Ao Mu's response was somewhat soft, and Bei Laobai who was on the side was shocked.

Pretty girl, is that so?

"President Beria."

After a while of comforting voice, Ao's father turned around:

"The inauguration ceremony will take place in Silver Square an hour later."

Beria... Grand Commander?

A question mark appeared on the foreheads of Ommarie and Tregear at the same time.

"Is such that......"

The summary just now was relatively general, and this detail was not mentioned. Taylor slightly mentioned the matter of someone "taking advantage of others".

"Kane, are you sure?"

Bei Laobai looked at the big horned ox in front of him in a little surprise, his request was more of a joke.

To put it bluntly, the contribution of the stinky brat is obviously greater.

"It's too late for you to regret it now." Bei Laobai reminded with his arms crossed.


The attitude of Otto's father is quite formal:

"I was serious!"

Bei Laobai: ...


Beria couldn't help asking one more question:

"You are not afraid..."

"As you said, the plasma spark is your prize."

There was a smile in the eyes of the bighorn bull, "King of Ultra, you deserve your name."


"To shut up!"

Bei Laobai gritted his teeth: "Change your name!"

From "Light of the Earth", it can be clearly seen that the old man has little heart, and Beria does not want to be remembered by the legends of the world.


The father of Otto nodded kindly and reminded:

"The Grand Commander needs to prepare a speech, Beriasan."

"Then I will be the Grand Commander!"

Bei Laobai glanced at his friend in another universe again in a confirming manner, implying something:

"You don't regret it."

Otto's father nodded with a smile.

Anyway, he won't be staying here for long, and Bei Laobai doesn't really care, he just treats it as a fun experience.

However, compared to a star of light who is on the right track and doesn't need to worry about everything.

In fact, Bei Laobai is more inclined to be the commander of the Kingdom of New Light who is a stinky brat, at least not boring.

By the way, let's pit that stinky brat again, and let him go!

"By the way, Beriasan."

After the half-joking reminder, Otto's father suddenly remembered something:

"Did you use the light of Little Reza just now?"

Beria's resurrection is not scientific at all, it doesn't seem to be the performance of using solidified life.


Bei Laobai nodded simply.

"Won't this stimulate..."

Father Ao didn't finish his sentence, and Mary and Tregia didn't know the relevant information about Gehros yet.

"Do you think I'm stupider than you?"

Beria was not polite at all.

The silver giant raised his hand, and the gold and red belt box flashed out of thin air, attracting the attention of a group of people at the scene.

"This is not being..."

Father Ao was stunned for a moment, he remembered that Bei Laobai used it after crushing it.

"whispering sound--"

Bei Laobai clicked his tongue in disdain:

"Since labor and capital are making a move, don't you want as much of this kind of thing?"

Father of Ultra:  …

He remembered a small detail in "Light of the Earth"——

Little Reza left a batch of rings for his Aguang Ameng for props making and research.

"and this--"

The silver giant raised the shining USB flash drive in his hand as if showing off.

"I see!"

Otto's father came to a sudden:

"It's mixing in advance to change the energy characteristics of Little Reza...Leo and Astra?"

This time, Bei Laobai was really surprised.

Cruel Silver stared at his friend in another universe carefully for a few seconds... How do you feel that Kane is smarter?

"That's right!"

Bei Laobai nodded simply, there is nothing to deny this matter.

Both were born in L77, similar but different energy characteristics are more likely to confuse the evil planet.

Speaking of which, thanks to the combination of the three L77 brothers, otherwise...

Beria remembered the somewhat unusual resurrection not long ago.

This time, someone behind him did overturn his car, completely overturned.

The ultimate blade pierced through him and Bei Laohei, and stacked the...

Bei Laobai couldn't help but glance at the Ultra Bomber, how did Kane's son grow into such a virtue! ?

There is another self!

The power of the Ultra Bomb is indeed very powerful, even the self in that state can't support it, and theoretically "self" is the same.

However, although there is no evidence, Beria has an intuition that Ray Brando will never let Old Black Bei die easily...

Gossip less --

Beria never thought that he would be resurrected, he thought he was dead.

The wonderful sense between life and death made Beria feel the great consciousness beyond the starry sky.

At the same time, Beria could also feel that it was the huge wave of consciousness... or a roar.

The imagery like a lion's roar is inexplicable, but it can indeed be perceived.

After that, he suddenly broke away from that wonderful state.

The light quantum all over the body seems to be baptized by starlight, and the feeling after recovery... is stronger than before!

It's really good, whether it's Leo or L77 will... In short, the home planet of the stinky brat feels really good.

Damn it, whether it's Earth or L77, why do they all feel better than the Land of Light?

Ahem, Beria tried hard to get rid of the disgust in his heart.

No matter how broken it is, the Kingdom of Light is his Belial's home planet after all!

Corresponding to it, there is also a terrifying existence that faintly brings a sense of horror.

That feeling of staring... that feeling as if every light quantum in the whole body has been completely seen through, it's terrible!

Presumably that is Gehros, the body of the extraterrestrial god!

"How many Ressa rings did you take?"

While meditating, Kane's extremely fast question flashed by his ears.

"A dozen pieces, half, not many."

Beria didn't react for a while, and gave the answer subconsciously.


Beria woke up suddenly, and met the big horned bull's half-surprised half-shocked eyes, murderous in his eyes:

"Kane you fucking!"


At the same time, the Science and Technology Development Bureau of the Kingdom of Light——

After searching for a long time and finally confirming the identity of the theft suspect, Hikari held the half-empty storage box in his hand and shouted to the sky:


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