When she heard the word ascension to the throne, she probably guessed who it would be.

Chapter 88 Beginning Game

The scene fell into embarrassment.

As far as the envoy was concerned, he did nothing wrong. Brother Ban was very wary of his younger sister. Although this wariness might not have come to the conclusion in his own mind, the old king was indeed cultivating in this direction.

Qin Ji knew what they were going to do, and the Saar Dynasty hoped to have a king who was decisive and ruthless enough, and Wuheya's father was the one who trained him in this direction.

Now, Wuheya knows the actual situation.

"Father, is he in good health?" she asked.

"Your Highness, his old man's body is still strong. After passing the throne to the current king, he has been enjoying life in his own residence, and occasionally goes out to hunt and so on."

The envoy spoke partly, but probably out of concern, he didn't talk about political and power issues.Although the original king has gone to hunt for retirement, how is the royal power, which has been tightly held by his father, distributed?

After all, Brother Ban is still a new king. Yes, he has the help of his father and has a great background. Others dare not disturb him, but the power cannot always be held in the hands of the old king, and it will be handed over sooner or later.

Wuheya didn't know exactly how to hand over, she only knew that the current Saar dynasty would definitely not be stable.On the surface, Brother Ban and his father united the various tribes, as if they were going to become a majestic prairie eagle, but there were too many hidden diseases in the Saar Dynasty.

It can only be said that the people in my hometown are relatively straightforward, and fighting is everything. Back then, it was true that they were in the limelight for a while, but what?Not long after the fight was over, the internal tribes fell apart.

Therefore, what Bange took over was actually a mess, each tribe had their own ghosts, and everyone wanted to occupy more resources on this grassland. Bange could maintain this status, but once there was no war, the The decay within the shelf will be exposed.

"I don't know about this at all." Wuheya waved her hands helplessly and said to Xia Yuxiao.Next, she needs to rely on Xia Yuxiao and Qin Ji to accomplish her goal, so the top priority is to reach a consensus with these two dogs and men and women as soon as possible to express their loyalty, "I have been in Daxia for so long, although I have chatted with him several times, but Never heard of it..."

"It's not just that you don't know, even I don't know."

Xia Yuxiao picked up a piece of snack, took a bite, and then said in a very calm tone.


Wuheya was numb.

I thought that my elder brother would make troubles, but I never thought that I would do things like this. The two countries, especially the relationship between the Great Xia and the Saar Dynasty, are still affiliated. In this state, even if you want to make big things, you have to do it It's enough to save face.

If his brother followed the procedure honestly and played Xia Yuxiao's request to be crowned king, at least on the bright side, he had done enough etiquette, and at least he still had a reason to find a way to get some benefits before making troubles.

You didn't play the title of king yourself at all, what are you doing, you are pulling the banner and saying "Labor and capital are rebellious, come and beat me"...

In this matter, the envoy who originally came to see Xia Yuxiao became a foil, and he sat there without saying a word.

He also had no way to speak. Judging from Brother Ban's almost open rebellion, even if he had worn out his lips, he might not be able to recover.

"I feel that the Saar Dynasty has always hoped to be independent from the Great Xia. For the Saar Dynasty, the Saar King Bange hopes to be able to sit on an equal footing with me and Daxia."

Xia Yuxiao spoke these polite words in an unhurried tone.

"I have to say that your king, Brother Ban, is an ambitious and simple-minded person. I appreciate it very much. The equality between the Saar Dynasty and the Great Xia, I think, is also time to resolve it."

"Your Majesty, you..."

As soon as Qin Ji opened his mouth, Xia Yuxiao stopped him:

"Princess, according to the previous practice, the children of foreign royal families who came to Daxia to study and exchange, once the relationship between the two countries changes, the metropolis will choose to do their last responsibility for their country. Princess, would you...will you Do you do this for your country?"

Xia Yuxiao spoke in a more euphemistic manner, but no matter how euphemistic the words were, they were especially obvious in front of the envoys.

"Your Majesty, it must not be done. Her Royal Highness is not aware of this matter. It is because the minister deliberately concealed it. I never told you. I have not asked Your Majesty to be king. It is really a matter of national conditions. I hope Your Majesty will be sympathetic."

The envoy hurriedly advised.

"Really?" Xia Yuxiao glanced at Wuheya, then gently picked up the teapot, motioned the maid to take a new teapot, poured a cup of tea for Wuheya herself, and placed it in front of her. "Let's drink tea, those who don't know are innocent, I will deal with this matter myself."

