["Light of the Earth" can be watched at any time, Ambella star people, please wait a little longer. 】

[Hmph~, Kane! 】

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe snorted coldly and refused to accept the suggestion:

[Give me "Light of the Earth", I won't say a second time! 】

Bighorn:  …

Father of Otto thought for a while, then raised his hand and waved a glimmer of light.

Ampera raised her hand and held it tightly, planning to sink her thoughts into the message of the light quantum state, but was interrupted by a sudden and resounding exclamation——

[Wait a minute, what is that? 】

Zhong Ao looked up subconsciously——

In an instant, thunderous lightning flashed across the ominous dark red sky.

Bright cracked lines suddenly lit up in the field of vision——

Among the depressing dark red, the bright lines are like scattered thunder falling from a thunderstorm.

In the extreme distance of the field of vision, behind the dark red stardust curtain, a huge round silhouette can be vaguely seen.

Those irregular bright thunders surround the outline, extending to an invisible distance.

What Hikari was surprised by was the huge guy. He maintained his scientific research and observation skills and saw more details from the scene just now.

[Geheros...] The head of the Science and Technology Development Bureau couldn't help murmuring.

[That is Gehros?But why is it so big! ? 】

Zoffie remembers that the incarnation of Ghroth is not even as big as the moon, and in "Light of the Earth", the body of the evil star of the planet is not so exaggerated in size.

In the field of vision, the gigantic silhouette is so huge that it is incomprehensible.

That is a body shape that is impossible to appear in reality——

To present such a visual effect at this distance, the diameter needs to be calculated in light years!

[It has grown bigger again. 】Ampera murmured.

[What does it mean to grow bigger again? 】

Bighorn Bull subconsciously asked back.

【literal meaning. 】

Unknowingly, the subspace spacecraft has stopped advancing.

Ampera has obviously increased the output of thoughts, and the fear of darkness is retreating:

【I can't go any further, that is not an entity, but being able to see it shows that its influence has been...】

Before the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe finished speaking, a vast and magnificent singing rhythm with a gentle whisper like a soft whisper passed by the ears of everyone present.

It might sound contradictory, but it's true—

Hikari heard countless kinds of music from it, and the melody wailed in the low register, making his thoughts stagnate.

At that moment, the Director of Science and Technology Development pointed to stand here, listening to the song that fascinated him forever.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sadness invaded the mind, simultaneously awakening everyone's consciousness.

[Back! 】

The father of Otto holds the ultimate blade, and the big horn on the top of his head and the surface of the body are shining with dazzling light, which means that he has pushed the true power to the extreme.

The moment he escaped from the control of the singing, an indescribable terror attacked his body.

A sense of intrusion permeates the cerebral cortex, and every light quantum in the body is sending a warning to his thinking:

Back off!

[Stand back! 】

The bighorn bull couldn't help roaring again.

Actually it doesn't have to be--

The huge silhouette in the field of vision has disappeared, and the dark fear has long left the direct influence range.

That feeling of horror that makes goosebumps all over the body is most likely... just the aftertaste left in the body.

【That, that is...】

Sophie's chest rose and fell rapidly:

[Who saved us? L77 will! ? 】

The Star of Light Guard Captain’s question was not answered, and a vision appeared in front of his eyes——

The body of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe is... glowing?

Beria and Hikari are also shining?

Wait, this isn't a vision!

Bighorn Niu who came back to his senses keenly noticed that the floating light on the trio's surfaces had another source.

[Belia! 】

Otto's father couldn't help but go to help the silver giant's body, trying to remove the glowing box from Bei Laobai.

That should contain Little Reza's ring!

But when the former commander of the Star of Light touched the ray of light, his body stopped suddenly.

The Bighorn Bull felt that his consciousness was sinking into chaos, and he was establishing a connection with a grand consciousness.

With myself there is...

【tell me! 】

In the unreal chaotic vision, the father of Otto found that Hikari was facing a huge existence that could not see the specific shape clearly, as if filled with starlight, and questioned:

[Little Reza...what the hell is the child of the star? 】

In an instant, a turbulent tide of thoughts flooded in——

Suddenly, the perspective is sublimated.

It seems that the entire universe is slowly unfolding before the eyes, and in an instant, countless familiar pictures of the interior of the planet and the creatures on it pass by.

Most of the bighorn cows can call out their names directly——

Baltan Stars, Empire Stars, Groza Stars, U40, Anmulun...

And of course, Earth!

The speed of screen switching gradually exceeded the limit that Otto's eyesight could distinguish, and every planet was flickering in the field of vision that was frozen in the next instant.

There is something, the aura of life comes from those creatures...whether they are cosmic beings or monsters, in short, they are separated from their bodies, and they gather to shine into flickering spots of light.

The converging rays of light flash across the galaxy, shining on the surface of a planet that is being torn apart.

That's Leo!

Father Ultra immediately determined the position of the planet from the starlight in the background.

So, this is the L77?

At the moment when he just raised this awareness, the radiant aura of life has already fallen into the disintegrating planet.

The angle of view follows the falling brilliance to the city that is being torn apart by the shaking of the earth, and the brilliant golden light suddenly shines with an attic half sunk under the ground cracking as the center.

In the next moment, the red Alt... cub jumped out of the gap?

The bighorn cow could see clearly, it was definitely an Ultra cub and there was nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, he knew this cub——

With short arms and legs, and a fat belly, only one highly recognizable hexagonal light eye on the big head shone with angry brilliance.

It was definitely when Little Reza was young!

The two small arms of the little Ott cubs were tucked together, as if they were protecting something.

Little Reza raised his head and shouted angrily:


For some reason, at this juncture, only one thought was circling in the mind of Otto's father——

I didn't expect Little Resa to be quite cute when she was young...

It is difficult to write, this chapter is not easy to break~

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100 Son of the Star~ 6.5K [-] in [-]


The angry roar had no deterrent effect at all, but because it was too immature and childish, it added a bit of excitement out of thin air.

Coupled with the height of less than ten meters... there are a billion points of cuteness.

Much cuter than Taylor when he was a child, ahem, they are evenly matched.

Feeling that each of the Otto cubs was the cutest when they were young, the bighorn cow took advantage of the situation and looked in the direction of little Resa's roar.


No, not right!

The majestic roar of the atmosphere turbulent by the disintegration of the stars, and the gloomy clouds swept by the magic, several strange starships flying past attracted the attention of the Bighorn Bull.

That peculiar structure... can't be wrong, it's the spaceship of the Magma Stars!

Although there are some differences in details, the unique planetary annihilation spacecraft of the Magma Stars is still extremely eye-catching in the eyes of Ultra's father.

By the way, in the Kingdom of Light universe, the Magma Stars are absolute terrorists.

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