[It is indeed enough! 】

The first-generation brother:  …

He doesn't understand!

[Don't forget what we have. 】

Lei Xu gave a reminder.

The first-generation brother fell into deep thought.

【Life Camera! 】

The first generation of Big Brother went straight to the point, waking up "myself" in one sentence:

[The one that can transform life into light quantum information, freezes up. 】

[And we can also use shrinking technology——

The Baltans can hold 20 billion people in a single ship.

If we start working hard from now on, we may not be unable to make another breakthrough in shrinking technology by gathering the power of civilizations in the universe. 】

Hearing this, the eyes of the first-generation elder brother became brighter and brighter.

【If it doesn’t work, there is magic—】

The Cubs of Light were referring to the Presher Stars, and the shrinking magic they used was outrageous.

Since the 52-meter Leo can be reduced to 5 cm, can a 2-meter person be reduced to 2 nanometers?

[We have Uni! 】

The answer to the mystery has been partially revealed, and the Cub of Light is no longer a secret. He raised his hand and held down the crystal in his shirt, allowing the big white parrot whose name was called to stick out:

[One crystal can hold more than thirty golden fortresses. 】

During the more than 20 years in the Kingdom of Light, not only Lei Xu himself, but also the ability to sprout new house beasts has also made great progress.

Not to mention a few golden fortresses, there are enough crystals, and if Unikin does his best, maybe even a continent can be put in.


The Cub of Light suddenly remembered that the body of the Light Demon seems to be in a crystal state, can it be used as a...

【right! 】

After opening up the mind, the first generation of Big Brother suddenly became enlightened:

[Not only Unigin, but also the space technology of many civilizations can be used. 】

[Data space. 】The first-generation brother interrupted abruptly.

【What? 】Lei Xu asked subconsciously.

[Intermediate state of life camera technology. 】

The first-generation Big Brother became more and more excited and spoke quickly:

[The organisms transformed into photons can be stored using data media to further compress the required space and quality. 】

[Specific technical details will be discussed later! 】

The Cubs of Light had to interrupt the Manishans who were getting a little excited:

[So, we can save the hope of all civilizations. 】

[DNA, embryos, cubs and children, just these words, the capacity of the earth is enough! 】

【Yes! 】

The first-generation brother has fully approved of the idea of ​​​​the Cub of Light at this time.

The reason why Little Reza had been retained before was also very simple——

The implementation of this plan requires absolute authority!

According to the cubs of light, only human beings and...

Genetic DNA, Embryos, Cubs and Children of Civilizations!

In other words, adults, information and materials cannot be taken away.

This request is also outrageous——

Survival is the instinct of all living things!

In order to survive, it is not surprising that those cosmic beings do any kind of crazy things.

Going to the new universe, these things... all those kids have to start from scratch, slash and burn.

They may lose everything, including technology, language, culture, and even everything that exists.

— but so what! ?

Compared with being destroyed along with the whole universe, just this is a great comfort.

At least, their descendants are still there, hope is still there!

Therefore, the prerequisite for the implementation of this plan is an absolute general trend.

Become the vast majority of the entire universe, allowing countless civilizations to stand together for the future and the hope of continuation.

The Cubs of Light alone, even including all the people on Earth, cannot stop all those selfish and deranged guys.

But what if all the civilizations in the universe come together?

When the Earth Ark actually becomes the hope for the continuation of all civilizations in this universe,

When countless enthusiastic cosmic people stand up and form a mighty wave;

At that time, those insidious and evil guys will be plunged into the vast ocean of the people's war...

At the same time, the Cub of Light has a deeper consideration——

After sending away the earth, the civilizations of the entire universe will come together to face the culprit who caused all this, the planet evil god Gehros.

At that time, it may not be without the power of a battle to repeat the operation of the most benevolent, the most benevolent, the most supreme, the most powerful, the most magnificent and the most beautiful gods.

Didn't mention the name, so it doesn't matter.jpg

[Little Resa! 】

The first generation of Big Brother is full of enthusiasm:

[Tell me, what exactly are we going to do! ? 】

【what? 】

The Cub of Light scratched his head and thought for a while:

[Of course, the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin should be enthroned according to the original plan.

Still need this -

We don't know if there are any believers of Ghroth in the core of Zedon and other civilizations, and we must keep it secret before gaining absolute advantage. 】

First Generation & First Generation:  …

Sophie Nisan, I'm sorry! ! !

The two Ultramans apologized to the Kingdom of Light/Star Guard Captain in their hearts almost at the same time.

What Little Reza said is so reasonable...

92 "Ha!??????"

The solar system, the orbit of Jupiter—

More and more starships have arrived successively from all over the universe, so that most of Jupiter's orbit is occupied by various unmanned probes and spaceships.

Artificial lights from various starships lit up almost half of the starry sky, forming a rather spectacular spectacle for a while.

At the same time, countless cosmic beings on various planets are watching the gas giant planet below which is already riddled with holes in visual effects through various means.

Until now, the energy-scanning radar field of vision is still fluctuating with frightening readings.

From time to time, sparkling fusion spheres sprang out of thin air in the hydrogen storms that blanketed the sky, flickering eerie flashes within Jupiter's dark atmosphere.

Correspondingly, there will often be majestic jets mixed with cold blue flames penetrating the atmosphere, narrowly passing a starship that cannot be said to be unlucky or lucky and sinking into the void.

Everything indicates that the battle of the century that determines the fate of the universe is still going on.

All of a sudden, all energy radar readings went to zero.

Knot, is it over?

The audience thought in unison.

However, I have a keen intuition that the current scene is not so much the end, but the last calm before the storm.

On the Dada spaceship, Adado, who arrived late, and a few Baltans who were rubbing against the boat looked nervously at the eerie and calm gas giant planet below.

If there was anyone present who didn't want the King of Earth to lose, it was them.

With the recent series of ups and downs, countless cosmic people have smelled danger.

The astonishing exposure of Commander Black and the chaos within the core civilization of Zedon are all warnings of danger.

The thing about the Earth Ark is very likely to be true!

If the King of the Earth, who is enough to deter the entire universe, falls at this time, there is a high probability that the Earth Ark will be destroyed in the ensuing changes.

To be precise, even losing both sides is an unacceptable situation——

Many civilizations are not only afraid of the former captain of the Star of Light, but now the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin comes to liquidate, and covet the earth, wishing that the king of the earth and his old opponent will perish together.

Without the power to determine everything, even if it is temporarily, the careerists in the universe will inevitably move upon hearing the news.

What's more, there is still a star cluster council that is dead and not dead——

The supreme speaker was suspected to have died on the planet Babel, and the core civilization of Zedon couldn't make a move, and the branch that should have been silent for a while was still operating.

Out of curiosity, Baltan investigated a little bit.

The various branches of the council received Ke's final orders one after another, and it was heard that another Leonix appeared at the speed of light, claiming to be the emperor of the universe, Reza.

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