Holding the cup of tea, Wuheya was silent for a long time.

The scene suddenly became very tense, Qin Ji silently watched all this happening in front of him, like a wooden stake without saying a word.

At that moment, Wuheya quickly glanced at Xia Yuxiao and Qin Ji.

Qin Ji's expression was extremely indifferent, as if the person in front of him was not his friend at all, while the envoy looked at everything in front of him dumbfounded, as for Xia Yuxiao...

Her expression was that of a cat playing with its prey.The smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to be mocking her powerlessness.

"The current tea is a new tea from Daxia. It is said to be an excellent tea species cultivated from high mountains. It tastes light and elegant and has a lingering fragrance. Why, the princess is not used to drinking it?"

"This tea is expensive, isn't it?"

"Princess, what are you talking about? Even if the hospitality is as expensive as gold, it is worth the money, especially for a princess," Xia Yuxiao smiled. She smiled beautifully, as if she was really excited. Like an extremely young girl, "Princess, please taste it. This tea will not be available for a while after leaving Daxia."

After saying this, Xia Yuxiao also poured tea into Qin Ji's cup by the way.

"Thank you for the gift, Your Majesty." Wuheya said respectfully, then raised the cup of tea that was said to be out of Daxia, and drank it up.

She was betting, on the one hand, that Xia Yuxiao could still use her for this role, and on the other hand, she was betting that her best friend would not just sit back and watch something happen to her.

"This is the way to drink wine. It seems that the Thrall people are indeed straightforward by nature, so I will return a toast."

Xia Yuxiao nodded in satisfaction, then jokingly picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp.

The two smiled at each other.

"By the way, next, I am going to make friends with the new King Thrall," Xia Yuxiao said as if casually, "The Thrall people have fought with Daxia for so many years, and many of them have been with my Daxia." The one who intermarried and stayed in Daxia——Qin Ji, where are your ancestors from?"

"Your Majesty, the ancestors of this minister were Qikuo people."

"Look, if I don't say anything, who can tell that the Taiwei's ancestors were also from a foreign country?" Xia Yuxiao raised her feet in satisfaction, "So, I also hope to be able to get along with the Saar people. "

"To show my sincerity, I plan to let you return to the Saar Dynasty to serve as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the two countries. Wuheya, what do you think?"

It is said that she is appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but in fact, it is basically tantamount to letting the proton go.What Xia Yuxiao wants to show is a kind of sincerity, at least the sincerity on the surface - you see that I don't hold hostages, but you still want to use a knife on me?She really wants to see how Ban Ge sees her sister haunting her, it must be very interesting.

"Take orders."


Wuheya, who walked out, let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Obviously, Xia Yuxiao didn't intend to kill her, it was just a test.Speaking of which, this guy's personality is really bad...

However, just when she thought of this, there was a sudden rumble in her stomach, accompanied by the cool wind, she was taken aback for a moment, and then covered her back tightly with shame on her face.

Ah, I remembered, when Xia Yuxiao handed tea, Wuheya's cup was obviously the closest to her, but Xia Yuxiao didn't use the cup closest to her to drink tea, but handed it to Wuheya.

That's right, she really didn't want to kill Wuheya, but...

With the trembling of her legs and the gurgling sound in her stomach, Wuheya confirmed a fact. She tried her best to hold back her uncontrollable muscles, and sat for the final struggle, then gritted her teeth, her head full Khan growled:

"Xia Yuxiao, this grudge will have to be repaid sooner or later..."

Chapter 89 All Things Compete

Xia Yuxiao's plan was successfully completed.

This kind of operation, on the one hand, can show the demeanor of Daxia, on the other hand, it also makes the reason for returning Wuheya sufficient, and it can also send a friendly signal to the outside world.

And Wuheya doesn't need to sneak back to her country anymore.

Of course, this method of going back aboveboard will definitely bring her some danger. After all, judging from the series of operations performed by Brother Ban before, it is obvious that he is very wary of his sister.What's more, Daxia asked her to return to China this time as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the two countries. This status can easily be regarded as a foreign country.

But this is also tantamount to giving Wuheya a bright background. Even if the Saar Dynasty is ignorant and doesn't know how to do a good job of superficial skills, they should know that the Minister of Foreign Affairs cannot be killed casually without Daxia's permission.

