What directly absorbs the fear energy and life energy of other humans and Pokémon can make the injury heal faster and improve the strength!

It's just gluttony, and I still find some inexplicable reasons with him.

What's even more damning is that every time the curse doll communicates with him, it is through dreaming!

Every time, he deliberately used nightmare moves to scare him, and then took the opportunity to absorb the fear energy. Do you really think he doesn't know at all?


Not far from Miyamura's new reclining chair, the fire-breathing dragon that was fighting with the wind speed dog and the nine-tailed dragon suddenly roared, and then spewed out a pillar of fire from the huge dragon's mouth.

This is the flame-throwing move!

Under the attack of spraying flames, the wind speed dog was once again covered with the whole dog's face.

Fortunately, it is also a fire-type Pokémon, so it didn't suffer too much damage except that its majestic hair was burnt a little and it looked extraordinarily embarrassed.

The fire-breathing dragon can fly by relying on its own wings, while the nine-tails relies on the characteristic of attracting fire, so that the fire-attributed moves have no effect on it.

The physical strength of the two Pokémon is still sufficient, but the wind speed dog is not very good.

Its characteristic is intimidation, and there are relatively few attack methods. Most of them rely on speed to rush up and deal damage.

The fire-breathing dragon flying in the sky can't touch it, and it can't hit it when it sprays flames;

And the speed of Nine Tails on the ground is not slow at all compared to the wind speed dog. It is wise to keep a certain distance from the wind speed dog, and slowly consume the wind speed dog's physical strength.

In this case, the wind speed dog fell directly to the ground in a jet of flames from the fire-breathing dragon, and there were obvious injuries on his knees.


"Heh, I just said you're a waste! You couldn't beat that Menus before, and you made me lose face in front of those people when I spoke harshly. Now they still can't beat Charizard!"

Facing the wind speed dog who was whimpering because of the pain after being injured, Miyamura Shin opened his mouth and began to taunt.

The harsh words were like a sharp knife, piercing into Feng Speed ​​Dog's already numb heart.

But even if he is used to this situation, it doesn't mean that the wind speed dog will not be sad.

The wind speed dogs and their family are appreciated by the Junsha family. The most important factor is their unchanging loyalty and keen sense of smell.

This can help Junsha provide great assistance when solving the case.

There is no Pokémon that has been tamed since childhood, and there is no one who does not want his trainer to like and recognize him.

But Wind Speed ​​Dog has never known what it's like to be recognized. It often faces only cynicism and insults.

Because of the exhaustion of physical strength, but because of the insults he faced in the past, the wind speed dog who was forced to hold on and not fainted felt a burst of exhaustion.

Lie there in self-defeating, indifferent to Miyamura Shin's insults, as if he didn't hear anyone talking at all.

But this move completely angered Miyamura Shin.

He was originally resentful for cursing the doll's disobedience, and he never calmed down.

Now the wind speed dog also looks like ignoring him, which makes Miyamura's newly sensitive mind suddenly react with stress.

"Ha! Hahahahaha...what are you?!"

Furious, Miyamura Shin laughed, and after venting a bit, he walked up to Feng Speed ​​Dog step by step with a smile on his face, patted its dog's face,

"Father looked down on me, and even sent Pokémon out to protect me, they were ghost Pokémon who would torture me with nightmares!

The eldest brother and the second brother also don't take me seriously, and they all claim to be the future heirs of the Miyamura family. "

He lowered his body and put his mouth against the wind speed dog's ear, with a sticky tone, as if he was saying some sweet words of love.

But at the end, he couldn't bear the resentment in his heart, the expression on his face changed suddenly, and he cursed angrily:

"One or two, what kind of person do you really think you are?! I can go ride a horse!

If Lao Tzu's plan hadn't been destroyed by those two pigs, the Frozen Bird would have been subdued by me now, and he would directly have a Pokémon with the strength of a heavenly king! "

"At that time, I will let the cursed doll know the consequences of disobedience!

And my two eldest brothers, I want them to kneel in front of me, watch me ascend to the position of Patriarch, and lick my shoes! ! ! "

As Miyamura Shinyue said, the expression on his face became more ferocious. Looking faintly, he was not like a person, but like a madman.

"But now~ You are such a waste, you are not qualified to continue to be the slave of the master!

Charizard, Nine Tails!Come on with me, kill it! "

This Miyamura Shin seemed to be suffering from a mental illness, the expression on his face was ferocious for a while, and there was a smile that made the wind speed dog tremble for a while.

