If the pursuit is too deep, the front line is stretched too long, and the logistics supply is not enough, no matter how strong your army is, you will not be able to show your strength.

But looking at Daxi Kingdom's posture, it was obvious that he couldn't help it.

Chapter No.17 Big Gamble

Qin Ji knew what Samanjiang was thinking.

With such victories achieved by their own troops, they naturally hoped that Da Xia's army would directly help them clear away more enemies and obstacles.But now, Daxia's troops stopped at the border and began to transfer supplies and military posts.This can't help but make people feel a little disturbed.

Daxi Kingdom is not a small country, although it is still a big gap compared to Daxia's size, it is definitely not weak.They naturally know how to obtain benefits for their own country.Now Daxi Kingdom wants to attack Huang Tiecheng directly, but it is actually telling Daxia that if you don't come again, I will end myself.

However, Qin Ji was not the type to jump into a hole as soon as someone dug it.

In the current situation, Daxia's troops need a short rest.After all, this battle was fought for Daxi Kingdom. As time allowed, Qin Ji did not want the Red Yuan Army to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Therefore, Qin Ji would not choose to attack blindly.

Of course, it is certain not to help Daxiguo attack, but as a teammate, the obligation to remind is still to be fulfilled, and Qin Ji himself also expressed helplessness about their attack on Huang Tiecheng, which is within the territory of Samanjan. If you go to fight to other people's territory now, the moral pressure on them will be slightly less.

At least, for some people in the country, they can publicize that this is a war launched by the enemy country against Samanjan, and play down the fact that they have invaded Daxi before.

You can only use letters to persuade, if the other party insists on not listening, then you can only say that it is hard to persuade the damn ghost.

Sure enough, after the messenger left with the letter, another messenger came the next day, bringing a new letter.

Dai Ni's reply was not too long, and the general idea was to thank the allies for their concern, but "as allies, we never want to see allies face the enemy alone", so we chose to put pressure on the enemy.

It looks quite touching, but to put it bluntly, I still plan to fight according to the original plan.

Qin Ji sighed, then waved his hand, indicating that the messenger could leave.

Seeing the messenger leave, Qin Ji shook his head helplessly, and then called Weixing: "Tell all the soldiers, stick to their posts, continue to rest, and prepare for a tough battle. Take out the cattle, sheep and wine you bought earlier. Your Majesty's reward, let the soldiers indulge once more. But don't drink too much, let someone keep an eye on them."

After the rest is over, it will probably be a tough battle. Instead of letting the soldiers suppress themselves, it is better to take advantage of this moment to let them relax a little.Just make sure nothing goes wrong.

As for Samanjan... now there is no time to deal with them.

"What do I do next?"

Lingyan raised her doubts.

Now the army is resting, and the soldiers are resting and mobilizing, but this does not mean that Qin Ji and the people around Qin Ji can also rest.So far, Li Shijing has been arranged to prepare for the follow-up battle, and he will lead the troops to fight the main attack.The satellites are assigned to lead a team of light cavalry, focusing on fast raids.

The other generals around also have their own responsibilities, but Lingyan has not had any errands so far.

"Your task is to help me guard the interior," Qin Ji said, and took out a stack of lists from under his desk, "The Chiyuan Army as a whole is still loyal to the court, but there are also some who are unwilling to cooperate with me." , I even got news recently that there may be enemy secret operations within our army. They are likely to be in collusion with those who oppose me. Well, just help me pay attention to these things in the army."

Qin Ji also didn't want Lingyan to be placed too far away from him.He knew that Lingyan was not weak, but what if she was ambushed?

I don't want to lose Lingyan just like this.

Therefore, the best way is to give her a job of internal supervision, which can not only give full play to her expertise, but also keep her by his side, killing two birds with one stone.

"Master, you still understand me."

Lingyan smiled, she gently supported her young master's shoulder and said.

She was worried about letting her leave Qin Ji, not to mention that everything was possible on the battlefield. As a commander, it was common for Qin Ji to be attacked, so it would be more reassuring to be by her side.

