Chapter 7 Playing

The meal came quickly.The soldiers have long been accustomed to this kind of race against time, so the appearance of eating is really unflattering.

But no matter what it looks like, just eat it fast.

The same is true for Qin Ji, he finished his meal quickly, then drank a bowl of broth contentedly, and finally looked at Lingyan——she didn't eat much, but fortunately she didn't eat much, so It has also been eaten clean.

Looking around, seeing that everyone's cooking progress was coming to an end, Qin Ji said:

"I'll just say something heartfelt to everyone, you just keep eating and just listen."

The cooking people stopped for a while, but when they heard the Taiwei say that they continued to eat, they continued to cook - this group of people in the army is very interesting, they will do whatever you say, many soldiers They are all children of ordinary people's families, so I won't tell you any twists and turns.

"I think you all know that our army took the initiative to attack before, which weakened the enemy's offensive momentum and caused the enemy to suffer a lot of losses. This is our first victory since this battle. However, I also hope that , my big summer victories will not stop here."

He looked into the eyes of the partially eaten soldiers, and continued:

"Actually, I have been paying attention to everyone's thoughts since the start of the war. I know that some of you don't know much about this war—some of you think that as the army of Great Xia, you traveled all the way to the Great Western Kingdom It is really puzzling to come to fight for the Onishi country. There are many people who have such thoughts, but I think this is normal, and your doubts are reasonable."

"Danxi Kingdom, as our country's Western ally, has always had close exchanges with our country. We sent troops this time to take care of the friendship between the two countries. However, in addition to this, another purpose of sending troops this time is to protect our Great Xia. people will not be disturbed by outsiders.”

At this point, Qin Ji stood up and walked to Lingyan's side.

"Big Xia once carried out an operation to encircle and suppress the Demon Cult. I believe everyone here has known about it, and some have even personally participated in this operation. The Demon Cult is only a local religion, and its harm to the people can be seen .And now, the Holy Bishop has extended their hand to Daxia, and they are trying to make the people of Daxia believe in their Holy Lord."

"Some people may say that it is only for us to believe in the Holy Lord, what will the church do? However, the facts tell us that if our Great Xia is controlled by the Holy Bishop, then in the future, there will be no more of my Great Xia." People—I have a famous classic from the Holy Church called "The Words of the Holy Lord", which contains all the internal teachings of the Holy Church and the words of the so-called Holy Lord."

"I can tell you without exaggeration that in the Word of the Holy Lord, they will send all those who do not believe in the Holy Bishop and those who do not follow the teachings of the Holy Bishop into hell. It is even more so for the so-called 'heresy' who do not believe in the Holy Bishop Indiscriminate massacres—judgment in the euphemistic name. That is what their scriptures say, and that is what they did.”

"Soldiers, we are facing an abyss—an abyss created by illusory gods and greedy religions. This abyss is approaching us and trying to pull us into their abyss. They want to swallow Losing Daxia's thousand-year-old Guozuo, wanting to eat the fruits of labor of countless people of Daxia, wanting to bury our ancestors."

"And what we have done is to completely cut off their attempts outside the land of Great Xia."

"From now on, our army should sacrifice our lives for the people of Daxia and the ancestors of Daxia—as the Holy Bishop's Church said, we are 'heretics', and if this is the case, then we will act as 'heretics'." The Great Xia has been majestic for thousands of years, and it is a vast country. With just one word from them, we become what they call barbarians? Then let them experience the methods of 'barbarians'!"

"Cut off the hand of the 'Holy Master' they call, if it wants to come, let it die outside the gate!"

"This is the purpose of our battle - now, if anyone thinks that our army should not fight this battle, he can stand up, neither I nor His Majesty, will not force him, he can serve in the Great Xia Garrison Live the follow-up military career, and then retreat back to your hometown safely. After I finish speaking, any of you who don’t want to stay can go.”

After saying this, Qin Ji stopped talking, but quietly looked at the soldiers in front of him.

For a moment, no one answered, everyone just stared at him, as if examining something on him.

After a long time, the soldiers stood up and arranged their clothes.

"Could the lieutenant be making fun of us?"

A soldier—the sergeant who served the meal just now arranged his clothes, and then said.

"Since I entered the Chiyuan Army, I have only one purpose: to serve the country. Since the Taiwei said so today, I should also make it clear: this battle must be won. If not, I am willing to be buried with the enemy on the battlefield!"

