Therefore, for these guys, Qin Ji did not choose to pursue blindly in the end.

The troops encountered little decent resistance.

On Samanjan's side, although it was expected in advance that Daxia would launch an attack so quickly, no one thought that such an attack would actually be launched in such a jungle, which made Samanjan even do it. There was no chance to prepare, so Daxia's iron cavalry ushered in.

Li Shijing's troops were not idle either. Qin Ji deliberately asked him to intensify his offensive in the battle situation he was in. By the way, he also let the surrounding Daxi Kingdom troops make up the numbers, thus creating the illusion that Daxia's troops would attack in other directions.

So much so that when Daxia's troops rushed out of the jungle and pointed directly at the plain city of Samanjan, Samanjan didn't even have time to mobilize its troops back.

In fact, they really have no room for mobilization.

This time through the jungle, Daxia's troops were almost broken into pieces, divided into countless small groups to move, and then converged at the end of the jungle. It is impossible for ordinary troops to complete such a march. As a result, countless teams left the main force for various reasons.

Therefore, when most of the troops gathered, Samanjan did not have so much time to mobilize troops.And Li Shijing's offensive never stopped, and Samanjan didn't dare to transfer too many troops easily.

The 4 Great Xia troops began to attack everywhere. At the critical moment, the church completed the mobilization first, and urgently dispatched more than 7000 Holy See troops from surrounding areas to fill the gap in defense.

To be honest, up to this point, if you only look at the role played by the church in this war, Qin Ji just wants to say: He really, I cry to death.

But to put it bluntly, how did this war come about?

Let's take a look at the battlefield in the distance, my family.

Seeing that the war with the Holy See Army was already raging, the imperial court finally responded.

In fact, from the very beginning when he encountered the church's troops, Qin Ji had already written the relevant evidence and handling suggestions and sent them back to the imperial court as a memorial. However, due to time constraints, the imperial court has not yet responded.

Now, after discussion, the Great Xia court has formally made its own decision:

They released the evidence that the church army participated in the war, and clearly stated that the church's obstacles encountered by the Great Xia army in the process.

While reprimanding Samanjan for infiltrating neighboring countries, Daxia also gave evidence that the church secretly supported Samanjan's infiltration, thus confronting the envoy of the Holy Church in court.

During the confrontation process, the two sides fully exchanged opinions and conducted in-depth communication with each other. The enthusiastic atmosphere of communication even attracted the attention of Emperor Xia Yuxiao, who put forward constructive suggestions for this meeting.

This is the news released by Da Xia.

To put it bluntly: the envoys of the two countries quarreled and ended up fighting directly at the venue, and the incident got so big that Xia Yuxiao had to come out to mediate...

It's impossible not to mediate. The one who communicated with the holy sticks of the Holy Church was King Dingbei who had come to Tai'an City to celebrate His Majesty's birthday and hadn't left yet.In the face of this group of magic sticks, King Dingbei reasoned with them and refused to listen, threatened them to refuse to accept, no matter what they said out of emotion and reason, they just tossed and fiddled with the so-called holy words of the Lord, and they didn't reason with you at all.

King Dingbei was not a good opponent either. When the two sides quarreled so much that it was almost impossible to ease, King Dingbei directly threw off his robe and grabbed the opponent's collar and fought with each other.

Oh, by the way, by the way, when King Dingbei was still a prince, he had the reputation of "killing a tiger alone"...

Xia Yuxiao wasn't worried about the impact of the fight between the two sides. She was used to the fact that anything could happen in a diplomatic situation.She was afraid that her old brother, who had killed a tiger before, would accidentally beat the envoy to death...

Messenger physical communication is nothing, but it would still be very troublesome to beat them to death directly.

In this matter, the church does not have an advantage in terms of emotion and reason.

First of all, Daxia helped Daxi Kingdom to fight against Samanjiang, but the friendly relationship between Daxia and Daxi Kingdom has long been known to everyone, and this time Daxia is also famous for sending troops to help neighbors resist foreign enemies , you, Samanjan, as an invader, will not stop fighting, so you can only continue to fight.

And what about the church?

The church did not disclose its relationship with Samanjan to the outside world, and judging from the previous internal situation in Samanjan, the church may even overthrow the previous secular power in Samanjan through conspiracy and instigation, and then gradually control Samanjan Xinjiang.Although other church countries dare not say anything about such behavior, it is not good to put it on the bright side.

After occupying the moral high ground, Daxia formally requested a meeting with the church's top management, preparing to discuss the issue of war with the church.

