Sirona had a calm expression on her face, but she was determined, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Well, it's okay to go together. By the way, my name is Natsume Kamikawa, and I'm from Masa Town."

In this way, Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona started their first trip together, target, department store!

"Is that so? Sirona, you only have two Pokémon now? In fact, I only have three, but the ugly fish has not yet become a real combat power."

"Ugly fish? Is there anything special about it? It seems that many trainers don't know how to train it?"

Sirona had heard before that Natsume Kamikawa came out to buy calcium tablets for Ugly Ugly Fish.

"This? Keep it secret!"

Natsume Kamikawa is not so stupid. When she meets someone, she tells her that the ugly fish can evolve into Menus.

I don't want to say whether this news is true, but a Pokémon known as the ugliest, saying that it can evolve into the most beautiful Pokémon, most people will definitely think it is lying to him.

"Here, let's go in."

"Welcome to the department store in Shuimai City. Daily necessities are on the first floor, Pokémon items are on the second floor, and Pokémon props are on the third floor!"

As soon as the two entered the department store, the guide came up and introduced them to the layout of the department store.

"Let's go to the second floor first!"

On the second floor, Natsume Kamikawa bought Shiyuan brand calcium tablets very quickly. He bought five bottles at one time, which cost him [-] union coins.

But Sirona was a bit slow here. She was standing in the sales area of ​​grass-type energy cubes, looking at energy cubes of different flavors, and she didn't know how to choose.

"Sweet, astringent, or sour..."

"What are you struggling with? If the Pokémon is small, can't it just be released and let it choose by itself?"

Natsume Kamigawa was amused by Shirona's blank look. It turned out that she was a patient with advanced choice difficulties.

"That's right, come out, Mimosa! Choose a flavor you like!"


The body of the mimosa is petite and exquisite, it has two yellow-green short legs, the body is connected to the unopened flower bud on the head, and the peas' eyes seem to be squinted.

Mimosa finally chose the bitter energy cube. Seeing that Sirona bought two kinds of cubes with grass attribute and poison attribute, Natsume Kamikawa nodded secretly.

It seems that the knowledge of Pokémon is not bad, and the level of cultivation should be good, right?

"Is this Mimosa just tamed?"

They chatted and went downstairs. As for the props area on the third floor, neither of them went.

"Yeah, I rescued it in the forest, and it was very timid at the time."

Talking about their own Pokémon, probably every trainer will smile, even Sirona, who looks a little cold, smiles quite gently.

[Tch, you have a nice smile. 】

"Really? Then you have to take care of it a lot. Mimosa is a very sensitive Pokémon to temperature. It prefers warm sunlight."

"That's right, every time Mimibud basks in the sun, it's in a very good mood."

Sirona is holding Mimosa, walking very steadily, full of ladylike taste.

"In addition, if you are timid, I suggest that you develop more relationships with it, which is also conducive to its evolution."

For the trainers who love their Pokémon, Natsume Kamikawa is not stingy with kindness, and he said it intentionally or unintentionally.

"Really? Thank you, Natsume is really a very gentle person!"

Natsume Kamikawa couldn't fix it this time, he always felt that he was issued a good person card, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

026 Duel with Sirona's Pokémon

In the end, he couldn't find a metal case and had to buy two kids' surfboards instead.

It's just that when he turned his head and was about to leave, he found that Sirona beside him was gone.

After turning his head and scanning, Natsume Kamikawa saw Sirona standing beside the ice cream stand in a daze.

"Ah... the mango flavor looks good, but the orange flavor is also delicious, and the banana fruit seems to be good too..."

Hearing this made him laugh for a while, it turns out that patients with advanced entanglement disease are all like this.

"Then choose the banana fruit flavor, the color is similar to your hair, it suits you quite well."

Hearing the voice from behind, Sirona looked at the surfboard in his hand with some surprise.

"Natsume-kun, did you buy this for something?"

"Yes, I want to use it as a training prop for Prince Bo."

"Prince Wave is Natsume-kun's initial Pokémon, right? Can I use it to fight my initial partner?"

"Of course. Don't you want ice cream? Buy it quickly."

Natsume Kamikawa didn't want to waste more time, and he didn't quite understand the delay in choosing to buy things for people with entanglement disease, but he didn't know what to say.

"But I feel that all of them are delicious, and I want to try them all."

