for a long time, and her state was very similar to the rage when Leonix's fighting instinct was activated.

——Probably influenced by Beria!

If that's the case, she calls herself a puppet... Beria may have been learning about the outside world through her!

"Big Monster Fight!The plot of "Super Galactic Legend" instantly came to mind.

If this is the case, Beria will definitely go there with the plasma spark core!

After the M78 nebula cluster fell into the cracks, based on various considerations such as stability, reducing the pressure on various civilizations, and preventing being bewitched and used by Gheros——

The Space Guard actively hunted down many high-risk cosmic monsters, and the new monster cemetery star is the place to bury them!

Why is there! ?

Confirming again and again that the elder brother didn't mean to explain, Superman Ace flew away full of doubts.

"Everyone, follow me to the monster cemetery star, bring everything you can!"

Sweeping across the guard soldiers who rushed over, Sophie thought for a while and then said something before flying into the sky:

"Jeno, you and your team stay here, you can't leave the front line."

Jeno:  …


This response was somewhat reluctant, and Jeno was dejected.

Max looked at his friend sympathetically...he began to believe in the curse called 'passerby halo'.

Wait, since Geno's curse is here, then I...

Max suddenly remembered the stalk of "Old Mai, the designated persecution target of the Austrian Department".

No, no, no, this is reality and not a special shot taken by humans. It is impossible for such a thing to happen, so feel at ease.

While comforting himself, Max kept up with the space guard captain flying ahead.

Sure enough, I am still very worried! ! !


The gray-black barren land is covered with huge and weird rocks, and twisted and weird vegetation grows densely in the cracks of the rocks, making people subconsciously suspect where their nutrients come from.

If you look up a little, you won't have any doubts about it——

Under the gloomy sky, the translucent animal-shaped phantoms exuding a cold green light clearly showed a ferocious figure, calm and floating.

As creatures bred in this universe and naturally powerful, most of the monsters have powerful souls that match their physiques.

If left unattended, no matter where it is, it will passively cause various strange phenomena that cause headaches for ordinary civilization.

More serious ones will come back from the dead... The probability is definitely not low.

Therefore, the Otto family placed them together, hoping that time would give the monsters eternal peace.

"Hmph, hypocrisy!"

An inexplicable cold snort crossed the silent sky, and Belia glanced across the audience:

"But everything that threatens their survival will be hunted down. There is only one reason for you to die here, and that is that you are not strong enough!"

"Unreconciled guys."

The black-red giant held up the dark artifact and smashed it down——

"Come and make a fuss with me!"

In the next moment, a star point exuding divine brilliance descended from the sky and sank into the earth, and the brilliant light wave spread out in an instant.

In the sky, the quiet souls turned into clouds of ominous mist and sank into the earth.

The earth instantly turned into a bright red molten mantle, and rotting animal carcasses broke through the surface. The surface of the white bones was quickly covered with muscles and blood vessels, and scales and hair grew rapidly.

In just a few minutes, thousands of ferocious behemoths already stood on this dull and barren land.

At the same time, dozens of dazzling rays of light fell into the atmosphere and fell into the ground in an instant.

"Tch--, it came pretty fast."

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