But everyone knows that the church will not just let it go.

Therefore, Xia Yuxiao did not pin her hopes on the illusory talks.While organizing the negotiating team, she mobilized another 5 people.

The 5 people were led by Pang Guocheng, a veteran of Daxia, and their main task was to "prevent the spread of war to Daxia itself."

To put it bluntly, it is called defense, but to put it bluntly, it is to put pressure on the other side at the border.

If you don't plan to have a good talk, then we can only have a good physical communication.

Chapter 29 Battle

While Qin Ji and Xia Yuxiao were trying their best to launch an attack on the enemy, General Li Shijing finally won the expected victory.

Li Shijing occupied almost all the plain cities around Shiqiao City in Samanjiang, and almost all of those undefended plains fell into the hands of the Great Xia army at this time.

After successfully capturing the city here, the first thing Li Shijing did was to immediately seal up the treasury, start counting the population and the corresponding cultivated land in the city, and register them in a book.In addition, the granaries and armories in these cities were sealed up in a timely manner, counted, and reported to Qin Ji.

Looking at the staggeringly rich supplies above, Qin Ji couldn't help feeling emotional.

Ma De, when it comes to making money, your church knows how to play. It’s no wonder that a country like Samanjan can support so many soldiers. If you dare to drink the blood of the people to death.

At the same time, Qin Ji also noticed a problem.

Among the materials seized this time, many are said to be "exported goods" that Samanjan wants to export to Bactria.

However, Qin Ji, as Daxia's second in command, is very clear about the fact that Daxia has not signed any import and export cooperation contracts with Samanjiang recently, and private transactions are even more impossible.

In terms of foreign exports, Daxia implements strict controls on commodities that are related to the lifeline of the country. For commodities that may affect the domestic situation, such as salt and iron, grain, and weapons, foreign trade is not allowed without the approval of the Daxia court. of.

However, judging from the statistical data sent by General Li Shijing, the volume of these goods to be exported to Daxia is extremely large, and they are all goods such as salt and spices.And that salt is not ordinary salt.According to General Li Shijing's report, these so-called salts are rock salt mined underground and carved into the shapes of artworks or lamps.

The mark on its sheet is a craft.But these are all made of rock salt. Although these rock salts are more novel than the table salt commonly used in Daxia, and they are whole chunks of salt, they are still salt after all.

In Daxia's recent trade permits, there is absolutely no import of salt.Nor did any salt lamps or rock salt carvings be allowed into Bactria.

Under such circumstances, a word came to Qin Ji's mind: smuggling.

For Daxia, this situation is not uncommon.Daxia is also very strong in smuggling.

Solo smugglers aren't that hard to deal with, but what about smuggling under the guise of a country?

As a necessity, the control of salt in Daxia has always been the responsibility of the imperial court. Due to the huge demand for salt in Daxia, this material was reserved as a strategic resource.

In fact, there are cheaper salts that can be imported from abroad. For example, the rock salt in Samanjan is mined in the underground salt mines in Samanjan. The mining volume is huge, and the cost is lower than the cost of salt production in Xia.But Daxia has been controlling rock salt from Samanjan, and only a small part is imported every year.

The reason is simple. If the low-cost rock salt squeezes out the share of domestic salt farms, causing the domestic salt farms to gradually shrink or even disappear after making ends meet, then when the relationship between Daxia and other countries deteriorates in the future, there will not be enough domestic salt farms available.Moreover, it is also difficult to re-form the current transportation and sales network of salt merchants.

If this is the case, who will quickly fill the salt gap for so many people in Daxia in the future?

Now, under the strict control of salt, a large number of foreign trade salt orders disguised in this way suddenly appeared...

This must be smuggling and must be reported to the imperial court.

Qin Ji quickly wrote the memorial, then sent an envoy to pass it on, and then continued to conduct his own command.

At this moment, the main force of the Great Xia army began to continue to advance towards the hinterland of Samanjan, and at this moment, the Holy See army could hardly stop the Red Kite Army's offensive.

The terrain itself is a plain, there is no danger to defend, and most importantly, the number of the Red Kite Army far exceeds that of the Holy See Army this time.

If the numbers are equal, there is still room for the two sides to confront each other, but when one side has a large advantage in numbers, the situation on the battlefield will be very clear.

