It's just a pity that Xia Guo soldiers have already made preparations.Countless spear chariots were pushed out—these spear chariots had rows of sharp iron spears on them. After the spear chariots were pushed to the designated location, they were fixed on the ground by unfolding brackets. , still unable to withstand the powerful kinetic energy, a considerable number of cavalry were impaled to death on the spear chariot.

At this time, as if trying to prove his loyalty to Xia Guo, the surrounding cities that had been standing still, also began to take action one after another...

Chapter 25 Strategic acquisition, military access

In An Guogong's mansion, Qin Ji was furious at the head of the military department in front of him.

"How many times have I told you that the problem of money is not a problem. What I need in Daxia is to get some money?! You can't lose the northern border, and you can't lose it no matter what!" The paper crumpled into a ball and fell to the ground, "The purpose of this money is to give our troops as much advantage as possible. The reason why the northern barbarians dared to do something this time is because our inner ghosts are in all likelihood. , tell me how much money do you need now? Are you afraid of spending money? If you are afraid of spending money, then stop calling! Wait for someone to call to our door!"

"Lord Taiwei, it's not that I don't want to do it, but that in the current situation, we are almost certain to win Hanyin City. There is no need to spend this money on buying the tribes in the north..."

"They are small and weak, and they are all driven by the wind. Why do you think the northern border is still dominated by the Thrall Dynasty? It is because these small tribes dare not mess with the Thrall Dynasty at all! Now if Hanyin City is attacked, the outside Those tribes were threatened by the Saar dynasty and promised to start harassing our borders everywhere. If they move first, we are passive. As long as we are passive, this battle cannot be fought."

Qin Ji calmed down a little, and his tone softened a lot.

The satisfaction of the Xia State and the North is different. The people in the Great Xia are mostly farming, especially in the North. Although there are nomads, most of them still have a fixed place of residence. If those small tribes attack, even If it fails, it will inevitably put the people of the empire in a dangerous state.Once the people's hearts are in chaos, the northern border will be in chaos. Now there are still a group of traitors in the northern border waiting for you, Xia Guomin, to get rid of the hearts of the people.

So Qin Ji proposed to use money to buy those small tribes in the north.On the one hand, to avoid the other party's influence on Daxia's internal affairs, on the other hand, he did not give this kind of money for nothing. Although the money is a lot of money compared to those small tribes, the other party must also know that he has got There are flowers of life.

As long as such a transaction is carried out, it is impossible for the Saar dynasty to know any clues. Maybe some of these small tribes will choose to approach Daxia. The border is peaceful.

So this money must be spent, a stable border is very important for Great Xia.As for the future...

There is no more.

Qin Ji is considering solving the problem of the northern border of Daxia once and for all. It is not once or twice that the Saar Dynasty took the initiative to cause trouble. In the past, Daxia defended and then chased the enemy. Some went hundreds of miles, and some killed countless Thousands of people.But after all, he still left a little room for the other party.

But now, Qin Ji wanted to solve the problem directly.

Daxia can't wait. The countries in the west are now turning their attention to this country that has never been touched by the church. Qin Ji can be sure that in the future Xia will inevitably face the encirclement and suppression of many countries. With such a crisis, he must let Daxia's authority as soon as possible. Penetrate into surrounding countries.

The monarchs of the past dynasties have implemented a policy of gentle assimilation towards the surrounding area, mainly to avoid generational conflicts and ensure the stability of the border.But since the Saar Dynasty no longer wants peace, there is no need for peace - if you want peace, you must not interfere with each other and be friendly to each other; since you don't want peace, as a neighboring country where almost all the people are soldiers, the Saar Dynasty must perish.

So this money also involves future strategies.

"Then, this money..."

"His Majesty will allocate it to us. Like us, she must have already had psychological expectations for this kind of thing."

When Qin Ji said this, he was very calm, because he knew that no matter how reluctant Xia Yuxiao was, she would definitely pay the money.After all, it involves the future destiny of the country.

The other party resigned after getting his confirmation.

Qin Ji looked at the map behind him and let out a long sigh.

Daxia... It is not unreasonable for this country to be prosperous for thousands of years, but prosperity does not mean safety. Judging from the current strategy and the attitude of the Western Holy Church countries headed by the church, there is a high probability that Daxia will Faced with a series of conflicts and wars that had to be dealt with.