Sirona pointed her index finger on her chin, staring intently at the ice cream stand, very distressed.

"What's the trouble with this, just buy them one by one in order and eat them all. As for the first taste, it's banana fruit, next time orange fruit, and next time melon fruit."

"Okay, it's decided! Boss, I want a peach flavor!"

After listening to Natsume Kamikawa's words, Sirona suddenly made a decision, but it was not the option he proposed.

Maybe she had a vague answer in her heart. When Natsume Kamikawa put out what she didn't want, Sirona knew which one she wanted.

After buying ice cream, the two chatted and walked back slowly.

After chatting, Natsume Kamikawa learned that Sirona came from the other side of Tianguan Mountain.

Tianguan Mountain extends from north to south, dividing the Sinnoh area into east and west parts. Sirona, who lives near Tianguan Mountain, wanted to know what the other side of the mountain looked like, so she chose EMI as the starting point for trainers to practice.

And now it is her second stop, and she is also training hard for the Water Pulse Gym.

"So, Sirona, do you already have a badge?"

"Of course! Yuan Lusha and I worked very hard to get the EMI badge!"

When Sirona got excited, she told the fact that her initial Pokémon was Yuanlu Shark.

"Then you have to be careful. After all, it is a very rare late blooming Pokémon, and many people will want it."

And she found that although Natsume Kamikawa was a little surprised, he didn't mean to be greedy. It seemed that to him, the round land shark was just like his Prince Bo.

This made Sirona breathe a sigh of relief, and the results obtained after the trial were not bad.

The round land shark was hatched by herself after she had been looking forward to it for a long time and put a lot of effort into it. She would never hand it over to anyone!

"Let's rent an independent training ground, which happens to have a battlefield."

Unknowingly, they returned to the Spirit Center, and Natsume Kamikawa chose to rent a private training ground in order to protect the way he trained.

"Thank you, Natsume. Come out, Madoka!"

Arriving at the private training ground, after closing the door, Sirona threw the poke ball out.

The plutoshark resembles a young shark with a large fin on top of its head and two bumps on either side of its head.

Its whole body is dark blue in color, red from its lower jaw to its belly, and it has a huge mouth and sharp teeth. It is said that its teeth can bite through hard metal.


As soon as Yuan Lu Shark hit the ball, he pounced on Sirona and was hugged by her.

"Do you want to play with it for a while? Or do you want to fight now?"

Natsume Kamikawa escaped from the wooden basin from the backpack, released the ugly fish after pouring water, and fed a few calcium tablets.

Growth Calcium Tablets are three times a day, just feed them to Pokémon together with food.

"Come on now, Yuan Lu Shark, it's time to go!"

"Ah!" (Yuanlu Shark's cry)

When Sirona heard the words and walked to the command seat, a resolute and confident look suddenly appeared on her face.

"You are very motivated, Prince Bo, let's meet your first battle after evolution!"

"Poca!" No problem!

"Okay, now the battle is between Natsume Kamikawa from Masago Town and Sirona from Shenhe Town. The duel is one-on-one, and the match will start as soon as the stone hits the ground!"

Natsume Kamikawa raised a stone and called out the usual way of fighting. He thought that with Sirona's strong character, he shouldn't have to give up the first attack.

And the strength of this round land shark is not weak, it is about to enter the senior level.


The stone fell to the ground, and with the dull sound, it was the conductor of the two.

"Round Land Shark, use Sandstorm!"

"Prince Bo, Chaoxuan!"

Natsume Kamikawa guessed right, the round land shark was not very fast in the first stage, and its hands were short, so it generally wouldn't use melee moves.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The sandstorm rolled on the field, raising gravel, and Prince Bo's tidal power should not be underestimated, constantly soaking the sand with water, preventing the sandstorm from fully forming.

"Prince Bo, water gun!"

"The round land shark, dig a hole in the ground!"

Prince Bo's water gun missed, and the round land shark gnawed on the ground with its big mouth, and the speed of burrowing was really too fast.

"Move at high speed and use the water gun at the hole!"

But after two or three rounds, Natsume Kamikawa became excited, he felt his blood was burning!

Sirona's strength is indeed very strong, and she is quite good at the use and timing of unique moves, especially when he speeds up the command speed and rhythm, he can still do it with ease.

"Sure enough, such a battle is interesting!"

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