The orderly army formation released its function at this time, the big formation with the profound practitioners as the eyes of the formation played its role at this moment, and the sharp momentum of the charge of all the soldiers of the Great Xia suddenly became an unstoppable torrent, rushing at the last The light cavalry and heavy infantry in front ran at an astonishing speed under the bonus of the formation. Even the church's army couldn't help but retreat when they saw thousands of heavily armed heavy infantry.

This is an overwhelming advantage that is difficult to compensate.

"Hold on! Maintain formation, the Lord is with us!"

The commander roared as he rode through the army formation, and with the encouragement of his own commander, some soldiers finally stabilized their minds. Although their hands were still trembling, they all held their own. arms.

Facing the incoming Great Xia army, the Holy See army was ready to fight.

"Ready for battle! The glory of the Lord shines on us!"

Accompanied by the commander's roar, the soldiers in the front row began to lower their bodies, preparing for the enemy's impact.

Seeing the hordes of troops getting closer and closer to themselves, everyone is ready to fight to the death...

However, Daxia's army stopped less than two hundred steps away from them.

The Holy See Army knew that this was a sign that the enemy was about to start shooting arrows. The commander immediately gave an order, and all the archers of the Holy See Army took their positions and nocked their arrows.


In Daxia's army formation, the heavy infantry in front shouted loudly.

"Gust of wind! Gust of wind!"

The infantry in the rear shouted, and the shouts resounded across the battlefield.

The commander who received the signal immediately got the news from a high place, and the flag bearers around him immediately held up the big flag and waved it, indicating that the army formation could start to change.

The soldiers of Daxia changed their formation in an orderly manner. The light infantry who had been hidden in the rear quickly came to the front of the heavy cavalry. Both sides of the front end of the entire formation.

The formation changed in an instant, and the whole team seemed to form a huge eye of the wind. Following the actions of the profound practitioners, in an instant, a strong wind blew up on the battlefield, and this strong wind knocked down most of the arrows shot by the enemy. A small number of arrows landed on the ground and had lost their initial lethality.

Some soldiers were still injured or even killed by these arrows. In the case of casualties of comrades in arms, the infantry behind immediately automatically filled the vacancies of comrades in arms to ensure the stability of the entire formation.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that terrified the Holy See Army appeared.

The infantry sent crossbows as long as half a person from the back of the line, and the heavy infantry who thought they were rushing to the front to destroy the army formation actually took over the heavy crossbows, and then stepped on the crossbows Arms chord.

That thing should not have been in the previous Great Xia army...

And such a big heavy crossbow... what kind of humanoid monster is this! ?

Chapter 30 Multi-Line Offensive

There are rows and rows of heavy crossbows.

Then, accompanied by the slight ticking sound of the hanging knife and the vibrating sound of the bowstring, countless crossbow arrows and locusts struck from the air!

"Sheng Yu! Quick!"

The soldiers in the front row of the Holy See Army launched a defense composed of holy light, but this defense can block ordinary arrows, and can also block arrows that are strengthened by aura from a longer distance (Big Xia's special archers are do this).

But it is difficult for them to resist this heavy crossbow.

The heavy infantry of Daxia are all elite infantry who are powerful and powerful. After all, the heavy infantry who can charge with large troops while being covered with thick armor requires much higher physical strength and physical strength than ordinary infantry. many.

And in order to support the heavy armor, and to be able to become the omnipotent position of the army, the heavy infantry will more or less use aura to perform some simple spells.

This kind of heavy crossbow is specially made for them (of course, ordinary infantry can also use it, but you need a group of three to control it), its material strength is fully stretched, and it penetrates ordinary shields and armors just like it penetrates paper. Ordinary magic defense can certainly resist arrows shot from a distance, but facing this heavy crossbow, it can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

Rows of soldiers were hit by heavy crossbows like raindrops, and the arrows pierced through their bodies. Even the shield soldiers holding shields were mostly pierced by the arrows that pierced through. The soldiers fell one by one, screaming in an instant. Shouts and shouts resounded across the battlefield.

Faced with such a "record", none of the Daxia soldiers present had the intention of stopping. They quickly re-wound the crossbow and aimed at the enemy's formation.

"Follow me, rush over!"

In desperation, the enemy commander stood up with a long sword in hand.

The current situation does not allow them to continue to confront the enemy. Judging from the current situation, the Great Xia army probably does not intend to engage in melee contact with their own side immediately. Lean back as much as possible, making it difficult for the archers to pose a real threat to the enemy's formation, so they can only quickly advance the formation and directly disrupt the enemy's formation.

There is no way, there is a plain, and there are not many bunkers. Just staying where you are is passively beaten.

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