

90 Little Reza YYDS!

In the field of light filled with emerald green, the anxious and intense muscle communication of Alt continued.

Finally, when Lei Xu finished eating his tenth melon, he was considering whether to find a place to relieve himself.

The two red and silver figures let go of each other at the same time——

Standing up, one arm crossed and touched each other, making a very ancient posture, and it was broken with one touch.

The Cub of Light suddenly changed his mind and decided to hold back for a while.

That is the most classic duel starting move in the long history of Kingdom of Light/Star!

Obviously, the two first-generation brothers are going to decide the outcome with one blow.

The only reason why Lei Xu remembers this is that as long as both sides make this posture, then no one is allowed to defend, and they must face each other head-on.

Perhaps it is also in response to that sentence, "Buddhas also have angry-eyed King Kong"——

Even in the most civilized kingdom of light, the most barbaric dueling etiquette is still preserved!

In today's Kingdom of Light, such a scene will only appear when no one can convince anyone.

This is not good, the Cub of Light raised his hand subconsciously...

[Don't interfere! 】X2

Lei Xu: ...

In the next moment, two red and silver streaks collided with each other in the center of Yu Cuihua's Field of Light.


In the long sound of gold and iron resembling the impact of an ancient bronze bell, two invisible shock wave flame rings at the same height suddenly spread.

The impact of pure body strength instantly shattered the surrounding air, and the turbulent airflow scattered violently in an instant.

It wasn't until the tsunami-like air currents and waves faded away that the Cubs of Light re-observed the two first-generation brothers standing opposite each other.

At this time, the postures of the two giants of light are reproduced like a mirror——

If you ignore his crossed arms and the fist on the opponent's face.

In this round of confrontation, no one backed down, just as neither of the two giants of light could convince the other.

This is no longer a physical contest, but a battle of faith.

The two giants kept this posture for one second, two seconds, three seconds...


The dull sound of falling to the ground sounded almost at the same time, and Lei Xu immediately put the little heart in his throat back into his stomach.


Seeing that the two first-generation elder brothers did not "separate victory and defeat, but also life and death", the Cub of Light sighed:

"Obviously, obviously Ultraman——

The two Manisangs should have understood each other the most, and they became close friends without any suspense.

What you got was supposed to be a happy time like a dream..."

The cubs of light sigh infinitely:

"But why, why did it become like this?"

First Generation & First Generation:  …

A little ashamed.


Glancing at the two Manisangs who were lying down and unable to move, the Cub of Light changed the subject:

"Two Ultraman lost to Ultraman at the same time, why would I have such a dream!?"

First Generation & First Generation:  …

【"Little Resa!!!"】

Cough cough, talk and laugh.

The cubs of light did not mention from the heart, what kind of space will be occupied in "Light of the Earth" in the future with the philosophical posture of the two first-generation brothers just now.

Business matters, business matters.

It's really important. If you don't believe me, look at my sincere eyes.

The red giant held one in each hand, and stuffed it roughly into his body——

One mind is one of the fastest and most convenient methods of treatment. At the same time, the overflowing and converging thoughts facilitate the mutual understanding of the two Manisans without delaying the exchange of information.

[Manishan! 】

In the space of consciousness, Lei Xu is inserted in the middle, separating the two first generations who tend to pinch together:

[There is no need to search for the location of the Star of Light, it has already been found. 】

【what? 】

Hearing the sound, the first-generation brother immediately forgot about fighting with 'myself', and looked excited:

【is that true?where! ? 】

[Leo, L77. 】

Lei Xu didn't give a damn:

【Belia has already gone in, I don't know why Leo roared. 】

By reading the words, I shared a copy of the previous analysis about L77's will to drag Gehros, and the cub of light has a serious attitude:

[I suspect that something may have happened inside. 】

The eyes of the first-generation brother froze instantly.

【I'll go right away...】

In the space of consciousness, the emotions from the first-generation brother are so intense that they can be directly perceived by the other two.

At the same time, a strong desire to leave hit Lei Xu's mind.

[Little Resa, Younijin lend me, I'll go to L77 now! 】

[Calm down! 】

The first-generation big brother held 'self', seeing that the emotional feedback did not weaken at all, he gave him a slap without hesitation:

[Are you awake now? 】

The first-generation brother jumped up, his furious eyes reflected a breathtaking light, and his self-evident momentum surged up:


[I won't borrow Unikin. 】

Before the first-generation brother could speak, Lei Xu simply interrupted.

[This is not a question of whether it is useful to go. 】

The cub of light turned his head to meet the unbelievable eyes of the first-generation brother, and said faintly:

[Manishan, you should have contacted a civilization like Animar, a light-loving star, a lot recently, right? 】

The first-generation elder brother stagnated.

【Have you ever thought about—】

Cubs of Light hit the nail on the head:

【You are leaving now, what about the Animar Stars and other civilizations who do not have the script of the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin? 】

[Before entering, Beria had already won the entire star cluster council. 】

Lei Xu shared the fact that Beria hijacked his account and Lei, the identity of the universe emperor Leisa has replaced the star cluster council to become the de facto "emperor".

【I have a hunch—】

Lei Xu stared into the eyes of the first brother:

[The star of light may not be in trouble. 】

[Trust me, and believe in Beria! 】

The first-generation brother:  …

The aura of the red silver giant weakened visibly to the naked eye.

The First Big Brother:  …

What is this inexplicable feeling of reliability?

After all, "Light of the Earth" is just a cartoon, so it is difficult to have a realistic experience.

Now, the first generation who participated in it personally finally understood the inexplicable admiration of the younger brothers for the cubs.

How to convince 'self', this may be the most troublesome thing in the first generation's life.

But Little Reza was able to pick the most critical moment and make the most appropriate and powerful persuasion——

This is the embodiment of the transformation ability of the Cub of Light!

Hiss——Little Lesa YYDS!

The Cubs of Light knew nothing about the psychological activities of the original Big Brother at this time.

Tsk, what's the matter with this strange feeling as if something is entering the body?

At this time, Lei Xu has no time to perceive the small situation on his body.

【Now, the emperor of the universe Sha Fulin, the king of the earth, and the star cluster council are all in our hands. 】

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