"Next, we can inquire about the news of our allies during this period of time, which can be regarded as a relief."

Although Daxi's arbitrary behavior makes blood pressure high, it is not without benefits. For example, these troops of Daxi can find a way for themselves. Although Huang Tiecheng is not rich, its transportation location is very important, so there is a high probability that the opponent will Here are some of the toughest defenses on the front line.

According to the information that Atlantis will attack in exchange for when the time comes, he can roughly figure out how large the enemy's troops are currently on the front line.


The troops of Daxi Kingdom launched an attack on Huang Tiecheng.

Diane's first round of attack did not invest much troops in it, and her first round of attack was just a tentative attack.

Facing Diani's attack, Huang Tiecheng's Samanjiang troops relied on Huang Tiecheng's strong defenses to resist desperately. Nearly half of the mages of the frontline troops were put into the battlefield, so that there was a strange situation on the battlefield that there were more mages than fighters.

These mages put on the costumes of ordinary soldiers and looked very inconspicuous. Later, more than 500 soldiers from the Onishi Kingdom volunteered to form a lightly armed vanguard army, each carrying only a round shield, regardless of the enemy's spells Covered with rain of arrows, they successfully attracted the enemy's main defensive force on the city wall despite huge casualties.

Then, the mages entered the battlefield from the side under the cover of the troops.

Chant, cast spells.

In an instant, thunder and flames flew, icicles and strong winds raged, and an astonishing number of mages, just the first round of spells chanted, left no intact place on the entire city wall.

Corpses were strewn all over the ground, and the city wall, which was still actively resisting, suddenly became silent.Although the Samanjan army also has its own mages and the ability to resist spells, none of them ever imagined that Daxi Kingdom dared to mobilize half of the mages of the entire frontline combat troops under a yellow iron city.

It was a big gamble, but the heroic vanguard of Atlantis won the gamble for the mages with their almost wiped out self-sacrifice.

The city defenses completely collapsed, and the saturated spells destroyed all the resistance on the city walls. Afterwards, more than 8000 soldiers from the periphery of Daxi Kingdom rushed into the city walls amidst the sound of killing.

They never imagined what kind of hell they would be greeted with.

Chapter 18 Battle

The morale of the soldiers of the Great Western Kingdom was high. Although they suffered a total of nearly a thousand casualties, they finally broke through the city wall.

According to experience, once the city wall is broken, it naturally means that the entire siege battle is coming to an end. After all, the main force of the enemy is defending the city on the city wall.

When the soldiers of Daxi Kingdom excitedly rushed into the gaps in the city wall and the broken gates, they saw the scene in Huangtiecheng.

The city is full of solid and solid stone buildings. Samanjan's construction technology is very strong. Its buildings are often piled up with stone bricks, then used as internal supports with wood, and coated with a thick layer of mud.This kind of building can resist heat and cold to the greatest extent, and at the same time, its strength is by no means trivial.

There were no common people in the entire city, or rather, the common people were hiding in their homes, watching the soldiers of the Great Western Kingdom walk through the streets vigilantly from the windows.

This place is not prosperous. Although there are many buildings, the stones used for construction are not worth much here.As a transportation hub on the border, its military function and capacity are more valued by people. Therefore, when Samanjan built this city, it pursued durability, simplicity and roughness.

The soldiers no longer saw the forces trying to resist them in the city, and they couldn't help cheering and celebrating their victory.

Then, their smiles slowly faded from their faces.

At the corner of the block not far away, a person walked out.

That is a person who is completely different from the painting style of Samanjan's army. He is wearing a silver-white armor, which is completely covered by thick armor from head to toe. No one can see his face hidden under the mask.

On his sturdy armor, there are neat symbols engraved, these symbols seem to explain something, and at the same time, what is more attractive is the long sword in his hand.

A thick long sword, close to the height of a person, but this long sword seems to be nothing special in the hands of this fully armed man, it is just an ordinary sword.

He walked out of the corner, then turned around, holding a long sword, and looked at these Atlantis soldiers.

