Kate nodded, and after she understood, she also told them the way to Tianguanshan Academy.

However, it is recommended that they do special training first, and then challenge after the Pokémon have completely overcome the influence of the Tianguan Mountain environment.

"We know that since the owner of the museum said so, they must be different."

"We will exercise hard before going to challenge Tianguanshan Academy!"

Hearing Kate's suggestion, Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona looked at each other the same way, and both decided that it would be safer to do special training first.

After the test, the evolution data of the Onion Ranger was also recorded in the notebook:

[Race: Onion Ranger]

【Gender: ♀】

【Strength: Senior】

[Characteristics: Guts (general attribute and fighting attribute tricks, can hit ghost attribute Pokémon)]

[Skills: pecking, shaking sand, gas gathering, staring, slashing, breaking rocks, splitting tiles, wild swing, seeing through, iron wall, head-on blow, quick defense]

[Genetic Moves: Lightning Flash, Double Return, Divine Bird Slam, Secret Attack, Feint Attack]

Height: 1 meters (average 80 cm)

104 Special training before the challenge, head to Tianguan Mountain!

It is indeed what they pursue to challenge a strong enemy, but they don't rely on their blood to be reckless.

Before the challenge, you still have to improve your hard power.

It happened to be able to use the environment of Tianguan Mountain to let Prince Bo and the others get acquainted with the power of ice and snow, so that they can use the moves of Frozen Wind more proficiently.

After Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona bid farewell to the owner of Kate, they returned to the Elf Center to pack their things.

Today they have to prepare things for keeping out the cold and camping on Tianguan Mountain, and they also need to purchase food and make Pokémon's energy cubes.

He and Sirona had been busy for a long time before they prepared all the things that might be used on Tianguan Mountain.

By the time it was over, it was already too late.

"Let's take a rest first, get your energy back and go up the mountain tomorrow!"

Natsume Kamikawa reminded her, and then she hugged Ibrahimovic's egg and got ready to sleep.

The little Snorkel was squeezed on the other side of him, shrinking into a meat ball as it slept.

After dawn the next day, Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona had breakfast at the Elf Center and were ready to set off for Tianguan Mountain.

There are a lot of things to bring, but fortunately, when he set off from Zhensha Town again, he brought two space backpacks.

These two backpacks are full, and then put a little more on Sirona's side, and all the supplies can be brought up.

Especially the fire folds and charcoal for making fire, which are essential.

As for the drinking water, I didn't bring too much, just boil it with snow on Tianguan Mountain.

"Let's go, we should go!"

After counting all the things to be brought, Natsume Kamikawa has two backpacks hanging on his body, a small golden-haired Snorkel at his feet, and a calm onion ranger in front.

"Okay! It seems that this time I really have to stay on Tianguan Mountain for a long time!"

Sirona is not talking nonsense, as a qualified Pokémon trainer, it is essential to do special training in various difficult environments!

Especially her fangtooth land shark, if she can't overcome her fear of ice attributes, she won't be able to take on great responsibilities in the future.

Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona packed their luggage and left Xuefeng City all the way.

This time, they took the official avenue instead of Xuelin.

The last time was to allow Pokémon to adapt to the environment of Xuefeng City in advance and initially resist the impact of ice and snow weather.

Now that we are going to the harsher Tianguan Mountain, there is no need to make trouble here.

The two walked on No. 217 Official Avenue, which was the only road connecting No. 216 to Tianguan Mountain.

A biting cold wind was blowing head-on, bringing the fine snow from Tianguan Mountain all the way to Xuefeng City in the north.

The cold wind connects these two distant places, creating a unique environment here.

It took Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona a day to finally walk from Xuefeng City to the foot of Tianguan Mountain.

They climbed up slowly from the path north of Tianguan Mountain, found a place sheltered from the wind and set up camp, and today's journey was over.

After that, the two walked for another two days before they actually reached Tianguan Mountain.

But now is not the time for Pokémon to start training. Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona have to find a cave as their boarding place for the next ten days.

The weather on the snow-capped mountains is unpredictable. There may be a heavy snowstorm and a storm at any time.

If there is no safe shelter from the wind, their tent may be crushed by heavy snow in the middle of the night, and the two people sleeping soundly in the tent will also die.

