In terms of casualties, the enemy army is much larger than the Daxia army.

But they did delay long enough.

The surrounding troops who got the news rushed towards the city quickly, relying on the solid stone bridge behind, they continuously transported personnel and supplies here.

In the end, Li Shijing decided to withdraw temporarily.

It is meaningless to continue to fight hard, the enemy occupies a good location, and there is a steady stream of rear support behind them.

The most important thing is that the church personally went to help them. The military quality of these Holy See troops is not much weaker than that of Daxia's army. Those few paladins even far exceed the soldiers of Daxia. But if it is a siege battle, the opponent is much stronger than his side.

In the previous rounds of attack, hundreds of soldiers have been sacrificed. If the attack has not made any progress, then you can't fight hard. The most important thing in a siege is morale and momentum. Morale will be low, and casualties may skyrocket.

However, the withdrawal does not mean that Li Shijing intends to passively avoid the war.On the contrary, he withdrew his troops because he needed to implement another plan.

"How does it feel to fight against the church?"

In the camp, facing Li Shijing with a serious expression, Qin Ji asked with a smile.

"It's hard to chew, it's really a hard bone."

Li Shijing didn't make excuses for his failure, but just stated his opinion truthfully.

"This is an army composed of religions. In other words, many of its soldiers actually have beliefs—General Li, you should know that an army with beliefs, no matter what it believes in, It will always be better than a mercenary army."

"Unfortunately, the armies of most countries in the world are the latter, not the former. And the Holy See army directly under the church is a rare exception. We can't win them by crushing them head-on. In other words, they cannot be won at a lighter price."

After Qin Ji finished speaking, he turned to look at Qin Siyue.

"Master Taiwei, from my point of view, I think the most urgent task now is to find a way to intercept the enemy's reinforcements coming from the bridge in the rear. I have observed that their bridge transport volume is astonishing-if they can block the If there is no reinforcement, then Stonebridge City will be a turtle in an urn. The current there is turbulent and relying on boats, it is difficult to ensure that large quantities of materials and personnel can be safely sent ashore."

Li Shijing pointed to the river on the map and said.

"The problem is how to cut it off." Qin Ji did not deny the other party's idea, "It is a stone bridge, very strong, and it is not far from the enemy's city. If you come out of the city to encircle us, it will cost the lives of the soldiers instead."

Relying on the usual interspersed segmentation is too risky.

Chapter 25 Formal Offensive

"Captain, what do you mean?"

"I have already sent out the satellite, and he is now working with the troops of Onishi to deal with the enemies coming from all directions... My personal opinion is that instead of trying to figure out how to cut off the enemy's backup line, it is better to Think about how to let the enemy army come to your door by itself."

When Qin Ji said this, he pointed to a plain not far away:

"There is a large open plain here, extending in all directions. Fighting here can give full play to our army's advantages. Moreover, this is an important grain-producing area controlled by the enemy, and there are many warehouses for grain. If our army Occupying this place, with its waterways and land transportation, can not only ensure the timely arrival of supplies, but also attack from all directions."

"However, there is also no danger to defend here."

Li Shijing said.

This area is indeed an area rich in products in Samanjan, and it is indeed an indispensable lifeline for transportation. However, the army of Samanjan has never deployed much defense on this plain.

In fact, the reason is very simple, this place is too flat, it is no problem to use it for production, but it cannot rely on it to resist the enemy.

In other words, ever since Daxia entered the mountains and woodlands near the border, this plain is like a pocket. If you want to seize it, you can rush over at any time.

The commanders inside the enemy army are also aware of this problem, so they didn't waste their manpower here, but took the mountains and rivers around the plain as the focus of defense and surrounded them.

Now that Great Xia has opened a breach here, it is natural to find a way to occupy several cities in this plain one by one.

Since I can't cross the river, I will directly occupy one of your important production areas. These cities often have enough food and various supplies inside, which can maximize the advancement of the Great Xia army.