Qin Siyue was beside him, she took a closer look, and then pointed to a country in the northwest: "What country is this?"

"Oh, the Suolqin Dynasty, a country whose national strength is not strong, but its position is very important."

"I think, maybe you can ask them for a military pass."

Qin Siyue said.

Qin Ji knew what she was talking about. The so-called military access was a term in the game played by Qin Siyue, and the whole process was military access.

"Military communication in this world is not a game, and it is not so easy to ask for."

"No, I've read a lot of history books in this world...Actually, it's better than the ones in the game," Qin Siyue said, "In the game, you and the other party need to reach a certain amount of favorability, and you may also need Give something to the other party. But in reality... Xia Guo cavalry is standing there, how dare he not give it?"

"Political influence, old girl..." Qin Ji covered his face speechlessly, "We are a peace-loving country, isn't it a bit too... "

"I just look at it from a strategic point of view," Qin Siyue pointed at this position, "From a strategic point of view, although this country's national strength is not strong, the dynasty has always liked to build defensive cities. Almost all actions are Around the city defense, it is precisely because of this that the Saar Dynasty never really conquered this country. The domestic fortifications are strong and difficult to break through, but they occupy a huge geographical advantage. If you can get to the army and ensure that they fall to Daxia , the Saar dynasty will face a border that can neither be breached nor has to be guarded against, which may continue to emerge from the Great Xia army."

When she said this, she smiled sinisterly: "Why should we only be harassed by the barbarians in Daxia? It's not fair, so we can also play like this, maybe just play around and take the Saar Dynasty It's gone for fun."

"However, we can't force each other...Maybe it's feasible to benefit from it. I'm not sure His Majesty will agree to this matter. In order to stabilize the frontier, I'm already going to ask His Majesty for a large sum of money. go down..."

"You have an army of 30, even if you want it, what else can she refuse?"



In the dormitory, Xia Yuxiao, who was already lying down to rest, suddenly felt a chill all over, and sneezed loudly.

The maid next to her rushed over to take care of her, but was turned away by her gesture.

It's strange, why do I suddenly feel hairy in my heart, is there some unscrupulous person who wants to frame me?

No, troublemakers are not enough to make me so uneasy.

It must be the grandson of An Guogong!

Chapter 26 Under one person, above ten thousand?

Inside the palace, Qin Ji walked into His Majesty's study.

"Come on, what else do you need my help with?"

The time is now eight o'clock in the morning, and Xia Yuxiao has already started working for two hours at this time, so when Qin Ji arrived, she was at the most sensitive time.

"Your Majesty, this is the appropriation item that the Imperial War Department needs in the near future, and it may... be a bit much."

Qin Ji said.

"I have seen your report this morning, and I have already approved the money you asked for," Xia Yuxiao continued, "Is there anything else to report?"

Qin Ji stood there, looking a little cramped.

"What's the matter? Such hesitation is not Qing's style." Xia Yuxiao raised her head and gave him a curious look.

"Your Majesty, I'm thinking about the Suolqin Dynasty."

"Solqin Dynasty? That is a country with very good fortifications. Do you have any ideas about that country?"

"Your Majesty, I hope that Your Majesty will allow me to fight for the military access of the Suolqin Dynasty." Qin Ji said.

There was a trace of chill in Xia Yuxiao's eyes.

"What do you mean? You hope to allow our army to pass through the Solqin area? What's the purpose?"

"End the chaos in the North."

Qin Ji said firmly.

"Does Qing know what Qing is talking about?" Xia Yuxiao let go of the pen in her hand and rubbed her temples, "Qing wants to solve the Saar Dynasty directly, right? But just buying other tribes has already It has consumed a large amount of money from the national treasury, and now, you want to obtain the right of passage in the Solqin area again. Do you want to use force or words? Regardless of civil or military, the empire will once again lose part of its national power."

"I know, but..."

Qin Ji thought for a long time, and then summoned up his courage: "Excuse me, I don't have enough time now."


The expensive table in front of him was slapped with a palm, and the deafening sound made one's heart skip a beat.

"I allow you to be frank with me, but what is your intention of cursing Daxia Jiangshan Sheji like this?"

"Your Majesty, calm down." Qin Ji was getting more and more familiar with the emperor's character, so he didn't panic. "What I mean is that Xia Guo doesn't have enough time to prepare for some future threats. It refers to Guozuo of the Xia Kingdom."

