The golden ship, who was full of words, was suddenly hit on the back of the head with a heavy sandbag, and became unconscious.

It wasn't the Three Goddesses who smashed Ah Chuan, but the student council president who called Ma Niang to dig the basement in Ah Chuan's mouth.

The emperor walked over from behind and looked helplessly at A Chuan who had fallen to the ground.

"Don't worry about him, I'll take you to receive the blessing."


Although Gracie is not a horse girl, the way of receiving blessings is not much different from that of a horse girl, both in front of the statue.

In Gracie's impression, the goddess statue has always been an artistic and solemn existence.

The same goes for the Goddess of Teresan.

As an inherited statue, it has the taste of a trinity, tall and elegant.

Represents endurance, wisdom, speed.

The goddess statue is surrounded by flowers, forming a sacred and solemn scene.

Gracie came to the statue, opened the bag of radishes, and arranged the radishes neatly in front of the statue.

"You are..."

The emperor was dumbfounded.

I don't understand what Gracie is doing.

"Make an offering."

The girl said it as a matter of course.

"Those uncles and aunts have statues of gods in their homes, and they all do this. These carrots of mine are tributes."

Rudolph symbol: "..."

Speaking of it, it seems that there is no such tradition of making offerings in the world of Ma Niang.

Although there are shrines in Tokyo, they are only for blessing.

"The confession is over! Then what should I do?"

"Just communicate with your heart."


It may not be so easy for other people to communicate this kind of thing with heart, but it couldn't be easier for Gracie.

To some extent, Gracie is probably the god's favorite believer.

A powerful and pure soul, a heart that can perfectly carry the teachings of the gods.

It is completely possible to become a flawless representative of the gods descending to the world.

It can be worshiped as a saint in any god system.

She could feel a ray of spiritual imprint in the statue, and after touching it with her heart, a mysterious and warm energy surrounded her.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a strange and empty grassland.

"Gracio? We know you."

A gentle female voice came over, making the girl's mood calm and soothing.

"The medicine you brought has a great effect on the horse girls. Whether it is as a promise or a reward for you, we will do our best to bless you."

Gracie turned her head.

Then she saw the three phantom gods of red, yellow and blue hovering in front of her.

At this time, the three goddesses cast kind and expectant eyes on him, as if there was infinite power in their eyes.

Red Goddess: "I inject the speed factor into your body, so that you have the ultimate speed and the root of never stalling."

Yellow Goddess: "I inject endurance factors into your body, so that you will have a body that will not get tired and unlimited strength."

Blue Goddess: "I inject the wisdom factor into your body, so that you have excellent wisdom and the ability to see opportunities."

Three rays of light lit up.

Gracie felt a warm current flowing from the three goddesses into her body.

Her body began to tremble slightly.

The gene of the Houkai beast in the body also seems to be activated.

At this time, we are faced with the first problem of fusion flow, how not to cause violent conflicts.

Gracie doesn't have the devouring attribute like Cosmo.

Even if it is the devouring attribute of Cosmo, it will conflict with similar things in the future.

Now if you let it go, there is a high probability that the Honkai Beast's factor will directly destroy Ma Niang's factor violently, and even if it can't be destroyed, it will lose a lot in vain.

At this time, her powerful spiritual power began to play a major role.

Like a conductor, begin to isolate conflicts and mediate contradictions.

It is equivalent to turning into a frog boiled in warm water from the up and down.

Maybe in the future, when Gracie has enough fusion power, the water temperature can be so high that it can melt outsiders instantly, so it won't be so troublesome, but it's obviously not possible now.

As for the downside of doing this.

Also obvious.

That is because she couldn't digest the foreign horse girl factor immediately, so her body also changed.

Diamond-shaped blue-and-white horse ears protrude from sky-blue hair.

Where the tailbone begins to grow.

Finally, a ponytail that looks as smooth as silk is extended.

Gracie's ponytail is not one color, but three colors that symbolize the Three Goddesses.


After receiving the blessing of the three goddesses, Gracie found herself back in front of the statue again.

Of course, in the eyes of the emperor, Gracie never left, but suddenly grew ears and a tail and became a horse girl.

Fortunately, there are precedents for human beings to receive blessings, and it is not uncommon to become a horse girl.

The issue is.

Gracie is a little different from ordinary horse girls.

The setting of race horse girls is strict binaural canals. Horse girls only have two ears on the top of their heads. Normal human ears have nothing and are covered by hair.

But Gracie's current situation is that although she has the ears of a horse girl on the top of her head, her own human ears have not degenerated.

In other words, Gracie now has four ears.

"Do horse girls only have two ears?"

Gracie really didn't notice this, but then she seemed to think of something and asked suspiciously.

"But I clearly saw sister Pipa Chenguang wearing glasses before. If you don't have ears, how come the glasses don't fall off?"

"This one..." the emperor explained, "It's like the condor's mask, and other people's glasses, all tied with elastic bands and ropes, but Chenguang is different, she has a big head, and the glasses are directly on the It's stuck in the head."

"So that's the case!" Gracie showed a look of sudden realization.

"Well, having said that, do you feel any discomfort?"

The emperor was concerned.

Whether it was due to personal emotions or the importance of going out to the pharmaceutical factory, she didn't mind being a little more cautious.

After all, it has been a long time since the last time a human being was blessed.

"There is no uncomfortable place... but there are some strange places."

Gracie wagged her tail naturally, as if instinctively.

"I feel that there is a desire and impulse from the body hitting my heart, that is, that is—"

"Is it the urge to run?" The emperor was amused, and she knew what was going on as soon as Gracie said it: "In fact, all horse girls are like this, and you are now a half horse girl. It is normal to have this urge .”

The emperor is still vigorous and resolute.

"In this case, you should join Teresan, a special recruit, Gracie."


The symptoms of Gracie's horse nymph lasted for about three months.

According to the emperor, Gracie can be a special recruit in Teresan for three months, and can also participate in the competition.

As for the trainers, whether it is the relationship between the Emperor of the East China Sea and Gracie, or the degree of familiarity, or the level of the trainers.

There is no problem in assigning to Ryu Nishizaki.


When Ryu Nishizaki came back from shopping, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

When he went out, Gracie was still asking him what the three goddesses liked, but when he came back, he became a horse girl? !

It was also assigned to his subordinates.

He still remembered that when he met Gracie for the first time, he was still feeling that with Gracie's physical fitness and energy contained, it must be scary to be a horse girl.

And now it has come true.

"Giving carrots to the Three Goddesses actually has this effect?!"

Ryu Nishizaki rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

Does he want to send some someday?

Of course, he also knew that Gracie was blessed not because of carrots, but because of fracture medicine.

But none of that matters anymore.

Nishizaki Ryu looked serious.

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