Judging from the current way of action of the Saar Dynasty, they are obviously seeking to gradually expand - a big difference from the previous gamble of harassing the Daxia border. The strategy chosen by Ban Ge is obviously to gradually encroach and unify the surrounding tribes , and then challenged Daxia.

Therefore, the strategy set by Qin Ji and others is also very simple. If they want to cannibalize the surrounding tribes, Daxia will protect the surrounding tribes, such as the Suolqin tribe.As long as the other party does not expand the conflict, Daxia will not expand the conflict to avoid wasting national power.

After all, judging from the current plan, it is Wuheya, not Xia Guo's troops, who will win in the end.

It will take some time for Wuheya to prepare for her return. After all, this time she mainly went with a mission. It is impossible for her to return to her own country without preparation. Going back is no different, there is still a big difference between building a team from scratch and being ready to go back and start a team.

And at this time, it was Qin Siyue's turn to work.

In addition to assassination and unconventional interrogation missions, intelligence has now become the top priority of Grayscale's work.And this important task was handed over to Qin Siyue.

After all, as a character with good personnel and without much sense of presence, Qin Siyue's identity just happened to be able to engage in such a job safely, and Xia Yuxiao also believed in her ability.

In the name of Lingyan, Qin Siyue first selected about 30 people and organized a team dedicated to intelligence and infiltration.Afterwards, under Qin Siyue's command, these people immediately began to spy on the Saar dynasty without stopping.

At this time, on the other hand, Xia Yuxiao has also started a new strategic deployment.

This set of strategic deployments was made by Qin Ji, General Bai, Li Shijing and many other generals, and its main strategy is that after the affairs of the Saar Dynasty in the north subside, the eyes of Daxia should return to to the west.

There is no need to care about the south at the moment. Most of the south is a vassal state of Daxia, and relatively speaking, its beliefs are relatively independent. In a short period of time, its national power is also relatively weak. It is thankless for the church to set foot there.The most likely problem is the western region.

Therefore, according to the ideas of many generals, Daxia will place its main military deployment in the west, and strengthen its influence on neighboring countries in the west through diplomacy and trade, so as to form a buffer barrier that can protect itself.

At the very least, the church cannot be allowed to go unimpeded on the way to attack.

Those "study rooms" that teach the basics of literacy to the people have gradually spread under Xia Yuxiao's promotion. For the people in some areas, literacy is really something that has nothing to do with survival. In their eyes, their daily work is to work and pay taxes. As for literacy, it really doesn't matter. After all, the government says you have to pay how much tax, you have to pay it.

In short, for the time being, after the instability of domestic and internal affairs has been resolved, the current situation in Daxia is simply a state of vigorous vitality and all things competing for development.And now Qin Ji can finally relax a bit.


Consultant Cheng's residence. At this time, consultant Cheng is drawing a new water conservancy map.

Winter is really not a good season to go out to work, but the consultant Cheng insisted on visiting several major rivers in the county, and also investigated the situation of well water in various places.

With more and more information collected, consultant Cheng gave his own plan for water storage.

Several major rivers cannot store water, nor can they store water. Once water is stored, the water level of the surrounding tributaries will inevitably drop sharply, which will be a disaster for the farmland around the tributaries.Moreover, most of the major rivers do not store much water.

Therefore, if you want to store water, you can only store water in those lakes. If you do this, you must widen some rivers to allow water to flow into the lakes.

It is better to store water a little bit than to drastically reduce the flow of rivers downstream.

"This memorial is submitted to His Majesty, saying that it is a water storage map based on the local water network, please Your Majesty to decide."

He sealed the memorial and handed it over to his subordinates.

Since he came to the counties to investigate food and water conservancy issues, he really offended many people.

Take the simplest issue of food, the local forces are almost all hoarding.Moreover, many of them are not simply raising food prices, but actually stealing local granaries.

How could the local officials not know about this kind of thing?

But they chose to turn a blind eye. On the one hand, officials do have certain benefits in cooperating with these local gentry in obtaining food.On the other hand, most of the big households in these places belong to the type of local snakes, and they have great influence in the local area. Although the officials are not worried that they will harm their personal safety, it is really difficult to deal with them.

When the grain harvest was poor in the disaster year, it was hard to imagine how high the price these hoarders dared to sell the grain.

But Advisor Cheng is not afraid of them. The reason is simple. He is not a local official. He is a central official sent by the imperial court. calamity.

This directly caused him to offend a lot of people. The local snakeheads secretly nicknamed him "The Hooker".

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