Bighorn Bull subconsciously glanced at his friend from another universe, which caused Ampera to look at the silver giant who made him angry with the same surprise.

【Yes! 】

Beria hugged her chest, proudly:

[Brought by labor and capital! 】

This speech made Ampera completely serious. This guy from the Ultra clan in front of him actually came from another universe?

【How are they? 】The emperor of the dark universe read in a low voice.

【ha--? 】

Beria tilted his head:

【you ask me? 】

[Labor and management didn't promise to answer your question, go find Kane! 】

【Commander Beria! 】

The bighorn ox looked at it quite seriously, and bowed its head:

【please! 】

Although he can explain it himself, Belial is obviously more suitable as the only person present from another universe.

Beria:  …


The silver giant gave a stern click, but actually nodded his head very usefully.

Beria's eyes were crooked, and there was a bit of banter when he met the evil eyes of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe:

[Your wife has turned into a ball. 】

Ampera: ???!

Bighorn & Hikari & Sophie:  …

There seems to be nothing wrong with it!

Ampera could tell that this Silver Clan designation was a bit seriously ill, but he couldn't do anything yet...

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe simply turned his head away:

[Kane! 】

[Belia is right. 】

Father of Otto nodded lightly, now that the situation is clear, there is no need to hold back:

【Little Reza's mother... the woman you once met on planet L77 is now in the Reza universe, where she is the will of the earth. 】


The Ampera star was a little confused.

[Cough, let me explain——]

Otto's father coughed lightly:

[Since leaving this universe, the two of them...Little Reza and his mother have drifted for at least 9 universes in a row before finally stabilizing. 】

[The last one in the Reza universe, where they encountered a crisis... In the end, little Reza's mother merged with the will of the planet.

Now, she is the planet, the will of the earth, Gaia. 】

Ampera:  …

【Your son--】

Sophie broke into the conversation suddenly:

[Little Reza also had a little problem. His light split into two and left this universe one after another.

Due to being very weak, when he drifted to the Reza universe, the little Reza was born and raised in a family of ordinary earthlings. 】

Ampera:  …

[That's right! 】

Before Ampera could respond, Beria nodded gloatingly:

【That's not your son anymore, Ampera star! 】

[Smelly brat’s first identity is the light of the earth, his second identity is a person from the land of light, his third identity is a person from L77, and his fourth identity is a person from the land of new has nothing to do with you! 】

Although she didn't understand much, Ampera's fist hardened.

【Tut tsk tsk~......】

Beria didn't finish talking, he obviously planned to piss Ampera to death:

【You abandon your wife and son, and wait for that stinky brat to beat you, maybe you will ask him to fuck you with Godfather Dijia and Grandpa Aowang! 】

[Hey~, don't get angry, don't get angry, don't get angry, don't get angry! ? 】

Ampera:  …

——Someone wants to court death!

——He wants to fulfill him!

——The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe thought so...

96 It will be exciting then......

It was night, and the war of the century came to an end.

For a moment, Earth... the solar system was eerily peaceful.

After this battle, the fifth planet in the solar system, Jupiter, which has been turbulent for billions of years, has taken on a new look.

That battle completely changed the face of Jupiter, its terrifying atmosphere temporarily mellowed out.

Perhaps in the future, with the ultra-fast rotation speed, it will still return to the past.

But at least within a few thousand years, humans can develop Jupiter without paying too high a price. Of course, this is a later story.

The Cubs of Light saw with satisfaction that countless spaceships hidden in the solar system were leaving spontaneously.

The former king of the earth didn't care about these at all, but the cosmic emperor Sha Fulin has already released words:

[Get out of the solar system! 】

No one dared to provoke Mr. Sha Fulin, just like no one dared to provoke the former emperor of the dark universe, Ambella Star.

"Master, you are too tired and spicy!"

As soon as Lei Xu came back, the little cubs of light stared at the stars and surrounded him directly, chattering non-stop.

"You, come with me!"

The first-generation Big Brother picked up Lily's fate by the back of her neck, put it under her armpits, and walked out, teaching a lesson as she walked:

"Imagine your teacher is so powerful? Start working hard from now on!"

Lily:  …


I always feel that Teacher Man is lying to children!

Although he forcibly suppressed it, the Cub of Light could tell that the first-generation Big Brother was in a good mood, and he was swaying when he walked.

After thinking for a while, Lei Xu understood——

In Manisan's eyes, although the latest idea is still intentionally or unintentionally based on the persecution of Zofinisan (crossed out), it is no longer bound to lead to the worst results.

Ahem, Cubs of Light solemnly declare:

He and others only respect Zofinisang, not persecution! ! !

(Cub: Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!)

The book returns to the main story——

In any case, the earth will be completely stable in the future.

In the future, the cubs of light are waiting for the stable performance of the first-generation brother.

At the same time, Lei Xu felt that it was time to think about how to use our Lei's account with the trumpet Cub of Light.

But before that...

"You're done, what does it have to do with me?"

In the Kurt team branch, the Cub of Light looked at the half-kneeling Dada star in front of him with a funny face.

Adado remained silent, and the fact that His Majesty didn't tell himself to leave immediately was a good example of the problem.

"what about you?"

On the side of the Dada Stars, Lei Xu has his own calculations——

There is indeed a need for a spokesperson right now... It's not a big deal to always rely on the channel of the Jadon star Ed.

Putting down Adado temporarily, the Cub of Light glanced at a few shivering crayfish near the left.

"As for you—"

In view of Didi Universe's experience, Lei Xu has a natural affection for the Baltans.

"if I recall it correctly--"

The Cub of Light squinted at a few crayfish, and directly pierced his heart:

"Baltan invaded Earth, right?"

Baltan Stars:  …

Plop—one sound, all kneel down...


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