"There is no danger to defend, but the enemy will not let us occupy it."

Qin Ji said.

Indeed, there is no danger to defend here. If they are really occupied, once they are attacked by the enemy, these cities will actually have little power to fight back.

But this is what Qin Ji likes.

It is true that in plain areas, if you defend the city, you will face siege from all directions. In theory, it is not a good thing for defending the city.Don't forget one thing - this is Daxia's army.

For the cavalry and heavy infantry of the Red Kite Army, although the plain area has no retarding effect on the enemy's attack, it will also maximize the ability of his Great Xia army.

"Now that we are attacking the city, we are at a disadvantage in the field, but if we choose to capture this plain, the enemy will definitely launch a counterattack. For them, there is no natural danger here, and it is not difficult to take back the city."

"However, we are also good at playing in flat areas. In the final analysis, this is to force the enemy and us to fight in the same environment. In fact, it depends on whose hard power is stronger. If we inflict heavy damage on the enemy here, Saman Even if the Xinjiang rear has time to supplement, it will inevitably lead to further deterioration of the domestic situation."

The current Samanjan is no longer the original Samanjan. The upper echelon of the entire country has most likely been completely controlled by the church. Now it is a pawn of the church to deal with Daxia and harass the border countries of Daxia.

The current church doesn't care what will happen to Samanjan in the future. They only know that sacrificing this country can cause a certain loss to Daxia.This is enough.

"General Li, if I let you fight a large-scale frontal battle on the plain, what are your chances of winning?"

Qin Ji asked seriously.

"It depends on the size of the enemy and the composition of the army. If the church is the main force, then I think I will try to achieve a one-for-two record. If it is Samanjan's original national army, our soldiers will have one The confidence of being five. In short, when the overall strength and combat quality are not too different, I can achieve an [-]% chance of winning."

"In this way, I can safely deliver this matter to you."

Qin Ji said, picked up the big seal in his hand, and stamped the big seal on the document in front of him: "Li Shijing obeys the order."

"The end is here."

"I ordered you to lead one thousand heavy infantry, one thousand light and heavy cavalry, and four thousand infantry to attack the city here. Another hundred and fifty mysterious practitioners will be dispatched to assist your troops in the battle. This battle must be won."


After arranging the tasks on Li Shijing's side, Qin Ji sat down, and then fixed his eyes on a certain forest on the map.

This is the mountain forest that Qin Ji paid attention to at the beginning, and the enemy's defenses were relatively lax. Because of the inconvenient transportation and lush vegetation, the enemy hardly set up any decent defense forces here.

In other words, once the troops of Daxia can pass through the mountains and forests, what will be presented to the Daxia army next will be stretches of wide plains and roads that can directly reach the capital of Samanjan.

The only problem is that Qin Ji is not sure whether the church has modified the defense here.Once it really hits the church's armed forces in this environment, then both sides may inevitably lose both sides under such terrain.

"Ling Yan."

"Master, I am here."

Lingyan replied immediately.

"Take a few smart and capable soldiers and go here to investigate the enemy's garrison here. Remember, you only need to investigate, and report the truth when you come back. Don't confront the enemy head-on."


Lingyan readily agreed to this mission. For her, this kind of mission can basically be said to be one of her old professions. In the past, Qin Ji would often ask her to collect information and find out the sentry posts. Work like that still does.

"I'll say it again, pay attention to safety, don't come into contact with the enemy head-on, if you encounter an abnormality, evacuate directly, and save your life first, understand?"

Qin Ji was afraid that the other party would go too deep in order to find out information, so he specially ordered.

"Please don't worry, young master, I know how to measure."

Lingyan smiled, and then left the tent to prepare the outfit for the mission.

"Okay, next... it's time to prepare the main direction of attack."

Let Lingyan figure out the enemy's defensive strength in order to ensure that Daxia's army can pass through the jungle smoothly.If the opponent's defense force is not strong enough, it can give Samanjan a fatal blow through this jungle.