Afterwards, he commanded Charizard and Nine-Tails word by word, so that the two Pokémon killed the waste wind speed dog and left them in this green snow forest completely.

As for the corpse?

Didn't the fire-breathing dragon and the nine-tailed dragon just finished their training, they haven't eaten yet, they must be already hungry.



However, when receiving Miyamura's new order, Nine Tails and Charizard hesitated, neither of them wanted to step forward and start attacking.

As the subject who was about to be executed, Wind Speed ​​Dog's body stiffened for a moment when he first heard the trainer's words, and then completely paralyzed.

It closed its eyes and rested its head on its two front paws, its body over one meter thick trembling with sadness.

A drop of liquid that reflected silver light under the light flowed out from the corner of the eye, and was finally hidden in the hair.

Wind Speed ​​Dog remained motionless, lying there waiting for the arrival of the moves of the two companions, preparing for the final moment of life.

"You two don't listen to my orders, do you? If you don't do anything, you will be eaten by the cursed doll!"

Because of the hesitation of the fire-breathing dragon and Kyuubi, Miyamura Shin was furious. He couldn't figure out how he could raise such a few powerful, useless, and white-eyed wolves.

Suddenly, a voice that disgusted him sounded.

"Hey! Isn't this the third... of the Miyamura family!"

ps: Jet flames, a special move of the fire attribute, to attack the opponent with flames, sometimes causing the opponent to fall into a burnt state.

The average height of a wind speed dog is 1.9 meters. If the body length does not include the tail, it should also look more than 1.6 meters.

207 Killing Skills, Sudden Changes


When Miyamura Shin resented the cursed doll, in the distant forest, a purple figure jumped out among the bushes.

The act of protruding from the grass and re-burrowing into another grass made the leaves in this area rustle.

This is Arbor!

After pretending to be dead for a long time, it cautiously went around the bend for an hour, then finally relaxed and hurried back to the trainer.

But it didn't know, it had to be more patient, because on a big tree in the distance behind it, there was still a figure who had been waiting for a long time.

He looked at the Arbo monster who rushed out quickly and started to move forward, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The fish is finally hooked!

After following Abo Monster and going straight forward, Natsume Kamikawa still turned two corners before sensing the four new energy clusters that appeared.

He really didn't expect that even when he relaxed his vigilance and wanted to go back, the Abbe monster would still create false appearances.

And among the four new emotional energy clusters, one is filthy, mixed with all kinds of greed that makes him a little sick.

This is the emotion of a wicked person!

Natsume Kamikawa, who has dealt with his special ability for so many years, judged at a glance that this emotional energy group belongs to the scum of human beings!

After these four emotions appeared in the range of perception, Natsume Kamikawa led Absolu forward at full speed.

As for the onion ranger, because it is not convenient, let it stay in the poke ball.

After leaving the tool man, Abo, Natsume Kamikawa almost flashed an afterimage among the tree trunks, and headed straight for Nagongcunxin.

After arriving at the destination, he first made a thief-like sound, and according to the information he got from Sirona, he opened his mouth and stepped on his feet:

"Hey! Isn't this the third... young master of the Miyamura family!"

In the woods behind Miyamura Shin, there was a word that made him gnash his teeth.

Third Young Master...Third Young Master...Third Young Master! ! !

Sooner or later, I will let the Miyamura family have only one young master!

Since then, there has only been one Master Miyamura in the world!There is no third young master!

Because this sentence deliberately strengthened the tone of the words "Third Young Master", Miyamura Shin was directly hit by thunder, making his eyes bloodshot.

"What are you... so it's you!"

Leaving aside the inner activities, Miyamura Shin turned his head arrogantly because of the voice, and dared to mock him even if he wanted to see what it was.

Unexpectedly, it was an acquaintance!

"It's a big life, you didn't die like that!

How about it?Has the snowstorm been dealt with?There shouldn't be too many casualties, right? "

Finding out that it was the low-level pig who sabotaged his actions in the snow mountain, Miyamura Shin immediately found his arrogance of belonging to the nobility.

With a smile on his face, he asked about the casualties caused by the avalanche, and wanted to fight back in this way.

According to his understanding, these so-called civilians like to act as heroes and saviors beyond their limits.

Simply ridiculous!

Say something like sacrificing your own life to save everyone and prevent this disaster.

Chunchun is a big fool...




It's just a pity that his move was really good, but he used it in the wrong place.

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