"Tch——you're not ashamed to say anything!"

Beria snorted coldly, and pulled out a fighting stance, with a strange brilliance shining in his long and narrow orange-red eyes:

"Come on, let me see what kind of strength you have left without the help of that trash."

"Power itself is not good or bad, the difference lies in whether you can protect your companions and the justice in your heart."

The holy sword dubbed the ultimate turned into a ray of light and returned to the hand of the horned giant Xu Xuning. The father of Otto slowly raised the blade and pointed at his former friend, with a sonorous voice:

"There is nothing wrong with using props, it is a sign of entering civilization from barbarism..."

"I thought you should know all these truths, Beria."

"Twitter and talk about some big truths."

Belia sneered disdainfully, raised the fighting instrument and jumped up——

"Go to hell, Kane!!!"

Boom! ! !

One black and one white, face to face.

One stick and one sword collided fiercely.

Above the sky, the crimson light pulled out dazzling light and shadows and fell to the ground, manifesting the figure of a fierce red giant.

"Severn Nissan!"


Ace's instinctive call was interrupted by an inexplicable tone. He subconsciously looked at the slightly protruding shoulder blades of the red giant, and found a ferocious... human?

"Hey~, good luck."

The man whistled frivolously, and looked at the center of the fierce battlefield with great interest:

"Fight, fight quickly!"

Ace: ...


77 Labor and capital are not targeting anyone...

"Fight, fight quickly!"

The voice of watching the excitement is not too big, and the audience's eyes are focused on Sai Wen...'s shoulder blades.

To be fair, it's not that loud.

It should have been inconspicuous in the background of countless roars of beasts and the clashing sound of light and dark artifacts.

However, everyone present is superhuman, and their hearing is so keen.

"Seven Nissan."

Ace glanced at the man holding his chest on Nissan's shoulders strangely, and said hesitantly:

"this is......"

The director of the meat joint factory didn't directly use Otto's vision, which was not very polite.

What Superman Ace doesn't know is that even if he is lucky, Otto's vision can't see anything.

Seven looked in the field, and then glanced down at the man on the shoulder blade, his eyes were tangled——

He didn't know what to say.

"I heard that you have a nickname called the King of Spike."

The man left the red giant's shoulders in the air and stared at the fierce two people in the arena without taking his eyes off:

"Show me one."

Seven suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Along the way, he explained several times the origin of this posture and...the fact that his strength is no different from his normal self.

Now it seems that this Lord did not seem to listen at all.

Hearing the sound, Ace on the side became more and more curious, but he didn't have the time to release his curiosity——

The monster army is coming!

Perhaps it was Beria who secretly issued the order to exterminate the Ultra fighters, or maybe it was simply involved here so that he could fight his old enemy with peace of mind.

In short, when thousands of ferocious monsters rushed in like a tide, the hands of the Ultra fighters present all lit up with white cold lights.

Looking at his companions who took out their halos in unison, Superman Ace suddenly felt that the Ultra Disc Blade in his hand was no longer fragrant.

The crescent-shaped pale light blade slashed at a high speed, and accurately split a super beast rushing to the front, announcing the start of the battle again.

Dozens of particle-shaped streams of light volleyed in the air and merged into a torrent of light exuding terrifying energy fluctuations, hitting the herd of beasts and sweeping away, directly burying dozens of unlucky eggs on the spot.

Spetsium Ray is one of the most suitable skills for such a large-scale battlefield!

It consumes less energy and has greater power, and it can be easily reached by raising your hand. There is no forward or backward swing, and it is perfect as the first choice for blending light.

A group of red warriors stood at the front in groups of three and three, and the formation of sharp arrows with horns made it impossible for more than three monsters to attack them at the same time.

The silver warriors are responsible for maintaining the output of firepower, adding a light shield for the unsupported striker from time to time.

Compared with before, at least this time the Ultra fighters have the ability to stand up to the monster army.

Monsters that are unmanned and act entirely on instinct do not have the ability to break through the defense in a short time when facing an organized and professional team.

But this does not mean that the monster army has no threat to the Ultra fighters——

As a powerful beast standing at the top of the cosmic ecosphere, even if it instinctively spits out flames, electric currents, and poisonous gas, it is enough to bring pressure to the Ultra fighters on the scene.

"Senior, please!"

Glancing at the tense battlefield, Seven nodded slightly to the man in the air, and immediately jumped into the battlefield.

"Hmph, boring!"

Slightly let out a little peripheral vision and glanced over the almost white-hot battlefield, the man disdain to speak:

"Using this kind of tactics and still fighting like this, the Star of Light is really a bunch of garbage!"

Zhongao: ...

Unsurprisingly, these derogatory words once again attracted the attention of the audience. Even Beria and Otto's father, who were in a fierce battle, couldn't help but separated from each other with a confrontation.

While maintaining vigilance, the two coincidentally drifted their gazes towards the direction of the sound, wanting to see who was talking nonsense.

"Look at what?"

As if aware of Beria's gaze, the man coldly looked at those evil orange-red eyes:

"What kind of trash are you?"

Bella: ? ? ?

In a word, the brutal silver orifice of direct anger produces smoke.

The last time I saw such an arrogant guy was...

"Don't get me wrong, labor and capital are not targeting anyone."

The man lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes swept across the audience lightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

"What labor and capital mean is that everyone here, Beria, Kane, and you guys..."

He didn't even look at the battlefield over there, and his tone was so calm that he seemed to be declaring an indisputable fact:

"It's all rubbish!"

Audience:  …

"You, Beria!"

The man looked contemptuously at the black-red giant who tilted his head:

"Without the King of Ultra intervening, how can we not win the mere Star of Light?

In the end, you lost to Kane, the trash, what face do you have to live! ? "

Beria: ...?

"And you, Kane!"

The man changed the subject, looked at the milky white eyes of the bull-horned giant, and raised his hand to click on the bustling battlefield on the other side:

"Look at this bunch of trash you brought out!

That's it?That's it?That's it! ? "

Ace & Seven: ...?

"Look again at that piece of rubbish across from you who doesn't know what kind it is."

The man's words are not over yet——

"You can't take it after fighting for so long. Could it be that your horns are just a decoration?"

Father of Ultra: ...?


Beria finally couldn't take it anymore——

As the Ultimate Fighting Instrument was raised, two cold blue lights flashed out from the ridges at the end, turning into a Bemonstein and a volcanic monster galloping towards the sky.


Otto's father raised his hand to wake up the guy he couldn't see through.

"Hmph~, you don't need to care about it!"

The man let out a cold snort, and the long milky white fighting instrument in his raised hand condensed out of thin air, and the brilliant golden light manifested another volcanic strange bird.


No matter who it was, Beria included, no one thought that the man turned out to be a Leonix.

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