It wasn't until this guy took off the chef's body that Qin Ji noticed that this sergeant was big and round, strong and strong, and he looked like a veteran.

Obviously, his words aroused the fighting spirit of other soldiers—it's just that, compared with the veterans who have been in the army for a long time, these soldiers don't have so many good words:

"Me too!"

"Damn it! Destroy that bird church for him!"

"Labor and capital dare to smash Xiaolian's Dragon King Temple, why are you afraid that he is a foreign monk?!"

"Follow the will of the general!"

"Follow the will of the general!"

Probably because they were full and full of energy, everyone seemed to be full of fighting spirit, and each of them looked like they were going to tear the enemy alive.

"Okay, the march is in a hurry today, everyone can't drink for the time being, I will remember this drink first, and when I win this battle, I will personally present a drink to you all!"

After Qin Ji finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the satellite.

Satellite understood what he meant, immediately raised his hand, and shouted:

"Let's go!"


"If I'm not mistaken, you should be quite busy."

Inside the tent, Qin Siyue crossed her arms and said.

"It's really busy today, and we're going to start our second attack soon," Qin Ji said.

"I heard the shouts of those soldiers just now." Qin Siyue looked out the window, the desolation of autumn caused her to put on a thick coat, "The army of this country... It's not what I thought it would be."

"What's different?" Qin Ji asked with a smile.

"Military discipline, military capacity, combat literacy... From my understanding, the army of a feudal dynasty like Daxia cannot compare with the place we live in that world. Because its system itself has inherent Big gap. But now ... I'm losing sight of this country."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

It is obviously a so-called "feudal dynasty" in which the emperor centralized power, but its appearance in many fields does not conform to its system.

"It's hard for me to imagine that a feudal dynasty can control and strictly manage so many standing troops. Great Xia must still have a lot of things we don't know... secrets that even you don't know."

"Even I don't know?" Qin Ji didn't expect that there are things in this country that he, the country's second-in-command, doesn't know?

"For example, Tianshi Mansion, and Daxia's crown prince selection system that has no fixed rules at all...Anyway, brother, I think the emperor probably has a lot of things he hasn't told you—maybe , she can't tell you at all."

"In short, you'd better be more careful in the future, brother."

Chapter 8 Coordination

Qin Ji has always believed in his sister's sense of smell.

He also thinks that Daxia's state is very wrong, that is, it is a bit beyond the rank he originally understood.

But... no matter how strange it is, at least in this world, the people of Great Xia can at least live like human beings, which is already very good.

"I know, I will find a way to understand these things later."

After Qin Ji finished speaking, he went straight to the map hanging in the middle of the tent.

This time, he not only commanded Daxia's own army, but also provided "strategic advice" for Daxi's army.

It is said to be a strategic opinion, but in fact, to put it bluntly, it is to ask the army of Atlantis to cooperate with the army of Atlantis.His Majesty the King of Daxi Kingdom is very knowledgeable in this regard, basically he chose to lie down and win, which can be regarded as a very correct choice.

Qin Ji took a look at the entire battlefield. From the current point of view, the main force of the Great Xia army is in the central valley area. There are gentle valley plains on both sides of the river, but beyond this valley plain, there are mountains and hills. Here, light cavalry is at a slight disadvantage, and infantry is still needed as the main combat force.

Therefore, here, Onishi's troops can come to fill the vacancy.

It is true that the troops of the Great Western Kingdom cannot travel long distances like Daxia's troops and maintain sufficient combat effectiveness, but it is not a problem for them to block the enemy and involve them in nearby areas.

The entire Great Western Kingdom now has about [-] troops on the front line. If His Majesty the King continues to mobilize troops, he can gather [-] troops on the front line one after another. This number is not particularly large for Daxia, but for Daxia For a country of the size of Atlantis, this is already an amount that can only be made up with the best efforts.

"Tell Li Shijing's troops that all of them are stationed on the mountainside of Savali Mountain. I want them to keep an eye on the road down the mountain. No matter what happens outside, they must keep an eye on that road and not let any enemy in. I will give He has [-] heavy infantry on standby, if he can't defend, let him come to see me."

Qin Ji landed his finger on a mountain road on the map.

The Savary Mountain is an important traffic point leading to the plains in the east and the valley in the west. Although the road built at the foot of the mountain is not wide, it is enough for cavalry troops and vehicles to pass.Once fighting starts, this road may also give the enemy room to move, shift, and make surprise attacks.