Afterwards, he walked towards them without saying anything. He stepped heavily on the ground, and the armor made a metallic sound as the armor rubbed against each other.

If that's the case, it's still acceptable.

But, soon, behind him, at that corner, came out one after another people in the same attire as him.

It is indescribable that terrible sense of oppression, a whole group of tall guys in full armor, holding huge long swords, walked towards these soldiers...

"Teach...the Holy See Army?"

The officer who rushed in first saw the other party's attire and shouted as if he had seen a ghost.

But soon, his expression became even more frightened.


The Holy See Army does not have such equipment. If you insist, the Holy See Army can only be said to be similar to the first-class human army in attire.This kind of armor looks like a decoration of a metal giant, and the conspicuous cross......


If the executioners of the church are the pinnacle of the church's individual combat power, then the paladins of the church are the pinnacle of the church as a "group" or an army.

The creation of the Paladins was originally intended to drive away all darkness for the Holy Lord and the people. These Paladins also had their glorious moments. Facing the invasion of the Blood Race, countless Paladins rushed into the enemy group shouting the name of their Lord .

But now, although the brilliance that brought people hope back then has been polluted, the overwhelming momentum is still there.

The soldiers of Atlantis didn't know what to do for a while.

They knew that Samanjan's army was ordered by the church, but they couldn't believe that the church would actually take action in person, and dispatched a whole team of paladins at once.

At this moment, the commander broke out in a cold sweat.

Is this to fight, or not to fight?

If you don't fight, your troops have already entered the city. If you choose to leave because of an unexpected enemy, then the sacrifices of those soldiers before will be in vain.

Fight, the paladins on the opposite side are not easy to mess with. Besides, the paladins all appeared in groups, which means that there must be a lot of troops organized by the church. If there is a real fight, it may not be who has the last laugh.

Just when they were hesitating, those paladins had already leaned over.

"Fire arrows!"

It doesn't matter whether I can fight on my side now, at least the morale can't fall into a trough, the commander issued an order decisively.

In an instant, the arrows galloped towards those paladins.

However, when those arrows hit the paladin, there was a chilling metal collision sound.

Those arrows are not ordinary arrows, almost all of them have been strengthened. According to previous tests, this kind of arrows are enough to easily penetrate wooden shields and slightly thinner iron sheets. However, these paladins even seemed to Not afraid of such an attack at all, they watched the arrow hit their armor, and then suddenly quickened their pace.

It's hard to describe the oppressive feeling when these paladins rushed towards you. A whole team of paladins began to sprint over, as if they were about to smash the wall of Atlantis soldiers in front of them.

"Ready to fight!"

The commander knew very well that his troops could not avoid these paladins.

Although they were wearing very heavy armor, those guys ran as if they were not human. It was too late to retreat now.

The terrain is too narrow, and the superiority of the number of people on my side cannot be used... The situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable.Moreover, after entering the city, in order to control the complex streets of the city at the same time, most of the troops were scattered throughout the city. The hundreds of people he brought with him were just his own guards.

It can only rely on morale.

"Follow me and kill!"

He pulled out the saber in his hand, shouted, leaped over the soldiers, and was the first to charge.

The knight at the front of the paladin team was stunned when he saw his posture, then solemnly held the hilt of his sword with both hands, and met the opponent's attack.

The soldiers were also taken aback by their commanders.

But soon, they reacted. With the commander rushing to the front, they all clenched the weapons in their hands, screaming and rushing towards the fully armed paladins!

At the same time, in every corner of the city, large and small battles are going on.

The army of Atlantis misjudged the fact that Samanjan's city wall defense is very strong, but even if Samanjan's army gave up the city wall, it is enough to rely on the strength and complexity of the city itself. The army of Atlantis was dragged into a bitter battle.

But now, the Samanjan army, the Huangtiecheng city militia, the Holy See army, and the paladins have all chosen to divide a large battlefield into countless small battlefields in such a complex environment, drawing the soldiers of the Great Western Kingdom into almost endless battles. in urban warfare.

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