Yes, Li Shijing's army can only be regarded as an auxiliary attack, and the real main attack direction is still this army passing through the mountains and forests.

Qin Ji assigned cavalry and heavy infantry to the troops of Li Shijing, Weixing and other generals, on the one hand to enable them to have sufficient combat effectiveness, on the other hand, it was also to confuse the place.

After all, arms such as heavy infantry and cavalry are the main offensive force of an army, and the Daxia army arranges these arms to other troops. In the eyes of some people, these troops are likely to be considered the main force.

And the real main force is now preparing to pass through the forest.

Do you know what it means to go straight to Huanglong?

Chapter 26 Encounters

Daxia's troops are often called "Iron Army" by foreign countries.

For many countries, it is difficult for them to understand why the soldiers of Daxia are so fierce.These soldiers can lie in ambush in the snow for hours or even a whole day in the biting cold wind, and can also run overnight in the pouring rain.

Such combat quality makes Daxia's army almost unpredictable, because you never know what strange place these people will rush out from.

The same is true for the troops on the side of Samanjan and the church. When Samanjan's war against Daxi Kingdom has entered the stage of Daxi Kingdom's counterattack (although it is the counterattack of Daxia Lord C), although they are against the execution of the Xia Kingdom army The ability is expected, but even the church army doesn't think that the army can pass through in a large scale in this dense forest, so here, the church only set up a few guard posts symbolically.

The mobile sentry soldiers just walked through the edge of the dense forest, glanced casually at the not-so-long path in the forest that could only be passed by two people, then turned and left.

There is really no need to stare at it here. There is only one small path in total, and it can only accommodate one or two people. Basically, no one will walk this path if they have nothing to do.

After they turned to leave, the nearby bushes moved slightly.

Lingyan poked her head out quietly, and then the gray scale guards behind her also showed their heads.

This time when Qin Ji set out for an expedition, although most of the personnel from the Huilin Department stayed in Tai'an City, Lingyan still brought a few quick-witted subordinates in order to stabilize the army during the critical period and avoid internal strife .

"Their sentry is so perfunctory."

Beside Lingyan, a short-haired scale guard said quietly.Although she was dressed tightly, she could tell from the voice that it was a woman.

"In the first place, this area is not a key area for defense, and the young master has kept the main attack direction as far away from here as possible to attract the attention of the enemy. Naturally, they are more relaxed."

As Lingyan said, she waved her hand, and several subordinates followed her and continued to move forward.

"By the way, Commander, are you still the Taiwei's bodyguard?"

While continuing to grope forward, the short-haired scale guard whispered in her ear.

"Well, the work at Huilin is not particularly complicated, and basically it is ordered by the young master and His Majesty, so stay with the young master so that he can receive orders in time." Lingyan looked forward, and there were three camps there. In the open space in the middle, a bonfire was lit.

"Give me the map."

As soon as she gave an order, the scale guard next to her immediately brought over the map. Afterwards, Lingyan stretched out her jacket, and a not-so-bright light rose from her fingertips.

The light was blocked by her coat, so no one would notice the already faint light, but with the help of this faint light, she found the area she was looking for on the map.

Then, she marked the location of the guard post on the map.

"Okay, you can go."

Next, is the last position.

Lingyan looked at the location on the map, and looked up at the stars in the sky: "The last location is a bit deep, and it may be more dangerous for us all to go there, so, you wait for me at the location where we hid before, and I will go explore Explore the situation, and then go to that place to meet with you."

According to the conventional sentry post layout method, there is often a "general ledger" among all sentry posts in this type of area, which is used to coordinate the surrounding sentry posts and provide necessary supplies for the surrounding sentry posts.Of course, there will also be a certain size of garrison troops.

This is the most critical part of Lingyan's mission this time. Considering that there may be elite troops in this kind of place, Lingyan decided to go alone. After all, it is relatively more convenient to move alone, but it is not easy. be found.

The night is her clothes, and sometimes she is even more at home in the night than in the day.

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