Therefore, we must hold on to this road firmly.Li Shijing, as the oldest officer in his hands, has rich battlefield experience and can also take on this important task.Therefore, Qin Ji entrusted him with such an important task.

Of course, he also knew that it would be difficult for the ordinary infantry led by Li Shijing to block the enemy's impact. He couldn't let the horse run and keep the horse from eating grass, so he allocated [-] heavy infantry to him. .Anyway, the combat breadth there is not large, and [-] heavy infantry are enough to put enough pressure on the enemy.

The messengers went to deliver the news, and then Qin Ji asked the rest of the messengers to pass on their orders, so that the troops of Daxi Kingdom would actively search for the enemy in the not-so-large mountainous area to fight, and they could be pulled away with a little contact, as much as possible. hinder the enemy.

Of course, it is best to cause casualties on a certain scale. In short, what Qin Ji has to do is to make the opponent unable to look at each other from head to tail, and actively involve the main force of the enemy army to get rid of the natural danger of the border and advance to the current battlefield to fight with himself.

After arranging everything properly, Qin Ji picked up the knife in his hand, and then made the last arrangement:

"The last thing, all the soldiers in the camp now pack up their things and leave the camp. Some elite soldiers and I will stay in the camp tonight, and the rest will lie in ambush on the outside."


Weixing was taken aback for a moment, but when he saw the direction Qin Ji was looking at, he immediately understood.

There is a border defense map of the Samanjan army. From the defense map, in addition to the border defense, there are also several defenses across the Great Western Kingdom-these defenses should be made by the Samanjan army in advance. Determine the location suitable for the defense zone.

Among them, there is a very obvious defense zone, which is near the camp where Qin Ji is located.

The two are not far away, but tens of miles, and it is only a matter of time before they find each other.However, considering that the vanguard of Daxi Kingdom had already been defeated, the follow-up troops probably knew that the Great Xia army had begun to fight.

Then, knowing the enemies of the frontline soldiers, they will definitely find a way to investigate the location of the command unit on Daxia's side.Qin Ji wasn't sure if the other party had discovered his camp, but at least he was sure that the other party would use the darkness to investigate here tonight.

According to the practice of the army in Samanjan, they are likely to take a unit to check at night, and the camp may not be safe at night.

However, being unsafe at night also means to some extent the opportunity to attract the enemy.

He can be sure that once the enemy's camp is discovered, these people in Samanjan will not act immediately, they will definitely return to their own camp to mobilize troops to attack.

There are not many soldiers in a defense zone, but if the surrounding defense zones and troops are notified in time, it is very likely that there will be a wave of large troops that cannot be ignored.

"Let the troops from the Onishi Kingdom come over too. If I guess correctly, there is a good chance that there will be guests tonight."

Qin Ji knew exactly what he was doing. Now, he planned to use himself as a bait to see if he could lure something out.


"Sir, the Taiwei of Daxia has sent a message."

Dai Ni was working out domestic stability maintenance matters in the army. Suddenly, her subordinates walked into the camp and said straight to the point.

"What did he say he wanted us to do?"

"He said that he hopes that our infantry will delay the enemy in the mountains and slow down the enemy's footsteps. In addition, let our troops close to their camps lurk in the nearby forest tonight and cooperate with the attack at any time."

The subordinate said respectfully.

"It seems that our ally is well prepared," Dani paused for a moment, and then came to such a conclusion, "Don't worry, just do as he said, the captain's instructions can be cooperated , This is an order issued by His Majesty himself."

"Yes, then, how should we mobilize our troops? There are still a lot of our troops fighting the enemy on the front line. It may not be realistic to let them withdraw now."

"The frontline troops don't move, let the three infantry regiments who are responsible for filling the gaps in the front line withdraw. Now it doesn't matter whether the gaps are filled or not. Samanjan's troops obviously don't plan to launch a full-line attack—after Daxia joined in , Their offensive ability will only be more stretched."


The subordinates left, and looking at the map in front of her, Dai Ni fixed her eyes on the location of the captain's camp.

She has been operating on the front line for a while, at least to ensure that the front line does not collapse, and now the captain is here with his troops, so...

Naturally, she wanted to use as much of Daxia's troops as possible for her majesty to get enough benefits.

Chapter 9 Moving the Body

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