"what happened?"

what happened?

There is something tricky, what else can I do!

The granary requirement stipulated by Daxia is to dig a hole of more than ten meters, with a big mouth and a small bottom.The main advantage of this construction method is that it is convenient for storage, and there will be no rot and deterioration due to the influence of temperature.But there are also downsides.

That is, compared with the granary directly built on the ground like "Mingcang", you can't directly check the bottom of this kind of granary.

Therefore, the inspection of this kind of granary is basically a method, and a wooden ruler is used to poke at the bottom of the warehouse.

When Consultant Cheng poked down, there was nothing unusual at first, but something went wrong with poking.

According to the requirements of the imperial court for building granaries, even the angle of the granary, the size of the mouth and the size of the bottom have detailed requirements. Why does the bottom of the granary in Jiangning County seem to be several circles smaller?And it doesn't feel right underneath.

"I'm talking about Brother Lu," the consultant Cheng said with a kind face, "The granary in our Jiangning County still has a multi-purpose granary?"

"Ah? Brother, what does this mean?"

"What I mean is that the food below seems to be not quite right. Brother, don't disappoint my trust in you." Consultant Cheng smiled, his tone was a little cold, and he didn't look at the situation. Sheriff, but still staring at the huge granary.

"How could it be, brother, the grains are all the same, don't you feel that when you poke it to the bottom, it feels different?"


"That's right. This grain warehouse is an old problem. It is probably built a little closer to the water vein. The bottom layer is often wet with water vapor, so the texture is naturally different. Don't worry, the new warehouse is under construction, and when it is completed We'll transfer the grain over there."

"Oh, I see."

The consultant Cheng suddenly realized, and then patted the old man on the shoulder: "Okay, the granary has been checked, let's go, brother, let's go have a few drinks."

The two left the granary as brothers, but Sheriff Lu didn't notice at all that among the group of guards behind them, three of the guards saw the hand gesture secretly made by the consultant Cheng.

They left the team quietly, and then returned along the road they had come out just now.

Chapter 92 Irregular Operations

At night, in Advisor Cheng's mansion, the two sat opposite each other on a table with two dishes and roasted pork and other food bought from the market.

The two dishes were cooked by the cook in the mansion before the consultant Cheng, such as roast meat, and the consultant Cheng paid for it himself.

The two called each other brothers, drinking happily.

However, in the granary not far away, an accident happened.

In other words, an accident that was not expected by Consultant Cheng.

A group of soldiers broke into the granary and ran straight to a granary.The government soldiers originally planned to stop them, but these soldiers were not intimidated by the warnings of the government soldiers at all. They controlled the government soldiers at the door after only a few face-to-face encounters. At that time, I didn't dare to act rashly.

Because they were the soldiers next to the imperial envoy during the day.

"Under the order of Master Gu, thoroughly investigate the matter of the granary. Master Gu is holding the imperial decree, which is the holy will. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you still want to survive, just stay aside."

After the warning, this group of soldiers did not procrastinate. Some of them were in charge of controlling the government soldiers to seal off the granary to prevent anyone from running out to report the news. Start digging.

These strong soldiers are indeed good fighters. They are good at building traps and fortifications on the front line. It is no problem to dig warehouses in the granary. Although the granary is ten meters deep, they still dug out the upper part very quickly. food.

The reason why it is said to be the upper part is because there is no food at all in the lower part.

The ones below are all filled like gravel. These fillings occupy at least one-third of the height of the granary. What's even more outrageous is that the soldiers picked up the standard drawing of the granary that they had prepared before and compared it with their own. When I dug this granary, I found that there is another world in this granary.

The bottom of the granary is very tight, which reduces the capacity of the granary by a large part. Of course, this does not mean that they did not repair it correctly, but added wooden boards on the basis of the original granary to form a smaller one. "granary".

In this way, with less grain, it can also show the effect of filling the granary.

"Good guy, I fought against the enemy on the front line back then, but these grandsons can play any tricks in the rear."

The leading sergeant stood in the granary and grabbed a handful of things that looked like sand and didn't look like soil. This thing should be some kind of stone, but you have to admire the adulteration of these people Dedicated, they can still choose white and beige colors. To be honest, if they are mixed with food, they can't be distinguished at a glance.

There is nothing wrong with doing something like this.

"Chief Tun, the main tent here has been caught, and I have told you everything."

Outside, a soldier shouted.

"What did you say?"

"He said that in the past few days he and several other county warehouse officials have been busy rounding up the amount of these food shortages, and they have stated the approximate amount of food."

"Recruited so quickly? You didn't beat him, did you? Mr. Gu didn't let us use lynching."

"How dare I, Tun Zhang, wouldn't that be a loss for our Taiwei? I'll scare him and tell him that if he doesn't tell the truth, he will be directly stuffed into the granary."

"...It's not polite, it's not polite. Let's go."

The head of the village pondered for a while, and this is not considered a lynching. After all, it was just a scare, and he didn't actually throw the family's main tent into the granary, so he simply stopped thinking about it: "Give me a hand, this thing in my hand is going to kill you." Hand it over to Mr. Gu."


The soldiers made a concerted effort to drag the strong head up, and the unlucky chief tent stood beside him. When he saw the head climbed up, he immediately knelt down on the ground:

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, I have no choice but to follow suit..."

"I'm not an official, what do you call me?" the head of the village frowned. Report to the sheriff."


"Damn, I have copied the enemy's granary so many times on the battlefield, I never thought I could catch up with my own family's granary."