"Let's look for it first. If we don't find it, we can only dig one ourselves!"

In the bitter cold wind, Natsume Kamikawa shouted to Sirona.

"I see! Fangtooth Shark can help!"

After going up to Tianguan Mountain, Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona realized that the coldness in the snow forest before was completely insignificant compared to the present.

The wind is very strong on the mountain, if you open your mouth a little, the icy wind can fill your mouth.

Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona were wearing hoods, which were necessary to keep out the wind. They walked on the mountainside along the way, observing the terrain.

"Sirona, do you see if there is a Pokémon there!"

Suddenly, he turned his head and pointed at a place more than ten meters away from them.

There was a Pokémon with a blue-gray body covered in white hair, and a curved horn protruding from the side of its head.

"Natsume, that's Absol! The legendary beast of disaster!"

Sirona spoke softly, turned her head to look, and recognized that the Pokémon was the Calamity Beast that was feared by people.

"But doesn't it just have the ability to predict disasters? Because it was misunderstood by humans, it was given the name of disaster beast!"

Natsume Kamikawa doesn't like the name "Disaster Beast" very much.

Absol was clearly trying to help humans and Pokémon avoid disasters, but those people used sinister suspicions to cover the source of the disaster on its head.

"This is caused by ignorant people in ancient times because they didn't understand Pokémon!"

Sirona also knows that Absol will not bring disaster, but will warn of the existence of disaster.

"But now most humans still think so. Those selfish guys in the alliance have a monopoly on Pokémon knowledge, so this misunderstanding has always existed and has never been eliminated!"

Because of the appearance of this Absolu, Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona discussed it for a long time.

They were looking for a suitable place to dig a hole while talking about the alliance.

But that Absolu ignored them, just glanced at the two uninvited guests, supported by its vigorous limbs, jumped away, and disappeared behind the wind and snow.

In the end, Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona chose a place with relatively high terrain and would not face the wind, and planned to dig a shelter.

"Come out, Prince Bo, Electroshock Beast!"

He threw two elf balls, and at his feet were still the little Snorlax with thick hair and the onion ranger with piercing eyes.

After climbing Tianguan Mountain, Natsume Kamikawa didn't let the little Snorkelling roll any more, fearing that it would wrap the snow all the way around its body and trap itself like a snowball.

But on Sirona's side, because the wind was too strong, the effect was stable when her hands were occupied, so she put Bobbi and Riolu into the elf ball.

"Come out and help, Fangtooth Shark!"


As soon as the Sharptooth Land Shark came out, it felt a much colder temperature than the snow forest before, and its voice trembled.

This is really for training, isn't it killing it...

Fangtooth Shark trembled and complained, but he didn't have any doubts about Sirona in his heart.

"Electric Beast, use high-speed rotation to clear the snow!"

"Hey Li!" Received, idol!

The Electric Shock Beast is always so energetic, it jumped directly into the thick snow with a loud cry.

The high-speed rotation formed a circle of airflow around its body, and the airflow swirled with the electric shock beast, sweeping away the snow.

105 Cave for accommodation

"Alright, Electric Beast, use the Flame Fist!"

The snow has been cleared, revealing the hard-frozen mountain wall inside, which has become permafrost.

If you don't let it melt a little bit, the soil here can't be dug at all.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The Electric Shock Beast kept using the Flame Fist, and stopped after melting the surface of the permafrost a little.

"Fangtooth land shark, use digging!"

Sirona also gave the order. The existence of the digging move made the task of opening up a shelter much easier.

It is because the temperature of the sharp tooth land shark is too low, the body is a little trembling, and the speed of digging is not very fast.

After working for a long time, they finally dug the cave that was about to stay for a long time.

Prince Bo and Fangtooth Shark used metal claws, and Onion Rangers also used broken rocks from time to time to dig out the inner wall of the cave.

There is a passage at the entrance of the cave to connect with the inside of the cave. After digging out an open space, a passage is used to connect a hole on the left side.

The hole on the left is where they sleep. Because firewood is hard to find, charcoal is used sparingly.

And the one on the right is next to the open space, and Natsume Kamikawa will use it to make a fire and cook, as long as it can block the wind.

Natsume Kamikawa and Sirona planned to sleep in a tent like camping in the wild.

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