"Tell me, why do you think so?"

"There are people at home and abroad colluding with each other in my Xia. There are treacherous officials inside and barbarians watching outside. Far away on the other side of the continent, the Holy Church and other countries are eyeing Daxia. There is not much time left for Xia to prepare for war. , the church will eventually try to achieve their expansion through force. Therefore, Xia Kingdom must be fully prepared to deal with the threat from the West." Qin Ji said, "If your majesty thinks that our country's preparations for war are necessary, then I hope you can Allow your ministers to resolve the issue of the northern border as soon as possible. This is not only the problem of facing the barbarians, but also the best time to eliminate a considerable part of the opposition in the country."

Speaking of this, Qin Ji took a deep breath, and then showed a smile: "Your Majesty, I hope that the empire will break free from its shackles as soon as possible."

Xia Yuxiao propped her chin and listened to what he said.

She didn't say anything, just picked up the jade seal in her hand and pushed it forward:

"Whatever you want to do, just do it, anyway, I can't stop you."

However, Qin Ji didn't move, he bent down: "I don't want your majesty to leave this to me. As the emperor, your majesty should decide everything. Without your majesty's order, I dare not move."

"Then I order you." Xia Yuxiao smiled wildly, "Take Yuxi."

"I dare not!"

"Don't worry, I'm not doubting your loyalty," Xia Yuxiao's tone softened a lot, "This jade seal does not represent my own jade seal, but it is a jade seal that is almost the same as the emperor's order—second only to the seal in my hand. This one is real. If I don’t speak, the orders you issue with it are basically equivalent to my own orders from the emperor.”

"Qin Ji, I'm entrusting you with such a heavy responsibility here because I hope you can accomplish three things for me."

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty."

"The first thing is to solve the problem of the northern border as quickly as possible - as fast as possible."

"Second thing, I want you to speed up and find out those rebellious officials and thieves - no matter the cost, if you catch them, hand them over to me immediately."

"The third thing..." She pondered for a moment, then said, "I want you to build my own team of dead soldiers."

Qin Ji took a deep breath.

This request sounds a little outrageous, because in fact, as the highest authority in the empire, Xia Yuxiao herself has the most dead soldiers, but she said that she still needs a team of dead soldiers.

The meaning of this sentence is actually emphasizing that she wants an army that is only loyal to herself.

However, Xia Yuxiao should never trust Qin Ji. In this case, let Qin Ji take full responsibility for forming a team dedicated to serving His Majesty?What is His Majesty thinking?

But in any case, Qin Ji could not refuse such an order.

"I will do my best to complete His Majesty's mission."

"That's good." Xia Yuxiao said, and handed the jade seal in her hand to Qin Ji.

Qin Ji's hands trembled a little.

He is human, a living human being, not a machine.And as long as they are human beings, they will be more or less obsessed with power.

The jade seal in his hand is a symbol of the empire. Although it is not genuine, under His Majesty's order, it is infinitely close to the real thing. This jade seal represents the power of one person under ten thousand people. The future of the entire Xia Kingdom is in his hands. hand.

The jade seal is very heavy, and the impurities in this jade seal carved from a whole piece of jade are extremely rare, and it can almost be called flawless.The jade seal is a bit heavy, but compared to its representative meaning, its own weight is not so heavy.

"Do you want to go out with me for a walk?" Xia Yuxiao put the jade seal in Qin Ji's hand, looked at his trembling hands, and smiled, "In the imperial garden in the palace, the scenery is still very beautiful. Not bad, Qing is busy with state affairs, it's time to relax a little bit."

"I thank you, Your Majesty."


The imperial garden, called the garden, is actually almost equivalent to a park.

Countless birds and beasts are raised here, and this is a place for the emperor to play, but, no matter what, this is the forbidden area of ​​the palace after all, so there are soldiers guarding the imperial garden at intervals. The task of these soldiers is to protect the imperial garden from being Foreign enemies enter.

Walking through the bamboo forest amidst the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, Xia Yuxiao didn't seem to care that her expensive clothes were stained with mud, but just walked towards the depths of the bamboo forest.Although Qin Ji was puzzled, he didn't dare to disobey His Majesty's order, and just continued walking behind her.

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