The head of the village cursed in a low voice, and then quickly disappeared with the evidence of his subordinates and the head accountant personally drawing the deposit.


Governor Lu didn't know about all this, and the two of them were still talking about the past and the present.

Suddenly, a person from the county mansion ran over.

"Lord Sheriff, that, that, Boss Zhang wants to visit you, and is waiting at the county mansion now... Yo, Hello, Master Gu."

It was an official of the county government. Advisor Cheng recognized him. He was a small official, and his usual work was basically this kind of errand conveyance.

"Tell him, Brother Gu and I are having a good chat, tomorrow."

Sheriff Lu waved his hands dissatisfied.

"Brother Lu has a lot of friends. It's so late, and there are businessmen coming to visit."

Consultant Cheng blushed from drinking, and asked drunkenly.

"Hey, it's just a fabric seller who often goes to the government. He asked me for help because the business road was not smooth, and I happened to have this problem. After solving it, he always made friends with me," he said helplessly, "Brother, businessman, That's it, you..."

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door: "Master Lu, there is something urgent to report."

"Come in."

Governor Lu was upset by these servants, but he couldn't ignore anything, so he had no choice but to say.

The person who came in was chest heaving, and he looked really anxious. He was wearing a loose robe so that people could not see the clothes inside. Then he glanced at the consultant Cheng, and went straight to Sheriff Lu and whispered a few words in the ear .

Sheriff Lu's face became more and more serious.

"If you guessed correctly, this little brother, you should be one of the soldiers during the day, right?"

Consultant Cheng's memory is not so good, and he will basically not forget the people he meets during the day in a short time.

The mansion soldier was obviously stunned for a moment, then looked at the consultant Cheng in embarrassment.

"Since I'm right, Sheriff Lu, I think you should know what happened."

Consultant Cheng, who was still drunk, seemed to be fully awake at this time. He changed from the drunken state just now, and said with a smile.

"Brother Gu, aren't you a little too unjust in doing things?"

Sheriff Lu also sobered up—half frightened, half angry.

"I've been righteous enough to you, County Sheriff Lu, but I couldn't bear to pick on your boss on the spot." Consultant Cheng leisurely looked at the banquet on the table, "Oh, by the way, Sheriff Lu, that Boss Zhang, If I'm not mistaken, besides selling fabrics, he also seems to be responsible for helping you write off the bill, right?"

"Indeed, although other businessmen can also help you write off your accounts, Boss Zhang has many ways to clean up your accounts. He has business routes from north to south, so naturally he has contacts. There are many ways to wash your accounts. , Don’t you think so? He is an old fox with such a keen sense of smell, what do you think is the reason for looking for you in the middle of the night?”


"Consultant Cheng...don't be too extreme."

Chapter 94 Don't Let Me Be Proud

Holy Church.

Inside the Holy Church, the Pope quietly read the classics in front of him, and there were several books in front of him.

Among those few books, one was written in the language of Daxia, a book written by the sages of Daxia.

Obviously, for the pope, he is not indulging in his own sect for self-entertainment, he will also read other books from time to time, but he does not agree with some of the ideas in it.

"About Xia Guo's affairs, I don't think it's going very well, right?"

Facing the cardinal who came to report, the pope smiled and stroked his beard.

He likes to enchant his beard when he has nothing to do. After all, this beard really feels good in the hand. Not only him, but also those cute children will subconsciously want to play with his beard.

"Please rest assured that although it is not going well now, we are currently implementing multiple plans at the same time, and we will see results soon," the cardinal said firmly, "However, His Holiness, what needs to be considered now, Maybe it's not Xia Guo's problem."

"Oh? Why, has something serious happened?" the pope asked.

"It's not a big deal... On Hedeya's side, there are some problems. After all, it seems that there is a struggle about internal power. The secular power is now fighting in that country, but, in this In the process of power confrontation, we seem to find non-human participation."

Hearing the word "non-human", the Pope's eyes suddenly became severe. He turned around and stared at the cardinal: "Which race are you from?"

"Not sure, Your Majesty, we only know that there is one individual among them that can release the breath of dragons. Our people have tried to get close to that individual, but the other party is obviously very vigilant towards us. After discovering our intention to approach , and wiped it out immediately.”

"Dragon?" The Pope frowned, "Will the dragons be willing to participate in the power struggle of human beings? They shouldn't be so energetic... For now, the dragons we have encountered are all a bunch A reckless man staring at a god stronger than himself..."

"Your Majesty, although it cannot be ruled out that someone is imitating the Dragon Clan, I think this is enough to show that human beings have been infiltrated by non-human beings. Now we can still distinguish between those human beings and non-human beings, but What if they interact with humans more closely in the future? We won’t even be able to tell who is human and who is not. Especially blood races and other races that are similar to humans.”

"I remember that the king of the neighboring country that Daxia helped in the previous war seemed to have an inhuman by his side."

The pope seemed to recall something at this moment, he recalled.

"Yes, it is said that it is a hybrid, a hybrid of elves and orcs. According to some knights we fought with them, that woman is very strong. If it is not because of the superiority in numbers, the woman's combat effectiveness will definitely be Desperate."

"Human beings... At this time, even the hidden dangers of foreign races cannot be completely eliminated, and some people are still thinking of breaking away from the power of the Lord at this moment." The pope shook his head helplessly, "The newly trained paladins, how many?"

"There are about 60 people this time, Your Majesty."

"Counting the paladins before, we now have the power to fight against any race other than dragons, but we are only qualified to fight, and the winning rate is still very low."

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